Information technology continues to change at a rapid pace, and the impact
of both the technology and the rate of change on the business world is
significant. Businesses and organizations require educated personnel not only to
use, but also to design, implement, maintain, support, and manage their systems
and people.
Computer Information Systems
differs from Computing Science in that there tends to be an increased focus on
using technology effectively to support and add value to organizations. This
requires breadth and business knowledge as well as both theory and hands-on
Our programs are designed to
provide a mixture of theory and hands-on applied knowledge in our modern
well-equipped labs. The Computer Information Systems programs offered at UCFV
provide depth in both software development and systems and networking areas.
Graduates from certificate programs
are knowledgeable and experienced with smaller single-user systems, and
graduates from diploma programs are capable of working with both single and
networked systems. Diploma graduates are also capable of supporting and
maintaining systems through the regular and changing requirements placed by
ongoing business demands.
The degree program builds on this
base to provide graduates with additional technical knowledge and skills as well
as more educational breadth and a better business background. This will also
prepare graduates to move into managerial positions in information technology.
Effective information systems must
be supportive of the strategy, goals, and objectives of the organization they
serve, and therefore it is critical that IT professionals not only have the
technical skills to handle these systems, but that they also have the
organizational and managerial backgrounds necessary to understand the business
functions and role of their systems. In addition to a sound computing background
and ability to speak the language of business, graduates need to possess good
communications, personal management, and teamwork skills.
UCFV offers the following programs to prepare students for careers in a business
computing environment:
• Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree
A four-year program. A Co-operative Education option is available that
ladders on the diploma co-op option.
• Computer Information Systems diploma
The diploma program may be completed in two years without the co-op
designation and work terms.
A Co-operative Education option is available that can ladder on to the degree.
• Computer Information Systems certificate
A one-year certificate program. A customizable one-year certificate program,
combining a mixture of CIS, Business, and other courses, that may ladder into
the diploma. Students expecting to complete the diploma should apply to the
diploma program rather than the certificate program.
• Minor in Computer Information Systems
A minor in computer information systems is a valuable addition to a degree
in any other area, and greatly increases career opportunities in most areas.
Interested students should consult with their program advisor and the CIS
• Extended Minor In Computer Information Systems
An extended minor in computer information systems provides more breadth and can
be used as a larger minor with a major, or in combination with a second extended
minor in an Arts degree. The extended minor is also recommended for students
interested in obtaining a computer information systems minor for teaching
purposes. Interested students should consult with their program advisor and the
CIS department
• Minor in Computing Science (see
this section)
The minor in computing science is designed for science students and others
desiring a minor more focused on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of
computing. Interested students should consult with their program advisor and the
CIS department.
• Continuing Studies in Computing
Non-credit continuing studies courses in a wide range of computing areas are
offered over the year. Current and planned offerings are described at
Customized workshops, employee
in-service training and upgrading can be provided at a reasonable cost. For
further information, call 604-854-4589 (Abbotsford and Mission) or 604-792-0025
local 4589 (Chilliwack).
Career opportunities
Rapid change and the increased use of outsourcing have made the IT workplace a
very volatile one over the last few years. The CIS department meets twice a year
with an external advisory committee to track and predict change, and to keep our
programs relevant to current and future organizational needs. Our diverse
committee is peopled by members of industry and the public sector whose
knowledge and experience is pertinent, timely and crucial to our decision-making
Careers for information technology professionals fall into several categories,
including but not limited to:
• Software development
• Systems analysis and design
• User interface design and human factors
• Web and database design and programming
• Project management
• Computer security
• Network design and administration
• System and database administration
• End user support
• Management of technology
Our programs and courses provide the choices for students to design their degree
for entry into any of these areas.
Graduate Studies
Students completing the BCIS degree program who wish to pursue graduate studies
would normally choose a master’s degree in Computer Information Systems or an
MBA program. Students wishing to enter an MBA program should consider taking the
BCIS with a minor in Business Administration.
