UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Unless stated otherwise, the minimum grade acceptable in all course prerequisites is a C-.

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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PHYS 0834 credits
Preparatory College Physics I
Prerequisite(s): MATH 085 or Principles of Math 11. (Note: students currently enrolled in Principles of Math 11 can contact the instructor to request permission to register.)
This is a university preparatory course equivalent to the Physics 11 course taught in BC high schools. Successful completion of this course provides the prerequisites to enroll in PHYS 101 at UFV. No prior knowledge of physics is needed.
This course covers the main concepts in mechanics and optics. In mechanics, the topics studied are kinematics, vectors, Newton’s laws, translational motion with applied forces, centripetal force, energy, work, and momentum. In optics, the topics covered are properties of light, reflection, image formation from plane mirrors and spherical mirrors, refraction, image formation from convex and concave lenses, diffraction, and models of light.
A large number of experiments will be assigned to provide correlation between the classroom theory and practical applications.

PHYS 0934 credits
Preparatory College Physics II
Prerequisite(s): Any B.C. MATH 11, MATH 084 or MATH 085, and one of PHYS 083, Physics 11 or PHYS 100
This is a college preparatory course equivalent to the Physics 12 course taught in B.C.'s high schools. Successful completion of this course gives the prerequisites to enrol in PHYS 111 at UFV. The concepts covered are mechanics, electricity, and magnetism. In mechanics the topics are kinematics with emphasis on 2D motion, vectors, Newton's laws, Newton's gravitational law, projectile motion, centripetal force, conservation of energy, work, conservation of momentum. In electricity and magnetism the topics are: Coulomb's law, electric fields, potential and potential difference, Ohm's law, circuits, resistances in series and parallel, Kirchhoff's laws, magnetic fields and their sources, and forces produced by magnetic fields. A large number of experiments will be assigned to provide correlation between the classroom theory and practical applications.

PHYS 1004 credits
Introductory Physics I
Prerequisite(s): Any B.C. Math 12 or MATH 094 or COMP 138
Corequisite(s): MATH 095 is suggested
This course is designed for students who have not taken physics before, and either need grade 11 physics equivalency for entry to a technical program, or are interested in continuing on in science. It also satisfies the Laboratory Science requirement for the UFV BA. The course material overlaps Physics 11 and PHYS 083, and includes such topics as: kinematics, energy, wave motion, and geometric optics. Some discussion of relativity and nuclear energy is also included. This course is designed as an entry-level course for students strong in mathematics who have no physics background.

PHYS 1015 credits
Introductory General Physics: Mechanics and Fluids
Prerequisite(s): One of (Principles of Math 12 or MATH 094/095), and one of (Physics 11, PHYS 083, or PHYS 100). Students enrolling in MATH 111 might wish to enroll in PHYS 111
This is an introductory non-calculus Physics course. The course covers Newtonian mechanics; motion, momentum, and energy of particles, rigid rotating bodies, and fluids. The object of the course is to develop both an understanding of physical laws and logical problem-solving skills. The course has lectures, tutorials, and laboratory experiments.
Note: PHYS 111 is the entry course for upper-level physics. Students with PHYS 111 cannot take PHYS 101 for further credit.

PHYS 1055 credits
Heat, Waves, and Optics
Prerequisite(s): (Principles of Math 12 and Physics 11), (Principles of Math 12 and Physics 083), or (Principles of Math 12 and PHYS 100), or one of Physics 12, PHYS 093, PHYS 101, or PHYS 111.
Though suitable for all science students, this course is of particular interest to students taking biology and chemistry. Topics include thermodynamics, waves, geometric and wave optics, and electric circuits. This course can be taken by students who only need one non-calculus physics course, and already have Grade 11 physics, or can be the second half of a full-year non-calculus program. The course can also be used in combination with Physics 111 as an entry into a UFV physics major, although Physics 111 and 112 is the preferred route.

