UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Continuing Studies

Continuing Studies programs


Continuing Studies offers a number of certificate programs in a variety of employment sectors. Each program may have its own set of entrance requirements. Contact information is included at the end of each page.

Bookkeeping for Small Business certificate — This part-time certificate program is designed to train persons working in, or for small and home-based businesses. The training will enable them to organize and summarize the books of these companies using the current business-standard computers and software. For more information, contact Mandy Watts at 604-864-4638 or 604-792-0025, local 4638.

Community Pharmacy Technician certificate — A part-time program designed to train individuals seeking employment in community pharmacies.

Computer Assisted Drafting (CAD) certificate — A part-time program that provides training at a basic skills level and also skill development in specialty areas and functions.

Dental Office Receptionist certificate — This program is designed to provide students with the skills to work as a dental office receptionist.

Family Child Care certificate — This program provides training for licensed family daycare providers, nannies, and parent aides. Both practising and potential care providers can attend this part-time program.

Floral Design certificate — This program focuses on mastering correct mechanics and basic shapes of floral design using fresh materials as well as treated and dried floral products. Students will receive practical, hands-on experience, and course content that is current with the floral industry.

Legal Administrative Assistant certificate — This advanced program is intended for experienced office workers who wish to increase their career options or candidates with successful completion, within the past two years, of a business office training program at the post-secondary level, equivalent to the UFV Applied Business Technology certificate. This comprehensive, five-month, full-time program prepares students for employment in a variety of organizations including: law firms, real estate companies, financial institutions, law enforcement agencies, correctional institutions, and government agencies such as court services and Crown Counsel offices.

Library Technician Post-diploma certificate — This program is designed for those who have previously completed a Library Technician diploma and are seeking continuing education opportunities that directly address issues relating to their profession. Offered jointly by the Library and Information Technology and Continuing Studies departments, this program is specifically designed to meet the needs of working professionals.

Medical Imaging Clinical Support Worker certificate — This advanced program is intended for those who currently hold a Medical Office Assistant or Nursing Unit Clerk certificate, or a certificate in an allied health program, or who have two years’ experience within the last three years in a medical imaging department. This program will provide the theoretical and clinical components to work as clinical support workers in the medical imaging department of hospitals.

Medical Office Assistant certificate — An intensive 14-week (including two-week practicum) program designed to prepare students to work in medical offices.

Nursing Unit Clerk certificate — This program prepares individuals to work in hospitals as nursing unit clerks.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate — This certificate program prepares students for teaching English language classes in non-English speaking countries.

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) certificate — This certificate program prepares students for careers as teachers of English to speakers of other languages. It can be taken either after completion of a bachelor’s degree program or while completing one.


Paralegal diploma — This two-year diploma program will be offered two days a week (early evenings) plus a Saturday for eleven months per year, followed by a six-month practicum, for a total of 75 credits. A paralegal assists in preparing for and attending hearings, conducting legal research, interviewing clients and witnesses, managing evidence, and drafting legal documents. They complement the work of legal counsel and handle any substantive legal work that is not limited to counsel by statutory provisions and other restrictions.

Other subject areas

Agricultural courses

Offered primarily for people currently employed in agriculture, part-time courses include subjects such as pesticide use and dispersion training, horticulture, cattle nutrition, and a variety of crop courses. UFV is able to set up short-term agriculture courses to suit the needs of specific groups in the area, and your inquiries are invited.

UFV and community sponsored cultural events

UFV supports and promotes, with other community groups, a variety of non-traditional educational activities. These events or activities are usually co-sponsored and can range from major events like citizens’ forums to the organization of speakers and discussion groups.

Regional centres

UFV administers a regional centre in Hope as well as the Agassiz information centre. The centres offer these services:

• Registration and program information
• Vocational and career program information
• Counselling appointments
• Learning resources. Some of the resources and services of the main UFV library are available on request.
• Audio/visual equipment, such as TVs, VCRs, cassette recorders, and overhead projectors, are available to instructors. Students should inquire about their needs. Ask at your regional centre for further information.

Regional centre staff invite your suggestions, ideas, and comments. These people are the liaison between UFV and the communities it serves, and they welcome your input. Please drop in!

Contract training

UFV is community oriented, and organized to provide educational opportunities in an extremely diverse range of subject areas, from agriculture, arts, and aviation to upgrading, welding, and word processing. Through its Continuing Studies department UFV is able to make available this broad spectrum of instructional and professional expertise, on a cost-recovery basis, to organizations, agencies and other clients within the UFV community whose special requirements cannot be met through our regular calendar of offerings. Examples of contracted courses and services include:

• Airbrake Training
• Agricultural workshops and seminars
• Community Health
• Computer training (Internet, word processing, desktop publishing, computerized bookkeeping)
• Curriculum development
• Customer service
• Dental Professionals
• First aid training
• Forklift Truck certification
• Management training
• Personal/professional development
• Traffic Control person
• Welding

For more information on contracted UFV services, contact a Continuing Studies representative at the UFV centre nearest you.