Bachelor of Arts degree
UCFV has been a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of
Canada since October 1997.
All 300/400-level courses offered by the Arts division are equivalent to third-
or fourth-year university level.
With the inception of the SFU/UCFV affiliated Bachelor of Arts degree in
September, 1992, all 300/400-level courses were developed and offered in
partnership with Simon Fraser University until June, 1996, at which time the
Ministry of Education, Skills and Training gave UCFV the authority to grant the
degree independently.
Entrance requirements
University-level entrance
1. Completion of 30 Arts/Science university-level credits with a cumulative GPA
of 2.33, based on all university-level credits attempted. (Pre-college or
preparatory courses will not be considered as credit towards the 30 required for
2. a UCFV Liberal Arts diploma or Associate of Arts degree
3. a B.C. Associate of Arts degree.
For the purpose of Admissions, credits earned in the following disciplines will
be considered:
• Anthropology, art history, criminology/criminal justice (excluding CRIM 201,
202, and 203), economics, English, film, geography, history, international
studies, Latin American studies, mathematics/statistics, media and communication
studies, modern languages, philosophy, political science, psychology, religious
studies, sociology, SCMS, theatre, and visual arts.
The remaining credit can be from:
1. Any UCFV course listed as a requirement for a current degree-granting program
(with the exception of the BA in Child and Youth Care, the BBA in Aviation, the
BSc in Nursing; and the BSW), or
2. Any other course or practicum which has been reviewed by the Arts Curriculum
To date, some courses from Aviation, Communications, Library Technology, and
Social Services and Social Work have been approved. For a list of acceptable
courses and practica, please contact the Bachelor of Arts advisor.
How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission
form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available
from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form
from our website at, or you can apply directly through the
internet at See
Admissions Guide for a complete list of application
dates and general information.
Additional documents required for a complete application:
• official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary
institutions you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance
requirements. If transcripts are being sent directly from the institution(s)
attended, please indicate they are on order. To retain your original application
date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date your
application is mailed or submitted.
2. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be
provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register
(see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied to
the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees is due
the end of the second week of classes.
3. In cases where course work is in progress, an admission decision may be made
conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of
entrance requirements is due the end of the first week in August for the
September intake.
Declaration of majors, extended minors, minors
Students must be admitted to the BA program prior to declaring their major(s),
extended minor(s) or minor(s). Formal declaration is completed by appointment
with the Bachelor of Arts advisor. In order to have access to discipline
reserved seating, a student must be admitted to the BA program and be formally
Graduates wishing to complete a major, minor or extended minor
Students who have completed a bachelor's degree but wish to complete the
requirements for a major, minor or extended minor in the UCFV Bachelor of Arts
may be able to do this through a Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts. Please
contact the appropriate department for more information.
Fees and other costs
Fees stated are for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
Tuition fees for most full-time students are about $1.900 per semester (based on
enrolment in five courses or 15 credits). Books and additional supplies cost
approximately $100 per course. See the
Fees and Other Costs section
for more information.
Courses at other institutions
UCFV students who wish to take academic work at other institutions for credit
toward the degree must obtain permission in advance from the Arts advisor. A
form for this purpose may be obtained from the Admissions and Records office.
When approval has been granted, the Registrar’s office will issue a Letter of
Permission to the student.
Except as noted below, total transfer and course challenge credits, including
prior learning credit, may not exceed 60, and not more than 15 transfer credits
may count toward upper-level requirements. Within these limits, transfer credit
may be applied to the BA with courses passed with a grade of P or higher.
Transfer credit is not used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all program requirements are met.
This should be done by regular consultation with the UCFV Bachelor of Arts
Degree candidates who qualify to receive a UCFV degree must be approved by the
UCFV Arts division and the University College Board.
Students must apply for graduation by completing a request to graduate form
available at the Admissions and Records office. We recommend this be done in the
first month of the final semester. The final deadline for students who wish to
attend the graduation ceremony is April 1, with all program requirements
completed by April 30.
Standing required for continuance
All students at UCFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of
scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA.
Academic warning
A student who has a CGPA lower than 2.0 will be placed on Academic Warning for
the next semester. A student on Academic Warning may not register in a course
Students who do not achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while they are on
Academic Warning will be required to withdraw from the program.