Note: Both PHYS 101 and PHYS 105 are often required for transfer.

PHYS 1115 credits
Prerequisite(s): Physics 11 or PHYS 083 or PHYS 100; Physics 12 recommended.
Pre- or corequisite(s): MATH 111 (Calculus). Note: Students with BC Calculus 12, IB Math 12, or AP Calculus 12 A or B should contact instructor or department head for permission to register.
This course is intended for students who are planning to study engineering science, or life sciences. Topics covered include: vectors, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, collisions, rotational kinematics, rotational dynamics, simple harmonic motion, and gravitation. The object is to understand the fundamental laws of mechanics, to learn how to apply the theory to solve related problems, and to develop a feeling for the order of magnitude of physical quantities in real experiments.

NOTE: Students cannot take PHYS 100 or PHYS 101 for further credit.

PHYS 1125 credits
Electricity and Magnetism
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 111 or (PHYS 101 with a B+, MATH 112 recommended) or (PHYS 101 and 105, MATH 112 recommended)
Pre- or corequisite(s): MATH 112
This course follows PHYS 111 and is designed for students who are planning to continue their studies in physics or any of the other sciences. Topics include electric fields, Gauss's law, electric potential, circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, magnetic fields, magnetic induction, and finally, a study of Maxwell's equations. The laboratory portion of the course uses experiments to reinforce the theory covered in class.

PHYS 2214 credits
Intermediate Mechanics
Prerequisite(s): (PHYS 111 and PHYS 112) or (PHYS 101 and PHYS 105 with a B+ or higher in each)
Pre- or corequisite(s): MATH 211
This course extends the topics covered in Physics 111. Topics covered include kinematics, motion in polar coordinates, Newton's laws, momentum, work, some mathematical aspects of physics and vector analysis (gradient, divergence, curl, Stokes' theorem and Gauss's law), angular momentum, forced and damped harmonic motion, central forces and Lagrangian mechanics. The laboratory portion of the course includes experiments designed to supplement the theory covered in class.

PHYS 2223 credits
Intermediate Electromagnetism
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221 and PHYS 112
This course extends the topics covered in Physics 112. Topics include steady-state and time-varying electric and magnetic fields, elements of DC and AC circuits, complex vector representation of sinusoidal quantities, and electric and magnetic properties of solids. Experiments in voltage, current and impedance measurements, and RC, RL and RLC circuits are used to reinforce the classroom theory. The course will be presented using lectures, tutorials, and laboratory experiments.

PHYS 2313 credits
Introductory Thermodynamics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112
This course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in engineering or physical science. This is an introductory course designed to study the fundamentals of heat, energy, and thermodynamics. Topics include temperature, heat, the first and second law of thermodynamics, phase change, and the kinetic theory of gases.

PHYS 2322 credits
Experimental Methods in Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112 or MATH 111 or MATH 115
This course is an introduction to the techniques involved in designing a physics experiment. There is an emphasis on electric circuits and electrical measurements, but practical methodologies useful in all experimental physics courses are developed.

PHYS 2523 credits
Introduction to Twentieth Century Physics: Special Relativity and Quantum Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112
This is an introductory course in Einstein's theory of Special Relativity and Quantum Physics. The course will use qualitative discussions of the two theories along with the development of the more formal mathematics needed to acquire a deeper understanding of the theories. The topics in the Theory of Special Relativity include: problems which occurred in the "old physics", Lorentz transformations, and geometrical interpretations of the Lorentz transformations, dynamics, conservation laws, and the so-called paradoxes of relativity. The topics in Quantum physics include: the difficulties arising from the "old physics", short discussion of the first quantum theories (old quantum mechanics), Schrodinger's wave equation, simple time independent solutions for Schrodinger's equation, and the applications of quantum physics to atoms and nuclei.