Students wishing to enter a graduate studies program in Computing Science should
consider taking the BCIS with a minor in Mathematics.
Computer Information Systems,
Co-operative Education option
The Co-operative Education option offers students in the Computer Information
Systems diploma and degree programs the opportunity to obtain paid,
career-related work experience in their field of study during their education at
UCFV. After completing their first year of study, Co-op students alternate
between semesters of full-time study and full-time paid employment.
A typical study and work
schedule is:
Year |
Fall |
Winter |
Summer |
1 |
Study term 1 |
Study term 2 |
Work term 1 |
2 |
Work term 2 |
Study term 3 |
Work term 3 |
3* |
term 4 |
Study term 5 |
Work term 4 |
4* |
Study term 6 |
Work term 5 |
Work term 6 |
5* |
Study term 7 |
Study term 8 |
Degree graduation |
* These study and work term sequences will vary for students entering into a
UCFV Co-op option at the third-year level. See the
Co-operative Education section
of the calendar for further details.
Students wishing to enter the Co-op diploma program should apply through the
Career Centre in the fall by September 30. Students are expected to follow the
schedule of work/study as established for the program, be taking all of the
semester courses as described in the calendar, and have credit for all previous
courses in the program maintaining a grade point average of at least 2.33 (C+).
Refer to the Co-operative Education
section of the calendar. Students in certificate programs who wish to consider
the co-op diploma option should contact the CIS program head prior to
registering for their second academic term.
Entrance requirements for all programs
Students who do not meet program entrance requirements or who lack recent
B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent, are encouraged to consult with
the department head at 604-854-4556 or the departmental assistant at
604-854-4589 to discuss their likelihood of success.
A. Certificate and diploma requirements
1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent. In addition, those 19
years or older and lacking graduation may be considered if their work experience
indicates a reasonable chance of success.
2. The math requirement for the CIS certificate, diploma, and degree is:
• A grade of C+ in B.C. Principles
of Math 12, including the Provincial Exam component (see Note1),
• MATH 094 and 095 with an average
grade of C+ or better, or
• MATH 110, or the equivalent, with
a C+ or better.
Note 1: B.C. Principles of Math 12 completed without the Provincial exam
before September 1, 2001, will be accepted with a grade of C+.
Students who are graduating from
Grade 12 but have not completed B.C. Principles of Math 12 with a C+ will be
permitted to apply early for the CIS certificate or diploma programs, and may be
accepted upon successful completion of the math requirement. Proof of successful
completion must be received by the CIS department by August 1.
3. All students entering the CIS programs are expected to be computer
literate. This includes knowing how to run programs and manage files in a
Windows environment and having basic Internet, word processing, and spreadsheet
skills. Students should consult the CIS website for specific prerequisite skills
needed for beginning courses.
4. Completion of the prerequisite for entry into CMNS 125. This course is
normally taken in the first semester of study in the CIS diploma program. Basic
English skills are a requirement for all CIS programs. See CMNS 125
prerequisites for details.
Students should note that the
Composition Placement Test (CPT) should be written well ahead of time, as CPT
results may not be returned for six weeks or more. Students will need their CPT
score (or equivalent) before being permitted to register in CMNS 125, and will
not be granted admission to the CIS program until proof of these requirements is
received by the CIS department. In some cases, arrangements may be made to write
the CPT at other institutions.
5. Students wishing to ladder into the Bachelor of Computer Information
Systems degree should consult the degree program requirements before registering
for diploma courses. Prerequisites for electives and required courses in
departments other than CIS may be higher than those necessary for diploma
6. Students entering any Computer Information Systems program are
strongly advised to ensure that they have access to a personal computer and an
internet connection, both with adequate resources for their level of study.
Students may consult the CIS department or the Computer Information Systems
Student Association for hardware recommendations.
B. Degree entrance requirements
1. UCFV Computing Information Systems diploma or other similar two-year
Computer Information Systems diploma.
