English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

BIO 0833 credits
Pre-College Biology I Prerequisite(s): None. ENGL 071 or English 10 is recommended
This is a pre-college level course designed for students who intend to enter university studies, health sciences, or technology courses. Topics include ecology as it relates to current environmental problems; cell structure, function and reproduction; and overview of simple organisms, such as algae, and their relationship to advanced life forms of plants and animals. An important component of the course is a series of laboratory sessions which reinforces classroom topics.
BIO 0934 credits
Pre-College Biology II Prerequisite(s): Biology 12 with a C- or better; or BIO 083 or BIO 11 with a C+ or better. Chemistry 11 or CHEM 083, and/or Principles of Math 11 or Applications of Math 11 or MATH 085 are highly recommended.
Mammalian organ systems will be studied in detail. Organic molecules and basic chemical processes will be used as a basis of study for the organ systems investigated as well as cell structure, cell membrane structure, and energy transformations in cells. Enzyme function, DNA structure, and protein synthesis are introduced. Mitosis, meiosis, and genetics will be used to introduce genetic diseases and cancer. Laboratory skills are developed in a series of laboratory sessions designed to enhance the learning outcomes associated with the lecture material.
BIO 1054 credits
Human Biology Prerequisite(s): None
This course is designed for non-science students with an interest in biology. Cell and organismal physiology, nutrition, reproduction, genetics, evolution, and basic ecology are studied in lectures and laboratory using the human organism as a focus. BIO 105 cannot be used to meet the requirements for a Biology major, extended minor, or minor programs. Bachelor of Science students with credit for any Biology course numbered above 110 are not allowed to take BIO 105 for further credit.
BIO 1064 credits
Ecology from an Urban Perspective Prerequisite(s): None
This course is designed for non-science students with an interest in ecology and their own environment. The course will present concepts of basic biology and ecology in lectures and laboratory in order to help students understand the natural environment and human influence on it. Topics will include the scientific method, evolution, biological adaptations, classification, nutrient cycling, and features of populations and communities using examples from organisms found in local urban and rural ecosystems. Emphasis will be placed on enhancement of the urban environment for naturally occurring species. A weekend Streamkeepers course and a field project may be required. Biology 106 cannot be used to meet the requirements for major, extended minor or minor programs in biology. Note: Students with credit for any Biology course numbered above 110 may not take Biology 106 for further credit.
BIO 1115 credits
Introductory Biology I Prerequisite(s): Biology 12 or BIO 093, and Chemistry 11 or CHEM 083; or Biology 11 or BIO 083, and Chemistry 12 or CHEM 093
This course is for majors in biology and for career programs, such as dentistry, education, forestry, medicine, agriculture, etc., that require a rigorous treatment of current concepts in biology. The course will emphasize the molecular and cellular basis of life, biochemical processes, cellular structure and function, and genetics.
BIO 1125 credits
Introductory Biology II Prerequisite(s): BIO 111
This course continues the study begun in BIO 111 of the principles of biology. This course includes a study of the interaction of organisms with one another and their physical environment as they relate to the anatomy and physiology of plant and animal systems, the diversity of life on the planet and evolution.
BIO 2014 credits
Cell Biology I Prerequisite(s): BIO 111, BIO 112 and CHEM 114. CHEM 213 strongly recommended.
This course provides an introduction to the biochemistry, structure, and function of cellular components. The course opens with an exploration of biological macromolecules, enzymes, and energetics as the basis for interpretation of structure and function of cellular membranes and organelles. Students examine major pathways of chemotrophic and phototrophic metabolism in cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, focusing on energy flow in the cell and its control. Lectures and integrated laboratory exercises emphasize the importance of experimental evidence underlying current understanding of cell structure and function.
BIO 2024 credits
Cell Biology II Prerequisite(s): BIO 201
A continuation of Cell Biology I, this course focuses on signal transduction in cells. Topics covered include: electrical and chemical signalling in cells, DNA structure and organization of the eukaryotic genome, DNA replication, the cell cycle and cancer, biotechnology and genetic engineering, gene expression, transcription and translation mechanisms, and control of gene expression.
