UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Economics minor

This section specifies the Economics minor requirements only for students in the BA, BBA, and BGS degree programs. BA students must combine these minor requirements with another Arts major. See the Bachelor of Arts requirements for the chosen major or minor. For students wishing to combine the Economics minor with their BBA degree, please see the other Bachelor of Business Administration requirements. BGS students should see the Bachelor of General Studies requirements.

Lower-level requirements

Course Title Credits
ECON 100 Microeconomics 3
ECON 101 Macroeconomics 3
BUS 162 Business Math 3
 or MATH 104 Introductory Statistics 4
 or MATH 106 Statistics I 4
 or MATH 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4
MATH 111 Calculus I 4
 or MATH 115 Differential and Integral Calculus I 4

Upper-level requirements

Course Title Credits
ECON 307 Managerial Economics 4
ECON 410 Economics of Financial Markets 4
ECON 300- or 400-level 4
ECON 300- or 400-level 4
 or one course from:  
 BUS 410 Government and Enterprise 3
 BUS 433 Investments 3
 BUS 434 Risk Management and Financial Engineering 3
 BUS 435 International Finance 3
 BUS 449 Financial Management II 3
 BUS 450 Probabilistic Models in Operations Analysis 3
 BUS 451 Computer Simulation Models in Business 3
 BUS 452 Computer Applications in Operations 3
 BUS 453 Decision Theory in Business 3

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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