2. CGPA of at least 2.67 (B-) is required for all courses listed above.
3. The math requirement for the CIS degree is:
• A grade of C+ in B.C. Principles of Math 12, including the Provincial Exam
component (see Note 1), or
• MATH 094 and 095 with an average grade of C+ or better, or
• MATH 110, or the equivalent, with a C+ or better, or
• MATH 125 (UCFV) with a C+ or better.
Note 1: B.C. Principles of Math 12 with a grade of C+, taken without the
provincial exam before Sept. 1, 2001, will be accepted.
4. Graduates of similar CIS diploma programs throughout the province may
require some additional coursework prior to admittance.
5. Requests for transfer of computing-intensive courses will be checked
for currency relative to the current CIS program.
C. Qualifying and Conditional Admission
Students with minor deficiencies may, at the discretion of the Computing
Information Systems department, be considered for conditional or qualifying
D. Admission to courses
Admittance to the program does not guarantee admittance to any particular course
section in any particular semester.
E. Technology requirements
Students entering any Computer Information Systems program are strongly advised
to ensure that they have home access to a personal computer and an internet
connection, both with adequate resources for their level of study. Students may
consult the CIS department or the Computer Information Systems Student
Association for hardware and software recommendations.
How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for
admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are
available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an
application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the
Admissions Guide
for a complete list of application dates and general information.
Additional documents required for a complete application to certificate/diploma:
• proof of B.C. secondary school
graduation or equivalent, or permission from the program head
• transcript (or interim
transcript) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
Additional documents required for a complete application to degree:
• an official transcript (original
sealed envelope) from every post-secondary institution you have attended.
Unofficial copies may accompany the application form if official transcripts
have been ordered.
2. You will be informed of the orientation meeting date. This meeting is
usually held on a weekday evening in April or May. You must attend or make
special arrangements with the department.
3. Upon admission to the program you will be provided with registration
information. A deposit is required when you register (see the
Fees and Other Costs
section). This money will be applied to the tuition
fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of
the second week of classes.
If the program is full, or you are waiting to find out about admission to the
program, you will be given an opportunity to register as a general student. It
is not necessary to submit a separate application form. If you meet the entrance
requirements and a space becomes available later, you will be contacted.
4. In some cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission
decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof
of completion of entrance requirements is due by the end of the first week in
Fees and additional costs
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
The fees for a full-time
certificate, diploma, or degree student (five courses or 15–20 credits) would be
approximately $1,900–$2,500 per semester. Books and additional supplies would
normally cost $75 to $150 per course. There may be some additional recommended
and mandatory costs in Computer Information Systems program courses, above
tuition and textbook costs. These may include training manuals, software, and
hardware costs. These expenses will vary from year to year. Students should
budget between $500–$1,000 for such costs over the four years of a degree
program. See Fees and
Other Costs for other student costs. Credits and
fees also apply to the co-op work terms.
All courses are offered in Abbotsford and many first-year Business
Administration and Computer Information Systems courses are offered in
Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and Mission. Some courses will be offered in the evening
for people working full-time who wish to take courses on a part-time basis.
Length of programs
The full degree program can be completed in four years of full-time study;
however, formal entry to the degree is at the third-year level after students
have completed two years through the diploma program. Due to the demand for
courses, students cannot be guaranteed entry to any CIS course. The fact that
they may have to be wait-listed for some courses may add to the length of time
it takes to complete a program.
The full diploma program takes two
years (four semesters) of full-time study. This is the minimum length of time
required for students who enter the program with no previous computing
experience and who expect to have a solid grounding in the subject. The co-op
diploma is 28 months and includes four academic semesters and three work terms.
The certificate program requires
two full semesters and can be completed in one year or less.
Need to apply for re-admission
Students in any CIS program (certificate, diploma, or degree) who fall into any
of the following categories must apply for re-admission.
1. Absence from a CIS program for more than three consecutive semesters
(including fall, winter, and spring). A student who withdraws from all courses
in a semester will be considered not to have registered in that semester.