BIO 2034 credits
Microbiology I Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112
An introduction to modern microbiology; provides a base in the fundamentals of microbial structure, bioenergetics, growth, and genetics, predominately by considering bacteria and viruses.
BIO 2104 credits
Introduction to Ecology Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112. Note the prerequisite will be waived for students who have completed the Agriculture Technology diploma. Contact the Biology department to arrange a prerequisite waiver.
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of ecological theory relating to the structure and function of ecosystems. This course includes field trips. A required weekend field trip will be held on the third weekend of the fall semester.
BIO 2204 credits
Genetics Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112
This introductory genetics course deals with the principles and concepts of transmission of genetic information in all living organisms. The function of a gene will also be studied at the molecular level.
BIO 2704 credits
Introduction to Forensic Biology Prerequisite(s): 5 university transfer courses, one of which must be from the following list: BIO 105, BIO 106, BIO 111, BIO 112 or CHEM 150
This course introduces the student to the techniques involved in locating, processing and interpreting forensic scenes with human remains. Students will learn to interpret the effects of biological and environmental factors on forensic scenes. Students will learn basic osteology so that they can identify human remains, determine their sex, age, ancestry, and stature and correctly interpret any associated trauma to the bones. This course includes a required one-day field exercise. Students must have a current tetanus shot. Note: This course is offered as BIO 270 and CRIM 270. Students may take only one of these for credit.
BIO 2803 credits
Human Physiology Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112
This course introduces students to the physiology of humans. We will be studying the endocrine, nervous, sensory, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory, and gastrointestinal systems of humans. This course is meant as a survey of the different organ systems in humans with particular focus on physiological principles and mechanisms.
BIO 3014 credits
Anatomy and Physiology of Invertebrates Prerequisite(s): Any two Biology courses numbered 200 and above
The physiological, behavioural, and anatomical adaptations of major groups of invertebrate animals will be studied. Principles of functional morphology and evolutionary relationships will be emphasized. Life histories, feeding and nutrition, locomotion, respiration, excretion, reproduction, evolution, and development will be discussed. The importance of these organisms to human society and world ecology will be included where appropriate. This course may include a required field trip.
BIO 3054 credits
Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates I Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and 202
This course deals with physiological and anatomical adaptations of select vertebrate animals with an emphasis on basic physiological concepts and structure/function relationships within the vertebrate body plan.
BIO 3064 credits
Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates II Prerequisite(s): BIO 305
This course is a continuation of the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrates. Organ systems covered in this course include cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, reproductive, and lymphatic/immune.
BIO 3074 credits
Anatomy and Diversity of Plants Prerequisite(s): BIO 210
This course focuses on the study of the histology, anatomy, morphology, and life cycles of plants. The diversity of plants will be looked at from an evolutionary point of view. Recent advances in the use of plants in forensic science and medicinal uses will be covered. Laboratory exercises and experiments will emphasize structure and function using appropriate techniques.
BIO 3084 credits
Plant Physiology (formerly BIO 304)
Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, 220 and 307 (formerly 303)
Corequisite(s): BIO 320 recommended
This course examines the physiological processes that allow plants to adapt and survive in various environments. The role of light, water, and temperature in controlling plant development and function will be emphasized. How plants control developmental processes through phytohormones and plant response and adaptation to both biotic and abiotic stresses will be highlighted.
BIO 3103 credits
Conservation Biology Prerequisite(s): BIO 210
This course examines both theoretical and practical aspects of conservation biology. Drawing from numerous biological fields, including ecology, population genetics, and evolution, this multidisciplinary approach seeks to investigate causes and extent of human impacts on the natural world and to develop practical solutions to prevent further declines. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have developed an excellent working knowledge of the global makeup of biological diversity and the threats that exist. They will be well versed in the various approaches and challenges to achieving realistic conservation goals on both local and global scales, and will be familiar with the different career opportunities open to conservation biologists.
