UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Agriculture Technology

Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate

Graduates of the one-year Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate program will be qualified to seek work as competent assistants in field crop production, in government, as technicians, in greenhouses, nursery greenhouses, garden centres, landscape companies and in grounds maintenance. Some graduates start their own businesses.

The one-year Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate transfers completely to the two-year Agriculture Technology diploma, Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option. Some credits may also transfer to other two-year programs in horticulture. Qualifying students may also be eligible to receive the equivalent of Year I apprenticeship in production horticulture. Contact the Agriculture department for more information.

Students will be actively involved in practical, hands-on activities on the UFV campuses and in the Agriculture Technology department greenhouses and plant nursery area. All students are required to perform greenhouse-related work on the Chilliwack campus outside of regular class hours. As well, many courses have required field trips at student expense.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. In addition to tuition fees, you should budget approximately $1,500 for the year for textbooks, field trips, and supplies.

Program requirements

For entrance requirements and other details for all Agriculture Technology programs, please see this section.

Program outline

Semester I (Fall)

Course Title Credits
AGRI 123 Horticulture Skills and Techniques for Fall 3
AGRI 124 Introduction to Horticulture 3
AGRI 142 Agribusiness Principles  
 or  BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3
AGRI 163 Pest Biology and Identification 3
AGRI 220 Plants in the Landscape 3
CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communication 3
In even-numbered years:  
AGRI 321 Vegetable Crop Production: Science and Practice 3
In odd-numbered years:  
AGRI 323 Fruit Crop Production: Science and Practice 3

Semester II (Winter)

Course Title Credits
AGRI 129 Horticulture Skills and Techniques for Winter 3
AGRI 183 Farm and Equipment Safety 3
AGRI 192 Practicum I  
 or AGRI 194 Practical Horticulture 3
AGRI 203 Fundamentals of Pest Management 3
AGRI 204 Introduction to Soils and Soil Fertility 3
AGRI 324 Greenhouse Production: Science and Practice 3
AGRI 327 Nursery Production and Propagation: Science and Practice 3

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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