2. Withdrawal from the first semester of attendance before completing any
course work, or failure to register.
3. Official completion of a CIS program or a change to another program.
CIS course challenge policy
Course challenge is intended to grant credit for knowledge gained outside of
UCFV that is not transferable under existing arrangements. A list of
undergraduate courses approved for course challenge is available at the
Admissions and Records office. Course challenge should be applied for at the
time of entry to the CIS program.
To apply you must formally submit a typed letter to the CIS department head for
all course challenges, preferably at the time you enter the CIS program. You are
expected to explain which course(s) you wish to challenge, and be able to
support your request by describing your prior knowledge and experience in the
course material, including documentation such as certification, resumes, etc.
Applications for course challenge
will then be considered by the CIS department, and if approved, the course
challenge will be arranged in the beginning of the next semester in which the
challenged course is offered. If you are unsuccessful in the course challenge,
you will have to re-enroll for the regular course at your own expense. Please
see the CIS department for more detailed information.
Computer Information
Systems certificate
This program is designed to meet the needs of small companies who require
employees with some computer experience.
Academic performance for the certificate program
Students in the CIS certificate program must maintain semester and
cumulative grade point averages of at least 2.0 (a C average) in order to be
awarded the certificate.
Students who do not maintain the
required cumulative grade point average will be placed on Academic Warning for
one semester. If they do not attain the required CGPA, they will be required to
withdraw from the program. Students who have been required to withdraw are not
normally readmitted to the program.
Course repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five course
duplications will be permitted in work used towards any CIS program. When a
course has been repeated, only the higher grade is counted in the GPA
Program outline
Students who want a certificate as a basic exit credential can choose any 30
credits from the CIS offerings, including degree program non-CIS courses, at
least one half of which must be CIS or COMP courses. Those who may want to
ladder this credential into the diploma are advised to take the courses listed
for the first year of the diploma. Students entering the certificate program
without any computer literacy skills will need to take CIS 100 or COMP 100 in
addition to the 30 credits.
Computer Information
Systems diploma
This program combines studies from the computing, business, and
communications fields, so students will acquire enough skills to obtain a first
job and also a broad base from which to expand their training. The four-semester
program provides theoretical groundwork and specific skill development courses,
with major emphasis on practical, hands-on work.
Academic performance for the diploma program
Students in the CIS diploma program must maintain semester and cumulative grade
point averages of at least 2.0 (a C average) in order to be awarded the diploma.
Students who do not maintain the
required cumulative grade point average will be placed on Academic Warning for
one semester. If they do not attain the required CGPA, they will be required to
withdraw from the program. Students who have been required to withdraw are not
normally readmitted to the program.
Course repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five course
duplications will be permitted in work used towards any CIS program. When a
course has been repeated, only the higher grade is counted in the GPA
Diploma program outline
Diploma and Years I and II of the degree program
The CIS diploma is the foundation of the Bachelor of Computer Information
Systems degree program. The diploma represents the first two years of the degree
and is a prerequisite for entrance into the actual degree program, which begins
in third year and continues into fourth year.
Year I
Fall semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 145 | Web Publishing | 3 |
or CIS 146 | Intermediate Web Publishing | 3 (see Note3) |
CIS 190 | Systems Hardware Concepts | 4 |
COMP 125 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
COMP 150 | Introduction to Programming | 4 |
CMNS 125 | Business Communications | 3 |
Winter semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 180 | Introduction to Visual Programming | 4 |
CIS 192 | Introduction to Networking | 4 |
COMP 155 | Advanced Programming | 4 |
MATH 125 | Introduction to Discrete Mathematics | 4 |
Approved Arts or other approved elective* | 3–4 |
*(see CIS web page at
Year II
Fall semester
Course | Title | Credits | |
CIS 230 | Databases and Database Management Systems | 4 | |
CIS 270 | Analysis and Design | 3 | |
CIS 291 | Networking Theory and Applications | 4 | |
CIS Elective (see Note1) | |||
Elective | Business or Communications elective | (see Note2) | 3 |
Winter semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 285 | End User Training and Support | 3 |
CIS | Elective (see Note1) | |
COMP 251 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 4 |
COMP 256 | Introduction to Machine Architecture | 4 |
CMNS 250 | Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services | 3 |
Note1: CIS electives: diploma students will take two of:
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 245 | Intermediate Web Programming | 4 |
CIS 280 | Client/Server Programming | 4 |
CIS 292 | Wide Area Networking I | 4 |
CIS 296 | Network Operating Systems | 4 |
Warning: Students proceeding to the degree program should note that
some optional courses are prerequisites for some upper-level courses.