BIO 3123 credits
Developmental Biology Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, 202 and 220
Embryonic development is studied at various levels: organismal, cellular, molecular and genetic. Both classical and modern experimental approaches using several model species will be described.
BIO 3203 credits
Biochemistry Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, and CHEM 213
This course deals with the structures, function and metabolic interactions of lipids, steroids, vitamins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, and amino acids. DNA replication, transcription, and protein synthesis as well as regulatory aspects of these processes will also be discussed.
BIO 3254 credits
Introductory Medical Microbiology Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 203
Pre- or corequisite(s): BIO 202
The course focuses on the relationship between human health and microbes. The functioning of the immune system, the normal human flora, and diseases caused by microbial pathogens will be studied.
BIO 3264 credits
Environmental Microbiology Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 203
Pre- or corequisite(s): BIO 202
There has been an increase in interest in environmental microbiology since the late 1980s. This exciting field encompasses the physiology, ecology, biochemistry, and genetics of microorganisms, with potential for environmental applications. This course will place emphasis on environmental sustainability. To this end, studies will focus on agricultural uses of micro-organisms, interactions between micro-organisms and with higher organisms, tracking pathogens in the environment, nutrient cycling, pollution, and bioremediation. Success in environmental sustainability will require the application of molecular biology to microbial ecology and the use of genetically engineered micro-organisms. As well, it will require an interdisciplinary approach with an interface between microbiology, biogeochemistry, aquatic and organic chemistry, hydrogeology, and soil physics. This course will therefore also provide students with an introduction to molecular biological techniques and how they pertain to environmental microbiology and interaction with these other disciplines.
BIO 3304 credits
Plants and Animals of British Columbia Prerequisite(s): BIO 210
This course is an introduction to some of the most common species of plants, birds and mammals of British Columbia. Through lecture, laboratory experience and field trips, students will learn systematic identification of major families of organisms. The ecology and distribution of organisms will be discussed in the context of the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification system currently used in British Columbia.
BIO 3404 credits
Population and Community Ecology Prerequisite(s): BIO 210, MATH 111 and MATH 112
Corequisite(s): None
This course will focus on how both biotic and abiotic environments influence the ecological adapation of organisms. We will examine population processes related to differential natality, mortality, and dispersal in relation to these adaptations. Community aspects, such as competition and predation, and abiotic conditions that generate the observed patterns of plant and animal distribution and abundance will be examined. Patterns of community structure, including diversity, stability, biogeography, dominance, and succession, will be studied in the field. Case studies and mathematical models will be used to examine quantitative and qualitative adjustments of populations to their environments.
BIO 3503 credits
Medical Genetics Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, and BIO 220.
In this course we will be studying the inheritance of diseases in human families and analyzing molecular mechanisms through which genetic changes cause disease. We will also discuss aspects of genetic counselling and bioethics related to medical genetics.
BIO 3604 credits
Insect Biology Prerequisite(s): Any two Biology courses numbered 200 and above
Corequisite(s): None
This course is an introductory course looking at insects and their diversity. Topics include basic internal and external anatomy, moulting and growth, locomotion, reproduction, insects and their relationships with plants and animals, insects as pests, and social insects. A survey will be made of major insect orders and families and an insect collection will be required.
BIO 3853 credits
Neurobiology Prerequisite(s): BIO 111, 112, and 201
Pre- or corequisite(s): BIO 202
This course is an introduction to human neuroanatomy and physiology. The course investigates the neural structures and activities underlying various human behaviours and system functions as well as the neural pathology underlying various brain disease and dysfunction.
BIO 3904 credits
Animal Behaviour Prerequisite(s): BIO 210
This course is an introduction to the relationship between the behaviour of animals and their survival and reproduction in natural environments. This course investigates physiological mechanisms underlying behaviour and surveys the theory and principles used in ecological and evolutionary analyses of animal behaviour. A field observation study will be carried out in the lab period.