PHYS 2751 credit
Survey of Medical Physics
Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and one of PHYS 112 or PHYS 105    
This course is meant to give students an overview of the field of Medical Physics. It will describe the different types of diseases, treatments, and research that Medical Physicists are involved with, the job prospects and salary, and the training required for a starting position and for advancement.

PHYS 3023 credits
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 222 or (PHYS 105, 112 and 221)
Corequisite(s): PHYS 382 or 383 (Optics Group of experiments) strongly recommended
This introductory optics course surveys both geometrical and wave optics. Topics will include laws of reflection and refraction; interference and diffraction, fourier methods and holography.

PHYS 3113 credits
Statistical Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 231
This course introduces students to the advanced methods of statistical physics. Connections with thermodynamics are emphasized. Topics include canonical ensembles, partition functions, and quantum statistics.

PHYS 3213 credits
Advanced Mechanics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221
Pre- or corequisite(s): Pre- or co-requisite PHYS 381, PHYS 382 or 383 (Advanced Mechanics Group of experiments) is recommended
The object of this course is to extend the concepts studied in Physics 221. Topics to be covered include: Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, gravitation, central forces, motion in noninertial reference frames, Hamilton's Principle and Lagrange's equations, systems of particles, dynamics of rigid bodies. Although this course has no lab component, the emphasis will be shared equally between the theoretical and the applied aspects of the physics being studied.

PHYS 3223 credits
Advanced Electromagnetism
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 222
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 381, PHYS 382 or 383 (Advanced Electricity & Magnetism Group of experiments) is strongly recommended
This course reviews and deepens the concepts discussed in PHYS 112 and 222. Maxwell's equations are examined from several perspectives and the link between them and special relativity is explored. The propagation, reflection, transmission, refraction and polarization of electromagnetic waves is explored. An introduction to the classical theory of radiation is also presented.

PHYS 3253 credits
Fluid Mechanics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 222 or MATH 312 (PHYS 231 suggested)
Fluid mechanics is an important and yet often under-appreciated and neglected aspect of physics; yet an understanding of how fluids behave is important in a diversity of subjects from Astrophysics (stars and planetary bodies) to Microbiology (fluid flow into and out of cells). This course will introduce students to the subject of fluid mechanics from the basic principles of Archimedes and Bernoulli, to the more complex aspects of vortices and streamlines. An emphasis will be placed on the vector description of fluid behaviour, which will necessitate a brief introduction to Cartesian tensors.

PHYS 3323 credits
Analog Electronics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 232
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 342
Physics 332 is an introductory electronic principles and circuit analysis course. This course will cover the following topics: analysis of DC and AC circuits, diodes, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, transistor amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and power supplies. Students enrolling in this course must also take the accompanying lab course, PHYS 342, in the same semester.

PHYS 3423 credits
Analog Electronics Laboratory
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 232
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 332
PHYS 342 is the laboratory portion of PHYS 332. Students enrolling in PHYS 342 must in the same semester enroll in PHYS 332. This course will introduce and provide the students with experience and practice in wiring and designing circuits, how passive and active circuit devices are used in circuits, and how to check the circuits by employing the electronic measuring and test equipment used in modern laboratories. The lab computers will be used to check how the actual circuits function in comparison with the computer simulated circuits.

PHYS 3513 credits
Quantum Mechanics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 252
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 381, PHYS 382 or 383 (20th Century Physics Group of experiments) is strongly recommended
This fundamental course on quantum mechanics is the gateway to modern physics. Schrodinger equation and basic postulates of the theory will be examined. Topics will include one-dimensional problems, angular momentum, hydrogen atom, and spin.

PHYS 3523 credits
Special Relativity and Classical Fields
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 252 and PHYS 222
This is the middle course in the sequence 252, 352, 452. On completion, the successful student will recognize the effects of light's constant speed on mechanics, optics and electromagnetism. The new view of space-time given by special relativity sets the stage for general relativity or Einstein's Theory of Gravity. To do this, the student will learn the language of tensor analysis and differential form, and the use of space-time diagrams.