Students should choose their
optional second-year courses carefully, so that they obtain the prerequisites
for the upper-level CIS/COMP courses they wish to take.
Note2: Business or Communications
elective options: BUS 100, 102, 120, 143, 144, 145, 162, 201, 202, 203, 223, or
CMNS 212, 235, or 275.
Note3: Students cannot obtain credit
for both CIS 145 and CIS 146 for the CIS diploma.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see
Course descriptions.
Bachelor of
Computer Information Systems
Program requirements
BCIS degree students are required to complete 40 courses with a cumulative value
of approximately 132 credits. The 20 pre- admission courses will normally be
from the lower-level courses listed for the CIS diploma program or equivalent
(see diploma program outline, above, for details).
The remaining 20 courses will include:
• 13 upper-level CIS/COMP courses
listed in Years III and IV of the degree program outline
• MATH 106: Statistics I
• Business or Communications
elective from approved list
• Approved Arts elective
• Two lower-level electives in
another discipline
• Two upper-level electives in
another discipline.
General and upper-level electives
Students will select two approved upper-level electives. Students are encouraged
to choose electives that will complement their career choice. These could
include math or science courses focusing on problem solving, or business
administration courses focusing on management. Suggested courses include those
with writing, applied communications, or media components; analytical skills
components; or presentation and teamwork-building components.
Students should plan their lower-level electives carefully so that prerequisites
are met for the two required upper- level electives.
Academic performance for the degree program
Students in the third and fourth years of the BCIS degree program must maintain
semester and cumulative grade point averages of at least 2.0
(a C average) in order to be awarded the degree. CIS and COMP courses used to
satisfy degree requirements in years three and four must be completed with a
grade of C or higher in order to be counted for credit towards the degree.
Students who do not maintain the required cumulative grade point average will be
placed on Academic Warning for one semester. If they do not attain the required
CGPA, they will be required to withdraw. Students who have been required to
withdraw are not normally readmitted to the program.
Course repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five course
duplications will be permitted in work used towards any CIS program. When a
course has been repeated, only the higher grade is counted in the GPA
Transfer credit
At least 50 per cent of the course work must be completed at UCFV, including at
least 30 upper-level credits.
Course withdrawal deadlines
Refer to
Course Withdrawal for details.
Degree program outline
Years I and II
See years I and II of the diploma program
Years III and IV of the degree program
Year III
Fall semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 385 | Project Management | 3 |
COMP 340 | Operating Systems | 3 |
MATH 106 | Statistics I | 4 |
Elective | Approved Arts elective (see Note1) | 3 |
Elective | Lower-level elective in another discipline | 3 |
Winter semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 390 | Data Communications | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 200 or above | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
Elective | Business or Communications (see Note2 below) | 3 |
Elective | Lower-level elective in another discipline | 3 |
Year IV
Fall semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 485 | Ethics & Other Management Issues | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
Elective | Upper-level elective in another discipline | 3 |
Winter semester
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 440 | Project | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
CIS or COMP | Course numbered 300 or above | 3 |
Elective | Upper-level elective in another discipline | 3 |
Note1: The current approved Arts elective options
are available online at:
Note2: Business or Communications electives options: BUS 100, 102, 120, 143,
144, 145, 162, 201, 203, 223, or CMNS 212, 235, or 275.