BIO 4013 credits
Molecular Biology I Prerequisite(s): One of BIO 304, BIO 312, BIO 320 or BIO 325
A study of advanced problems and concepts of topics such as cell organization, cell function, and the control of cell division and growth. Students will be required to participate in class seminars designed to analyze the recent scientific literature on topics related to the molecular Biology of cells.
BIO 4023 credits
Molecular Biology II Prerequisite(s): BIO 401
This course provides a study of advanced problems and concepts on topics such as sex determination, embryonic development and the molecular aspects of human diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and atherosclerosis. Students will be required to participate in class seminars designed to analyze the recent scientific literature on topics related to the molecular biology of cells.
BIO 4034 credits
Molecular Techniques I Prerequisite(s): BIO 202, BIO 220, BIO 203 AND one of BIO 312, 320, 325 or 401
This is an intensive practical laboratory course that provides students with an applied introduction to the methodology used in recombinant DNA technology. The course encompasses an integrated series of molecular biology laboratory exercises that involve the cloning and analysis of the bioluminescence genes from a marine bacterium. The course focuses on the basic techniques of modern molecular biology including: DNA isolation and restriction analysis, agarose gel electrophoresis, ligations, transformation of recombinant DNA, preparation and screening of a genomic library, and Southern blotting and hybridization. The course is appropriate as a molecular biology component of microbial genetics, genetics, biochemistry, or advanced microbiology programs of study.
After completing the course students will be comfortable in a laboratory setting and will be prepared for careers in research or the biotechnology/pharmaceuticals industry.
BIO 4053 credits
Applied Plant Biotechnology Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and BIO 220
Corequisite(s): BIO 320 strongly recommended as a co-or pre-requisite
This course examines the application of various biotechnologies to plants and plant cells. Specifically, the application of tissue culture, DNA markers, rDNA techniques and genomic approaches to plants will be studied. The impact of these technologies on agriculture, forestry, and the pharmaceutical and food industries will be explored. Lastly the impact of biotechnology on society and the regulation of plant biotechnology will be discussed.
BIO 4063 credits
Advanced Genetics Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, and BIO 220.
This course provides for a detailed discussion of the molecular basis and practical aspects of genetic recombination and mutation. The influence of genetic change through mutation and recombination on populations and quantitative traits will also be discussed.
BIO 4073 credits
Applied Biotechnology Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 220. BIO 320 recommended.
This course examines the application of biotechnology to modern society. Specifically, the application of fermentation, tissue culture, DNA markers, rDNA techniques, xenotransplantation, and genomic approaches will be investigated. The impact of these technologies on medicine, industry, environment, and agriculture will also be explored. Lastly, the impact of biotechnology on society and the regulation of biotechnology will be discussed.
Note: Students with BIO 405 cannot take BIO 407 for further credit.
BIO 4083 credits
Directed Studies in Biology I Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, BIO 210, BIO 220, and permission of instructor required
The course is designed for students in a Biology major or minor. They will have an opportunity to apply scientific principles in a creative hands-on research experience outside the usual course format. Students will develop their own projects in biology under the supervision of a faculty member with expertise in the field. The projects will be equivalent in weight and difficulty to a single upper-level course.
BIO 4096 credits
Directed Studies in Biology II Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and permission of instructor
Biology 409 is similar to Biology 408, but is designed to accommodate more ambitious projects. This course may be taken over two semesters as 409A and 409B.
BIO 4104 credits
Plant Ecology Prerequisite(s): BIO 210, and one of BIO 307, BIO 330 or BIO 340; or GEOG 317
This course provides students with an understanding of factors, biotic and abiotic, responsible for vegetation distribution patterns across landscapes. In particular, lectures will address plants at the individual, population, and community levels and demonstrate how plants interact with their physical environment – soils, water, and climate. Field trips and laboratory exercises will introduce methodologies of vegetation sampling, analysis, and interpretation. Field trips outside of class time are required. Note: This course is offered as both BIO 410 and GEOG 410. Students may take only one of these for credit.
