UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Geographic Information Systems certificate

This program combines courses in the Geography, Computer Information Systems and Mathematics departments into a certificate. The program consists of a minimum of 31 credits and can be completed in a minimum of two semesters.

Entrance requirements

New students should apply to the Arts or Science Studies program path. Students will be required to meet the admissions requirements for Arts or Science Studies, as well as meet prerequisites for each course within the certificate.

Students currently enrolled in UFV post-secondary programs are required to meet only the course prerequisites.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section.

Program requirements

Course Title Credits
GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4
GEOG 353 GIS Applications 4
GEOG 453 Remote Sensing of the Environment 4
GEOG 454 Geospatial Data Analysis and Modeling 4
GEOG 458 GIS Project 4
One of the following: 3-4
  COMP 125 Principles of Computing  
  COMP 150 Introduction to Programming  
  COMP 155 Object-Oriented Programming  
One of the following: 4
  MATH 104 Introductory Statistics  
  MATH 106 Statistics I  
  MATH 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics  
One of the following: 4
  GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods  
  SOC 355/
  ANTH 355/
  MACS 355
Quantitative Research Methods  


A minimum of 8 credits towards the certificate must be taken at UFV.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.