English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

DHYG 1013 credits
Microbiology for Dental Hygiene Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DHYG 160
This course introduces dental hygiene students to microbiology. Topics include an introduction to microscopy, prokaryotic cell structure and function, bacterial nutrition, microbial metabolism, control of microbial growth, oral microflora, and animal viruses.
DHYG 1023 credits
Pathophysiology for Dental Hygienists Prerequisite(s): DHYG 101
This is an introductory course in human pathophysiology, emphasizing the pathogenesis of injury and disease. The course explores general concepts, processes and patterns of disease, using specific diseases as examples. It does not deal specifically with oral pathology, although concepts and diseases discussed will have relevance to dentistry. Selected disease processes and injuries are examined at the cellular, organ and organism level, providing a broad overview of pathophysiology.
DHYG 1103 credits
Head and Neck Anatomy Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DHYG 101, DHYG 160
Students are introduced to anatomical and physiological features of the head and neck region, including oral and periodontal anatomy. The course focus is on the healthy / normal continuum that provides the foundation for clinical dental hygiene practice as well as for further study.
DHYG 1202 credits
Dental Anatomy Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DHYG 101, DHYG 160
Crown and root anatomy, morphology and occlusion will be studied in detail. Students will identify features of crown and root morphology that relate to the identification and differentiation of teeth, in addition to occlusal relationships and how these may affect the provision of dental hygiene care.
DHYG 1211 credit
Oral Embryology and Histology Prerequisite(s): DHYG 160
Corequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 125, DHYG 130, DHYG 161
Students will identify the sequence of embryological development and the principles of oral histology of the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity and associated structures. This course builds on the concepts introduced in fall science courses and continues to provide the foundation for clinical dental hygiene practice as well as for further study.
DHYG 1251 credit
Periodontology I Prerequisite(s): DHYG 101, DHYG 110, DHYG 120, DHYG 160
Corequisite(s): DHYG 121, DHYG 130, DHYG 140, DHYG 161
This course covers the basic theory of periodontal diseases, focusing on the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical characteristics and therapy, for plaque induced gingivitis and chronic periodontitis.
DHYG 1262 credits
Oral Pathology I Prerequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 161
Corequisite(s): DHYG 162
The role of the dental hygienist in recognizing oral pathology is examined as part of comprehensive dental hygiene care. Processes and terminology for recognition and accurate recording of oral lesions are discussed and applied. The clinical characteristics of common soft tissue lesions, caries and other tooth abnormalities are discussed.
DHYG 1281 credit
Nutrition I Corequisite(s): DHYG 126, DHYG 162, DHYG 190
Students learn about the Canada Food Guide Recommendations and the role of nutrition in oral and general health. Students apply concepts in the analysis of their own diet.
DHYG 1302 credits
Radiology I Prerequisite(s): DHYG 120, DHYG 160
Corequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 121, DHYG 125, DHYG 140, DHYG 161
Basic principles of radiation physics, generation, biology and the uses of x-radiation are introduced in this course. Students will also learn the theory behind the basic techniques of radiography for application in clinical dental hygiene.
DHYG 1402 credits
General Dentistry Introduction Prerequisite(s): DHYG 160
Corequisite(s): DHYG 121, DHYG 125, DHYG 130, DHYG 161
Basic concepts and principles of dental materials used in the prevention and treatment of dental diseases are studied. The interaction between dental materials and the surrounding oral tissues that impact instrumentation are included. Students will learn to discuss the materials available for specific dental problems. This course may be presented in a combined on-line and lecture format.
DHYG 1503 credits
Principles and Issues I Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DHYG 160
This course introduces the profession of dental hygiene. Current concepts of practice are examined with emphasis on roles, professional communications, deportment, responsibility, accountability, and behavioral foundations for health promotion. Legal and ethical aspects of practice are also introduced. The Human Needs Model is introduced as the foundation for the hygiene process of care.
DHYG 1513 credits
Principles and Issues II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 150, DHYG 160
This course builds on concepts introduced in Principles and Issues 1. Dental hygiene care, as a research-based, wellness-oriented practice is further examined. Research principles and basic statistics are introduced as a basis for analysis of professional literature. Application of dental hygiene theory and health promotion are explored.
DHYG 1606 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice I Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Dental Hygiene Program
Corequisite(s): DHYG 101, DHYG 110, DHYG 120, DHYG 150
This course introduces concepts and principles of clinical preparation, the dental hygiene process of care, with a focus on assessment, instrumentation, and record keeping. It includes an overview of evaluation of dental hygiene care and the beginning skills of problem-solving, teaching/learning, time management, self-evaluation, and professionalism. Related skills are practiced in a clinical setting on manikins and peers. This clinical course introduces the Human Needs Model to guide the dental hygiene process of care.
DHYG 1615 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 101, DHYG 120, DHYG 160
Corequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 121, DHYG 125, DHYG 130, DHYG 140, DHYG 151
This course presents more advanced aspects of clinical preparation and the dental hygiene process of care. Skills are practiced in a clinical setting. Skills in problem-solving, communication, teaching/learning, self-evaluation, and professionalism are further developed. Students expose radiographs on mannequins and peers. This clinical course utilizes the Human Needs Model to guide the dental hygiene process of care.