PHYS 3623 credits
Digital Electronics and Computer Interfacing
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 232
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 372
This course emphasizes elementary digital electronics and interfaces. Topics include gates and Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, flip flops, registers, counters and memories, digital components, microprocessor functions and architecture, instruction sets, D/A and A/D converters, and waveshaping. PHYS 372, the laboratory portion of this course, must be taken concurrently. This course is designed to provide practical experience with the basic digital logic chips and how digital circuits can be interfaced with microprocessors.
Note: Students with credit for PHYS 462 cannot take this course for further credit.

PHYS 3723 credits
Digital Electronics Laboratory
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 232
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 362
Physics 372 is the laboratory portion of the digital electronics course, Physics 362. The experiments done in this course are designed to provide students with practical experience using, testing, and designing digital logic circuits. The experiments are closely related to the material covered in the classroom. This course emphasizes design and assembly of circuits with discrete gates, interfacing these circuits directly to microprocessors, and using industrial production tools for practical applications.
Note: Students with credit for PHYS 472 cannot take this course for further credit.

PHYS 3813 credits
Mathematical Physics
Prerequisite(s): MATH 211, and one of (PHYS 221, MATH 255) and either PHYS 112 or any other second year Math course
This course will give students a wide arsenal of mathematical techniques and tools to increase their ability in setting up and solving problems. The solution of partial differential equations with applications to many areas of physics is the biggest single theme of the course.
NOTE: Students may obtain credit for either MATH 381 or PHYS 381, but not both. This course is cross-listed as ENGR 257.

PHYS 3823 credits
Modern Physics Laboratory I
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221 or PHYS 232
Corequisite(s): One of PHYS 302, 321, 322, 351 or 410 is strongly recommended
This eclectic laboratory course is designed to give students a chance to perform many traditional and modern experiments. The students will be required to do a selection of experiments from a list spanning the many disciplines of physics: dynamics, optics, solid state physics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, electronics, nuclear physics, etc. Students will also have the option of selecting a group of experiments concentrating on one branch of physics (e.g. advanced mechanics, optics, etc.)

PHYS 3833 credits
Modern Physics Laboratory II
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 382
Corequisite(s): One of PHYS 302, 321, 322, 351 or 410 is recommended
This laboratory course is a continuation of PHYS 382. Students must complete a different set of experiments than the ones done in PHYS 382 and must present a lab book at the beginning of the course to show the experiments previously completed.

PHYS 3933 credits
Computer Algebra Physics I
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 221
This is the first of two courses designed to illustrate how computer algebra systems (CAS) can be used in physics. The emphasis is on using computer algebra methods to form, manipulate, simplify, and plot equations along with its ability to interactively answer "what if" questions. No prior knowledge of any CAS software is assumed or needed.

PHYS 4083 credits
Special Topics in Physics
Prerequisite(s): 6 credits of PHYS 300 or above, and permission of the instructor
This class allows for students to study a topic in physics which is not included within the current course offerings of the department. Different topics will be identified by adding a letter to the course number, e.g. 408C, 408D. Interested students should contact the head of the Department of Physics for more information.

PHYS 4103 credits
History of Physics
Prerequisite(s): Any 300 - level Physics course
Corequisite(s): PHYS 382 or 383 (Historical group of experiments) strongly recommended
Once students have learned some physics, they should also know the history behind it. This course surveys the history of physics from the Paleolithic to the 21st century and will add breadth to a student's understanding of physical thought.

PHYS 4513 credits
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Developed in partnership with Simon Fraser University
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 351
This course is a continuation from PHYS 351, the intermediate quantum mechanics course. The course focuses on the application of quantum mechanics. Topics include one-electron atoms, perturbation theory, variational method, time-dependent perturbation theory, spin, and multi-electron atoms.