Note3: CIS/COMP courses numbered 300 or above elective option. See below:
Course | Title |
CIS 341 | System Administration |
CIS 370 | Software Engineering |
CIS 371 | Object-oriented Modeling and Design |
CIS 380 | Artificial Intelligence |
CIS 392 | Internetworking |
CIS 430 | Advanced Database Topics |
CIS 480 | Decision Support Systems |
CIS 495 | Advanced Topics in Computer Systems |
CIS 496 | Advanced Topics in Computer Applications |
COMP 350 | User Interface Design & Programming |
COMP 351 | Advanced Website Programming |
COMP 360 | Computer Graphics |
COMP 445 | Web Server Installation & Maintenance |
COMP 455 | Distributed Programming |
COMP 490 | Network Security & Cryptography |
Students in the third- and fourth-years of the BCIS degree program may choose to
take an optional defined concentration in either software development or systems
and networking. A concentration includes the five core upper-level CIS/COMP
courses, a set of five additional courses in the subject area, and three
upper-level CIS/COMP elective courses chosen by the student, one of which may be
numbered 200 or higher.
Successful completion of a concentration will normally be indicated on the
student's transcript.
Software Development
The five core upper-level CIS/COMP courses:
•CIS 385 Project Management
•CIS 390 Data Communications
•CIS 440 Project
•CIS 485 Ethics & Other Management Issues
•COMP 340 Operating Systems
•CIS 370 Software Engineering
•CIS 371 Object-Oriented Modeling & Design
•COMP 350 User Interface Design & Programming
•COMP 351 Advanced Website Programming
•COMP 455 Distributed Programming
•2 CIS or COMP courses numbered 300 or above.
•1 CIS or COMP course numbered 200 or above.
Systems & Networking
The five core upper-level CIS/COMP courses:
•CIS 385 Project Management
•CIS 390 Data Communications
•CIS 440 Project
•CIS 485 Ethics & Other Management Issues
•COMP 340 Operating Systems
•CIS 341 System Administration
•CIS 392 Internetworking
•CIS 430 Advanced Database Topics
•COMP 445 Web Server Installation & Maintenance
•COMP 490 Network Security & Cryptography
•2 CIS or COMP courses numbered 300 or above.
•1 CIS or COMP course numbered 200 or above.
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems
Minor in Business Administration
The BCIS degree (Business Administration minor) is designed for students who
wish to prepare for information technology careers requiring a business
background. This degree will prepare graduates for careers in information
technology management, and for business-related computing work.
• Entrance, academic performance and all other requirements are the same as for
the regular Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree program.
• Entry to the BCIS degree (Business Administration minor) will be granted when
students have completed the lower-level (diploma) requirements shown below and
have been accepted into the Business Administration minor program.
• Students should apply to Business Administration in their second year of the
CIS diploma program for entry to the Business Administration minor program.
• Entry to the BCIS degree (Business Administration minor) will be limited by
available space. Students should advise the CIS department head of their
intentions while in their first year of study. Students may apply to the CIS
department for entry in the last semester of their lower-level requirements.
• Students may change from the BCIS degree (Business Administration minor) to
the regular CIS degree at any time, providing they meet the current CIS degree
continuance requirements.
• A minor in Business Administration requires 30 credits including ECON 100 or
101, four-lower level business courses and five upper-level business courses.
Lower-level requirements
Lower-level requirements are the same as for the CIS diploma with the exception
that for the Arts or other approved elective in the CIS diploma, students should
choose a Business Administration course in order to meet the overall requirement
of four lower-level Business Administration courses.
Students are advised that upper-level Business Administration courses have
prerequisites. Students should plan their lower-level course work carefully with
the Business Administration department to ensure that they have these
prerequisites in place.