A student on Academic Warning who achieves a single semester GPA of at least 2.0
will continue on Academic Warning until the CGPA equals or exceeds 2.0.
Course repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five course
duplications will be permitted. Where a course has been repeated, only the
higher grade is counted in the GPA calculation.
Required to withdraw
Students who have been required to withdraw from the BA program may continue to
take courses as a General Studies student; however, they may not register for
any upper-level courses.
Appeals for readmission
A student who is required to withdraw from the BA program must submit an appeal
for readmission to the Admissions and Standards committee if he/she wishes to
resume studies in the degree program.
In general, students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to
complete a further nine credits of academic work or to repeat a similar amount
of academic work taken previously in order to demonstrate their academic
abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of
the semester for which a student has applied. Readmission is not automatic.
Standing on readmission
If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic Warning again, subject to the
conditions for Academic Warning as described above.
Bachelor of Arts requirements
There are three sets of requirements to note:
1. Program requirements (below)
2. General requirements
3. Discipline requirements
Program requirements
To receive a Bachelor of Arts degree students must complete the requirements for
a major or two extended minors.
Students admitted to the degree should seek advice from the Bachelor of Arts
advisor. A formal declaration of your program choice should be made and approved
by the Bachelor of Arts advisor prior to the completion of 60 credits towards
the degree.
You must complete a minimum of 120 credits of which 65 must be in Arts. At least
30 of these credits must be at the 300/400 level in Arts. For the purpose of
meeting the 65 credits in Arts, students may choose courses from the following
list of subjects:
• Anthropology, art history, criminology/criminal justice (excluding CRIM 201,
202, and 203), economics, English, film, geography, history, international
studies, Latin American studies, mathematics/ statistics, media and
communication studies, modern languages, philosophy, political science,
psychology, religious studies, sociology, SCMS, theatre, and visual arts.
The remaining credit can be from:
1. Any UCFV course listed as a requirement for a current degree-granting program
(with the exception of the BA in Child and Youth Care, the BBA in Aviation, the
BSc in Nursing, and the BSW),
2. Any other course or practicum which has been reviewed by the Arts Curriculum
To date, some courses from Aviation, Communications, Library and Information
Technology, and Social Services and Social Work have been approved. For a list
of acceptable courses and practica, please contact the Bachelor of Arts advisor.
A minimum GPA of 2.0 in the BA program, a minimum of GPA of 2.0 in your
major/extended minor(s)/minor(s), and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all upper-level
credits required. Pre-college or preparatory courses will not satisfy program
Bachelor of Arts students must consider the following in making their course
• Access to seats in some courses may be limited due to course prerequisites
and/or seats reserved for students in specific programs or majors.
• Students considering a teaching career should be aware that not all
disciplines or programs are recognized for professional certification. As
teacher education programs are professional schools, students should seek advice
regarding course selection from the educational advisors in Student Services or
from the institution which they plan to attend.
Students preparing for graduate studies should seek advice from the UCFV
department head of their intended discipline to assist in course selection.
UCFV offers majors in
• English
• Geography
• History
• Mathematics
• Psychology
• Sociology/Anthropology.
Students choosing a major have the opportunity to concentrate their studies in
one subject area, preparing them for related careers or for further study
following graduation.
In addition, students may choose to complete a minor or extended minor in
conjunction with their major. Please note that a sociology/anthropology major
cannot be combined with either a sociology minor or an anthropology minor.
Additional requirements for Arts majors
Of the 120 BA credits:
• 65 must be in Arts subjects
• 45 must be at the 300- or 400-level (upper-level)
• at least 60 credits must be completed at UCFV, of which 30 must be upper level
• at least 15 upper-level credits that count towards your major must be
completed at UCFV
• at least 30 credits must be completed at the upper-level in the chosen major —
see individual subject areas for specific major requirements.
• the lower-level (100- and 200-level) requirements for at least one Arts major
must be satisfied — see discipline requirements beginning page 58.
• the Arts division general requirements must be satisfied. See
Extended minors
Students wishing to concentrate on two subject areas can earn a Bachelor of Arts
degree by completing two extended minors. UCFV offers extended minors in:
• Biology (applicable only to BA degree)*
• Computer Information Systems**
• Criminal Justice
• English
• Geography
• History
• Latin American studies
• Mathematics
• Mathematics/statistics
• Psychology
• Theatre
• Visual Arts.