PHYS 4523 credits
Introduction to General Relativity
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 352
General Relativity is Einstein's Theory of Gravitation. It is the first theory that allows the properties of space-time to be determined by the matter contained in the space-time.

PHYS 4553 credits
Solid State Physics
Prerequisite(s): A course involving PDE's such as one of (PHYS 222, PHYS 381,or CHEM 322) and (a course involving thermodynamics, such as one of (PHYS 231 or PHYS 311, PHYS 381, or CHEM 222) and (a course involving quantum mechanics, such as one of (PHYS 252, PHYS 351, or CHEM 322) and (a course involving vectors, such as one of MATH 152, MATH 211, or PHYS 221)
This course develops the basic principles of metal and semiconductor solids, including crystal and structural properties, phonons, thermal properties, and electrical properties. The course also discusses practical applications including x-ray diffraction, magnetism, and alloying.

PHYS 4573 credits
Introduction to Particle Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 351
This course serves as an introduction to the standard model – an incredibly successful quantum field theory which describes to unprecedented accuracy electromagnetic, strong, and weak forces between particles. The course begins with a brief survey of the known classes of particles: quarks, leptons, vector mediators, mesons, and baryons. Additional topics covered include relativistic kinematics, conservation laws, symmetries, and the Dirac equation. Feynman diagrams are introduced and used to study particle reactions. In particular, decay rates and/or cross-sections are determined for a number of important processes such as electron-positron scattering and neutron decay.

PHYS 4583 credits
Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 351, PHYS 381
Corequisite(s): PHYS 352 recommended
This course serves as an introduction to the atomic nucleus. Topics include nuclear properties such as charge distributions, masses, and binding energies. The shell, liquid drop, and collective models of the nucleus are explored. Radioactivity and nuclear reactions are examined, as well as fission and fusion. A very brief qualitative description of the standard model of particle physics and the use of the Dirac Equation in nuclear physics are also explored .

PHYS 4813 credits
Advanced Mathematical Methods of Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 381, PHYS 222, COMP 150, one of (MATH 221, MATH 152)
Working physicists analyze physical systems and model them mathematically. The equations that arise are often complicated, so specific mathematical techniques have been developed over the years to solve them. These solutions then predict the future behaviour of that physical system. This course includes: Bessel functions and associated Legendre polynomials and their applications in mechanics, electromagnetism and the hydrogen atom; the calculus of variations, with applications in classical mechanics, optics and classical field theory (with attention to coupled systems); Green function techniques; and applications to strings, electromagnetism and heat. Students will work many problems using initially pen and paper, and then with Maple and/or C or FORTRAN. Computers will be used to generate numerical and/or graphical solutions.

PHYS 4843 credits
Nonlinear Physics
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221, PHYS 381
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 485
This course is designed to introduce students to the exciting world of nonlinear physics. This is an important course because nonlinear and computational physics are modern topics that are at the cutting edge of research. The course introduces techniques that not only can be applied to physics, but to other disciplines; disciplines as diverse as economics and medicine. Computer algebra is introduced and used extensively to perform the symbolic computations, equation manipulations, simulations, animations, and model testing required by this course. Some mathematical methods include: the solving of nonlinear differential and difference equations, topological analysis, limit cycles, partial differential equations, and a variety of numerical techniques.

PHYS 4853 credits
Nonlinear Physics Laboratory
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221, PHYS 381
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 484
This is a laboratory course in nonlinear physics. It is designed to provide "hands-on" experience with nonlinear topics covered in PHYS 484.

PHYS 4933 credits
Computer Algebra Physics II
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 393 and PHYS 381
Pre- or corequisite(s): PHYS 393 and PHYS 381
This course extends and augments the problem-solving skills of physics students taught in PHYS 393. Problems amenable to solving with computer algebra systems will be emphasized. The problem-solving emphasis will be on an understanding of the physics and on checking whether the solution correctly predicts the actual physical behaviour.

Last extracted: April 14, 2011 09:45:23 PMTop