Upper-level requirements
Although some first- and second-year Business Administration courses are listed
in upper-level requirements, they should be taken as early as possible, as they
may be prerequisites for upper-level business courses.
Upper-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 385 | Project Management | 3 |
CIS 390 | Data Communications | 3 |
CIS 440 | Project | 3 |
CIS 485 | Ethics & Other Management Issues | 3 |
COMP 340 | Operating Systems | 3 |
7 CIS/COMP | courses numbered 300 or higher | 21 |
1 CIS/COMP | course numbered 200 or higher | 3 |
MATH 106 | Statistics I | 4 |
ECON 100 or 101 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
6 credits from approved Business courses | 6 | |
15 credits from Business courses numbered 300 or above | 15 | |
Total | 67 |
Students should consult the CIS degree program outline to find out when CIS
upper-level courses are offered. Students should consult the Business
Administration department and current timetables for information on when
Business Administration courses are offered.
Minor in Mathematics
The BCIS degree (Math minor) is designed for students who wish to prepare for
information technology careers requiring a mathematical background
• Entrance, academic performance, and all other requirements are the same as for
the regular Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree program, with one
exception. In the lower-level diploma program, students intending to enter this
degree will take two Math courses as a start to their minor, in place of the
Business or Communications elective and the approved Arts or other approved
elective normally taken in the CIS program.
• Entry to the BCIS degree (Math minor) may be granted when students have
completed the lower-level requirements shown below.
• Entry to the BCIS degree (Math minor) will be limited by available space.
Students should advise the CIS department head of their intentions while in
their first year of study. For this option, students should apply to the CIS
department in the last semester of their lower-level requirements.
• Students may change from the BCIS degree (Math minor) to the regular BCIS
degree at any time, providing they meet the current CIS degree continuance
Lower-level requirements
Lower-level requirements are the same as for the CIS diploma, with the
exceptions that:
• the Business/Communications elective is replaced
by MATH 111
• the approved Arts or other approved elective is replaced by MATH 112
Students are advised that upper-level Mathematics courses have prerequisites.
Students should plan their lower-level course work carefully to ensure that they
have these prerequisites in place.
Upper-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
CIS 385 | Project Management | 3 |
CIS 390 | Data Communications | 3 |
CIS 440 | Project | 3 |
CIS 485 | Ethics & Other Management Issues | 3 |
COMP 340 | Operating Systems | 3 |
7 CIS/COMP courses numbered 300 or higher | 21 | |
1 CIS/COMP course numbered 200 or higher | 3 | |
MATH 211 | Calculus III | 3 |
MATH 221 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 270 | Statistics | 4 |
One (3–4) 200-level Mathematics course* or MATH 302 | 4 | |
15 credits Mathematics courses numbered 308 or above | 15 | |
Total | 68 |
* MATH 225 is strongly recommended.
Students should consult the CIS degree program outline for information on when
CIS upper-level courses are normally taken. Students should consult the
Mathematics department and current timetables for information on when
Mathematics courses are offered.
Minor in Computer Information Systems
Lower-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
COMP 125 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
COMP 150 | Introduction to Programming | 4 |
CIS 190 | System Hardware Concepts | 4 |
3 other lower level CIS or COMP courses (Excluding CIS 100, CIS 110 and CIS 115 ) | 9 | |
Total | 20 |
Upper-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
Any 5 upper level (300 or 400 level) CIS or COMP courses | 15 | |
Total | 35 |
Entrance requirements
Students may declare the CIS minor once they have completed the lower-level
requirements. A GPA of 2.67 or better in the lower-level CIS/COMP courses is
required for acceptance. Students should declare the minor to the CIS
Department. Students also require B.C. Principles of Math 12 (or equivalent)
with a grade of C+ or better in order to take required CIS and COMP courses.
Academic performance for the minor in CIS
Students in the CIS minor program must maintain semester and cumulative grade
point averages of at least 2.0 (a C average). Students must have a GPA of 2.0 (
a C average) on the courses required. Upper-level CIS and COMP courses must be
completed with a grade of C or higher in order to be counted for credit toward
the minor.
