UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Tutor Training

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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TUTR 1103 credits
Introduction to Literacy Tutoring
Prerequisite(s): Admission to Literacy Tutor certificate program
In this introduction to tutoring adults, participants will develop an understanding of literacy, voluntarism and the needs of adult learners. Basic techniques in teaching reading, writing, and numeracy will be covered for native speakers, English as a second language students, and students with disabilities. Participants will complete a practicum in a literacy program (minimum 15 hrs.) as part of Tutor 110.

TUTR 1202 credits
Interpersonal Skills for Tutors
Prerequisite(s): TUTR 110 or equivalent
This course will provide participants with the skills needed to establish and maintain an effective rapport with literacy-level learners. Using experiential learning techniques, the course will cover topics such as self-concept awareness, active listening, effective responding styles, non-verbal communication, assertiveness, problem solving, and cross-cultural communication.

TUTR 1302 credits
Group Dynamics for Tutors
Prerequisite(s): TUTR 110 or equivalent
In many programs, literacy tutoring takes place within the context of small learner groups. This course will introduce participants to relevant, practical aspects of small group theory. Through an exploration of stages of group formation, member roles, and leadership styles, participants will learn how to effectively facilitate small groups to encourage co-operative learning and peer support. Elements of instructional design for small groups such as theme units and whole language activities, will also be examined.

TUTR 1403 credits
Advanced Theory and Techniques for Literacy Tutors
Prerequisite(s): TUTR 110 or equivalent
Designed to further develop participants' skills as literacy practitioners, advanced theory and techniques in three areas will be covered: basic literacy instruction, ESL literacy instruction, and literacy instruction for learners with disabilities. In each section, participants will explore issues arising from instruction in order to expand their skill-base and foster their professional growth.

TUTR 1452 credits
Prerequisite(s): TUTR 140 or equivalent
This supervised practicum provides skill development and integration of theoretical learning into practice. Participants will develop in-depth experience in one of three instructional areas: basic literacy, learning disabilities, or English as a second language.

Last extracted: April 14, 2011 09:45:28 PMTop