BIO 4143 credits
Genomics Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, 202, and 220
This course examines the way genetic information is encoded, ordered, and expressed on a whole organism basis. Strategies and methods for cloning DNA, obtaining sequence data, and assembling this information into continuous constructs will be explored. The course will also examine standard techniques for describing and mapping the rapidly growing body of genome information. Finally, we will look at how patterns of expression in different cells and cell types can be used to study a variety of biological processes including disease states and genetic engineering approaches. A portion of the course will involve the hands-on use of computer-based searching methods and the manipulation of data sets.
BIO 4153 credits
Cancer Biology Prerequisite(s): BIO 220, and any one of BIO 401, 403, 405, or 407
Cancer biology examines the genetic, developmental, and environmental basis of this disease, and explores current as well as future anti-cancer treatments. Topics to be covered include: tumorgenesis, control of the cell cycle, the role of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, angiogenesis, metastasis, immunotherapy, and novel approaches to cancer treatment.
BIO 4163 credits
Evolution Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 and BIO 220, and either BIO 312 or BIO 320
This course is an investigation of the mechanisms and processes of the evolution of biological organisms. The history and development of evolutionary thought and contemporary issues are discussed.
BIO 4203 credits
Special Topics in Biology Prerequisite(s): Any three Biology courses numbered 200 or above, or permission of the instructor
Students will have an opportunity for an in-depth investigation of specialist areas in biology, under the guidance of an expert in the field. Students must check with the Biology department to determine course availability and content area for a particular semester.
BIO 4214 credits
Special Topics in Applied Biology Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above
In this course students will have an opportunity to explore a specialized aspect of biology with an expert in the field. Topics will be chosen from a wide range of biological areas with an emphasis on field or laboratory applications to regional issues. Field trips and/or laboratory exercises will introduce methodologies of the specialist area. Field trips outside of class time may be required.
BIO 4303 credits
Forest Ecology (Formerly BIO 420D)
Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 and one of BIO 307, 330 or 410
This course provides an integrative, interdisciplinary discussion of the structure and function of forest ecosystems, with a special reference to forests of British Columbia and Canada. Topics to be covered will include the following: the concept of ecosystem studies; global and local variations in forest type; forest ecosystem classification; processes controlling ecosystem structure and function; disturbances, succession and ecosystem function of boreal forests; and computer modeling in ecosystem studies.
BIO 4704 credits
Advanced Forensic Biology Prerequisite(s): CRIM 270 or BIO 270
This course further develops the investigative techniques and methodology of forensic biology. Topics of further study will include the investigation and methods of processing and interpreting human remains. Students will use biological and physical features of the environment to interpret remains recovered from buried, scattered, underwater (ocean and freshwater), and arson scenes. Advanced studies will examine juvenile and developmental osteology. New advancements in the field involving DNA and individualizing techniques will also be examined. This course includes a required one-day field exercise. Students must have a current tetanus shot and steel toed boots. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for both CRIM 470 and BIO 470.
BIO 4971 credit
Topical Biology Seminar Prerequisite(s): BIO 202 and any one Biology course 200-level or higher.
This course allows students in Biology to participate in seminars based on current topics in Biology. Students will give seminars based on primary literature and critically evaluate seminars given by other students and expert guest speakers from UFV and other institutions. This course will be required for students in the Honours program but open to all students who meet the prerequisites. Students registered in the Honours program will be given priority registration.
BIO 4999 credits
Directed Studies in Honours Biology Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree program and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.
Biology 499 is a research-based course taken over two semesters as BIO 499A and BIO 499B. Students will conduct a research project under the supervision of a faculty member or an approved off-campus supervisor. The results of the research will be written as a thesis and presented both orally and in poster format. Students will be required to present their research at an appropriate student research forum.
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