Students who do not maintain the required cumulative
grade point average will be placed on Academic Warning for one semester. If they
do not attain the required CGPA, they will be required to withdraw from the
Extended minor in Computer Information Systems
Lower-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
COMP 125 | Principles of Computing | 3 |
CIS 145 | Web Publishing | |
or CIS 146 | Web Publishing - Intermediate | 4 |
COMP 150 | Introduction to Programming | 4 |
COMP 155 | Object Oriented Programming | |
or CIS 180 | Introduction to Visual Programming | 4 |
CIS 190 | Systems Hardware Concepts | 4 |
CIS 192 | Introduction to Networking | 4 |
CIS 230 | Databases and Database Management Systems | 4 |
CIS 270 | Analysis and Design | 3 |
Total | 30 |
Upper-level requirements
Course | Title | Credits |
Any 6 upper-level CIS or COMP courses | 18 | |
Total | 48 |
Entrance requirements
Students may declare the CIS extended minor once they have completed the
lower-level requirements. A GPA of 2.67 or better in the lower-level CIS/COMP
courses is required. Students should declare the extended minor to the CIS
Students also require B.C. Principles of Math 12 (or equivalent) with a grade of
C+ or better in order to take required CIS and COMP courses.
Academic performance for the
extended minor in CIS
Students in the CIS extended minor program must maintain semester and cumulative
grade point averages of at least 2.0 (a C average). Students must have a GPA of
2.0 ( a C average) on the courses required for acceptance. Upper-level CIS and
COMP courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher in order to be
counted for credit toward the minor.
Students who do not maintain the required cumulative grade point average will be
placed on Academic Warning for one semester. If they not attain the required
CGPA, they will be required to withdraw from the minor.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see
Course descriptions.
Paul Franklin, MSc (SFU), Department Head
Stephen Bohm, BEng, MASc (Concordia)
Shelley Drysdale, BASc (UBC), MEng (UBC), PEng
Ravi Gill, BCIS (UCFV)
Colleen Gingerich, BA (Michigan), lab instructor
Daniel Harris, BCIS (UCFV)
Duncan Jeffries, BSc (UBC), MSc (UBC)
Paul Kroeker, BCIS (UCFV)
Edward Lo, MASc (UBC), PEng
Robert McAuliffe, BIST (SAIT)
Patrick O‘Brien, BComm (Windsor), MSc (BSU)
Gary Ridsdale, PhD (SFU)
Paul Rushton, BSc, BEd (Dalhousie), MSc (Alberta)
Sandi Sasaki, BA (SFU), Instructor’s Diploma (VCC), Lab Instructor
Ora Steyn, BA (South Africa)
Chris Watkiss, PhD (Toronto)
Part-time faculty
Trish Blondin, Dip (BCIT)
Vijay Dass, Dip (Singapore)
Nicole Egresits, MOUS, Dip (CDI)
David Fynn, CA
Jim Hamlin, BCIS (UCFV)
Jim Hobek, Dip (CDI)
Program staff
Leslie Bogula, Media Resources Dip. (Capilano), Departmental Assistant
Dave McCarthy, BA, MCSE, MCT, System Administrator
Program Advisory committee
The Computing department receives both advice and assistance from members of an
advisory committee on all aspects of the program. Current members include:
Nicolle Bourget, Telus Enterprise Solutions
Steve Calnek, TSC Software
Computer Information Systems
Student Association Member, UCFV
Terry Cox, Computing and Technical Services, UCFV
Lance Duthie, BC Hot House Foods Inc.
Dana Epp, Fraser Valley Linux Users Group
Darlene Jensen, Canada Customs Revenue Agency
Rob Mitchell, Cooperative Education, UCFV
Trevor Newton, Stratabase
Aaron Shepard, Correctional Service Canada
Randall Venhola, Discovery Software
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