DHYG 1624 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice III Prerequisite(s): DHYG 161, DHYG 125
Corequisite(s): DHYG 126, DHYG 128, DHYG 190
This course is a continuation of DHYG 160 and DHYG 161. All phases of the dental hygiene process are further developed as students gain more experience in client care. Students begin to demonstrate competence in selected procedures and additional related skills are practiced. This clinical course utilizes the Human Needs Model to guide the dental hygiene process of care.
DHYG 1901 credit
Community Dental Health I Prerequisite(s): DHYG 121, DHYG 130, DHYG 140, DHYG 151, DHYG 161
Students study the health/disease continuum from the viewpoint of various community groups. Included are issues about community dental health, oral health delivery modes, current concepts of health education, health promotion and partnerships with community groups. Students will participate in an externship designed to provide a diversity of community experiences.
DHYG 2102 credits
Pharmacology I Prerequisite(s): DHYG 162
Corequisite(s): DHYG 260
Principles of pharmacology and drug therapy are presented and the specific drugs and techniques of pain control used in dentistry are discussed. The successful completion of the local anesthesia portion of this course is required before a student is allowed to deliver local anesthetics in the clinical setting.
DHYG 2112 credits
Pharmacology II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 210, DHYG 260
Corequisite(s): DHYG 261
This course is a continuation of DHYG 210 and builds on the principles discussed there. Additional drugs used in dentistry are presented, as are other families of drugs that impact the delivery of dental treatment.
DHYG 2253 credits
Periodontology II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 125
Corequisite(s): DHYG 230, DHYG 260
This course focuses on other types of periodontal diseases beyond that of plaque-induced gingivitis and chronic periodontitis. Advanced diagnostic techniques and therapeutic interventions and the role of surgical therapy are discussed.
DHYG 2262 credits
Oral Pathology II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 126
Corequisite(s): DHYG 261
This course provides advanced study of oral pathology, with an emphasis on recognition, significance and accurate description of clinical appearance of intra oral lesions. Microbiological and immunological aspects of periodontal disease and the process of differential diagnosis of oral pathologies are also discussed.
DHYG 2271 credit
Oral Pathology III Prerequisite(s): DHYG 210, DHYG 226
Corequisite(s): DHYG 261
This course provides advanced study of oral pathology, with an emphasis on submucosal oral pathologies including symptoms, radiographic signs and significance. Common lesions of the face are briefly discussed.
DHYG 2281 credit
Nutrition II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 102, DHYG 128
Corequisite(s): DHYG 260
This course is a continuation of the study of basic nutritional concepts according to the Canada Food Guide, and their application to oral health. Concepts are applied in the clinical setting for clients whose dietary choices compromise their oral health. Dietary analysis and recommendations are provided for selected clients.
DHYG 2302 credits
Radiology II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 125, DHYG 126, DHYG 130, DHYG 162
Corequisite(s): DHYG 260
This course expands on the basic radiology concepts from Radiology 1 and focuses on interpretation of oral radiographs. Concepts, principles and applications of advanced and specialized radiography techniques are also discussed.
DHYG 2501 credit
Principles and Issues III Prerequisite(s): DHYG 151, DHYG 162, DHYG 190
Corequisite(s): DHYG 260
In this lecture and seminar course students focus on the career aspects of dental hygiene. They study workplace settings and educational opportunities, organizational, financial and marketing initiatives in clinical practice. Contracts, office overhead, insurance and promotional guidelines are emphasized.
DHYG 2512 credits
Principles and Issues IV Prerequisite(s): DHYG 250, DHYG 260
Corequisite(s): DHYG 261
In this seminar and lecture course, the students focus on legal and ethical requirements for dental hygiene practice in B.C. Current trends and issues in dental hygiene are discussed and the student learns about the structure and function of professional associations and the regulatory authorities. Registration, scope of practice, quality assurance and political processes are examined.
DHYG 2606 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice IV Prerequisite(s): DHYG 162
Corequisite(s): DHYG 210, DHYG 230, DHYG 225, DHYG 228, DHYG 250, DHYG 290
The student continues to study and apply aspects of client assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation on selected clients and through case study. Dental imaging and administration of local anesthetic are applied in a clinical setting. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of case presentation.
DHYG 2616 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice V Prerequisite(s): DHYG 260
Corequisite(s): DHYG 211, DHYG 251, DHYG 226, DHYG 227, DHYG 291
Comprehensive clinical skills required for periodontal care within the scope of dental hygiene practice are integrated with previously acquired knowledge and skills. Individualized comprehensive care of clients with special needs will be emphasized.
DHYG 2624 credits
Clinical Theory and Practice VI Prerequisite(s): DHYG 261
Knowledge and skills learned in all dental hygiene courses are integrated to provide consistent, comprehensive clinical dental hygiene care. Emphasis will be placed on the transition into private dental practice setting.
DHYG 2902 credits
Community Dental Health II Prerequisite(s): DHYG 190
Corequisite(s): DHYG 260
This course is a continuation of DHYG 190. The emphasis is on the promotion of oral health, as well as community dental health programming. Didactic information will be applied in the community through field experiences encompassed in the externship associated with this course.
DHYG 2912 credits
Community Dental Health 3 Prerequisite(s): DHYG 290
Corequisite(s): DHYG 261
This course builds on community health concepts introduced in DHYG 290. The focus is on the role of the dental hygienist as an agent for change, planning programs and marketing oral health. Current community dental health research is also reviewed. Students will continue gaining field experience, as a part of the externship associated with this course.
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