Any two of these areas can be combined except mathematics with
An extended minor consists of the 100- and 200-level credits required for a
major as well as the 300- and 400-level credits equivalent to a minor in the
same discipline.
* Please refer to the Biology section for extended minor
** Please refer to the CIS section on for extended minor requirements.
Additional requirements for Arts extended minors
Of the 120 BA credits:
• 65 must be in Arts subjects
• 45 must be at the 300- or 400-level (upper level)
• at least 60 credits must be completed at UCFV, of which 30 must be upper-level
• at least seven upper-level credits counting towards each extended minor must
be completed at UCFV
• at least 15 credits must be completed at the upper level in each of two
extended minor disciplines — see individual subject areas for specific extended
minor requirements
• the lower-level (100- and 200-level) requirements for at least two Arts
extended minors must be satisfied — see discipline requirements beginning page
• the Bachelor of Arts general requirements must be satisfied. See
Requirements on the next page.
UCFV offers minors in:
• Anthropology
• Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy
• Business Administration*
• Computer Information Systems**
• Criminal Justice
• English
• French
• Geography
• History
• Kinesiology***
• Latin American Studies
• Mathematics
• Mathematics/Statistics
• Media and Communication Studies
• Sociology
• Theatre
• Visual Arts.
* Please refer to the Business Administration section for
Minor requirements.
**Please refer to the CIS section for minor requirements.
***Please refer to the Kinesiology section for minor requirements.
You may choose to complete a minor in conjunction with your major or double
extended minors. At least 15 credits of upper-level credits must be taken within
a single discipline unless otherwise specified in this calendar. At least seven
upper-level credits counting towards the minor must be taken at UCFV. Please
note that there are disciplines within the Arts faculty which have minors but do
not have majors.
Bachelor of Arts general requirements
Breadth requirement
Students enrolled in a major must complete at least 30 credits in five or more
subject areas outside the Arts major. No more than 12 credits from any one
subject area can be used to fulfil this breadth requirement.
Students enrolled in two extended minors must complete at least 30 credits in
five or more subject areas of which one can be one of their extended minors. No
more than 12 credits from any one subject area can be used to fulfil this
breadth requirement.
Note: These breadth requirements will be met in part by fulfilling the following
Writing requirement
Three credits from:
• English 105
• English 210 or Communications 155.
Reasoning requirement
• Philosophy 100 or at least three credits from each of the following lists:
• Humanities List
•Social Sciences List
• Art History 205, 316
•Anthropology 301
• Communications 250, 360 •Economics 100
• English 150, 364
•Geography 241, 452
• History 300
•Math 104
• Math 355
•Psychology 210, 408
• Theatre 201, 453
•SCMS 255
•Sociology 350
Lab Science requirement
Four credits from:
• Biology, 100-level or higher
• Chemistry, 100-level or higher
• Geography 101 or 102
• Kinesiology/Physical Education 163 or 170
• Physics, 100-level or higher
• Psychology 210 or 220.
Humanities requirement
Six credits from:
• Art History
• English 120 or higher
• Film
• French
• German
• History
• Interdisciplinary courses*
• Japanese
• Linguistics
• Mathematics
• Philosophy 100 or higher
• Religious Studies
• Russian
• Spanish
• Theatre
• Visual Arts
Social Science requirement
Six credits from:
• Anthropology
• Criminal Justice**
• Economics
• Geography 111 or higher
• Interdisciplinary courses*
• Latin American Studies
• Media and Communications Studies
• Political Science
• Psychology
• Social, Cultural, & Media Studies
• Sociology.
* Interdisciplinary courses are determined by the Bachelor of Arts advisor
** Please contact the Bachelor of Arts advisor for details regarding acceptable
criminal justice courses.
Special note: Prospective elementary and secondary school teachers must, in
following the above guidelines, take into account the B.C. College of Teachers
and Faculty of Education admission requirements. Consult an educational advisor
in Student Services for assistance.
Discipline requirements
For Major, extended Minor, Minor requirements in non-Arts disciplines, please
refer to sections as follows:
• Biology Extended Minor
• Business Administration Minor
• Computer Science Extended
• Kinesiology and Physical Education Minor
Arts discipline requirements, see under individual disciplines
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