UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Geography major
(for Bachelor of Arts degree students)

This section specifies the Geography major (no concentration) requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts for program requirements.

Lower-level requirements: 22 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 201 Introduction to Climatology  
 or GEOG 202 Introduction to Geomorphology 4
GEOG 241 Social Geography  
 or GEOG 242 Economic Geography 3
GEOG 250 Introduction to Geographic Techniques  
 or GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4

Note: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.

Upper-level requirements: 31-33 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Geography elective.

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
One course: Physical geography (GEOG 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 315, 317, 402, 410, 417) 4
One course: Human geography (GEOG 311, 312, 323, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 354, 360, 362, 411, 421, 440, 443, 444, 445, 447, 460) 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5
Four Geography 300/400-level courses 11-12

Note: No more than eight of the required 31-33 credits may be in Directed Studies/Directed Readings courses (GEOG 480, GEOG 482, GEOG 483, GEOG 484).

Geography major concentrations
(for Bachelor of Arts degree students)

As part of completing a B.A. with a Geography major, students may choose to specialize in a particular sub-field, or concentration, of geographic study. Students may complete a concentration in order to advance their research skills, develop their interest area, or to prepare themselves for specific fields of employment or graduate study. The name of a selected concentration will appear on the transcript upon graduation. It is possible to complete more than one concentration, but students should plan this very carefully with their department.

Students interested in completing a concentration are encouraged to speak with a program faculty member or arts advisor by the end of their second year or beginning of their third year of studies. Students considering more than one concentration should do so even earlier. Any student interested in completing a concentration will need to make a formal application to the department to have their concentration recognized upon degree completion. Application can be made as soon as the student has selected their concentration of study or at any time through to the completion of concentration requirements. Students should check with the Geography department assistant for checklists and other information materials that will facilitate concentration completion in a timely fashion.

Each of these concentrations may be obtained in conjunction with a Geography honours designation. Students seeking an honours designation will need to apply to the honours program and complete the requirements of the honours program in addition to those required for the selected concentration.

This section specifies the Geography major concentration requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts for program requirements.

Environmental Studies concentration

Lower-level requirements: 25-26 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 201 Introduction to Climatology 4
GEOG 211 Environmental Science  
 or BIO 210 Introduction to Ecology 3-4
GEOG 242 Economic Geography 3
GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4

Note: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.

Upper-level requirements: 31-37 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Geography elective.

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
GEOG 311 Global Resources and the Environment 4
GEOG 312 Political Ecology: Nature, Culture, and Place  
 or GEOG 343 Geography of Transitional Societies 4
One of: GEOG 303, 307, 308, 317 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5
One of: GEOG 315, 353, 410, 411, 417, 421, 453, 454; ANTH 468/
SOC 468; ECON 361; PHIL 318
Elective(s) Geography 300/400-level course(s) 4-8

Geographic Information Systems concentration

Lower-level requirements: 22 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 201 Introduction to Climatology  
 or GEOG 202 Introduction to Geomorphology 4
GEOG 241 Social Geography 3
or GEOG 242 Economic Geography  
GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4

Note: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.

Upper-level requirements: 32-33 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Geography elective.

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
GEOG 353 GIS Applications 4
GEOG 354 Approaches in Human Geography 4
One course: Physical geography (GEOG 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 315, 317, 402, 410, 417) 4
One course: Human geography (GEOG 311, 312, 323, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 360, 362, 411, 421, 440, 443, 444, 445, 447, 460) 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 453 Remote Sensing of the Environment  
 or GEOG 454 Geospatial Data Analysis and Modeling 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5

International Studies concentration

Lower-level requirements: 25 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 201 Introduction to Climatology  
 or GEOG 202 Introduction to Geomorphology 4
GEOG 240 World Regional Geography 3
GEOG 241 Social Geography  
 or GEOG 242 Economic Geography 3
GEOG 250 Introduction to Geographic Techniques  
 or GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4

Note 1: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.

Note 2: It is recommended that students also take one of the following: ANTH 102, 130, 220; GEOG 211, 233; HIST 115, 210, 236, 265; LAS 200; POSC 190, 230, 290; SOC 205, 250.

Upper-level requirements: 32-37 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Geography elective.

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
One course: Physical geography (GEOG 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 315, 317, 402, 410, 417) 4
One of: GEOG 312, 340, 343 4
One of: GEOG 362, 421, 443, 447; HIST 314, 357, 385, 464; LAS 312; ANTH/LAS/SOC 310, 363, 463 4
One of: GEOG 311, 323, 341, 346 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5
Elective(s) Geography 300/400-level course(s) 4-8

Physical Geography concentration

Lower-level requirements: 25 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 201 Introduction to Climatology  
 or GEOG 202* Introduction to Geomorphology 4
GEOG 211 Environmental Science 3
GEOG 241 Social Geography  
 or GEOG 242 Economic Geography 3
GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4

Note 1: GEOG 202 is required for GEOG 302, 304, 402.

Note 2: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.

Upper-level requirements: 32-33 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Physical Geography elective (one of GEOG 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 315, 317, 402, 410, 417).

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
GEOG 353 GIS Applications 4
One course: Human geography (GEOG 311, 312, 323, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 354, 360, 362, 411, 421, 440, 443, 444, 445, 447, 460) 4
One of: GEOG 302, 304, 402 4
One of: GEOG 303, 307, 308 4
One of: GEOG 315, 317, 410, 417 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5

Urban Studies concentration

Lower-level requirements: 21-22 credits

Course Title Credits
GEOG 101 Weather and Climate 4
GEOG 102 Evolution of the Earth’s Surface 4
GEOG 140 Human Geography 3
GEOG 241 Social Geography 3
GEOG 253 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4
Two of: GEOG 201, 202, 211 3-4

Note: One of MATH 104, MATH 106, or PSYC 110 is required for GEOG 352; students should plan accordingly.
One course of the following is recommended: BIO 106 or ANTH 225/SOC 225.

Upper-level requirements: 32-37 credits

Note: Beginning in September 2012, GEOG 352 will become GEOG 252 and students will be required to take an additional upper-level Geography elective.

Course Title Credits
GEOG 352 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods 4
GEOG 341 World Cities  
 or GEOG 362 Geography of Tourism, Recreation, and Sport 4
GEOG 360 Introduction to Regional and Community Planning  
 or GEOG 460 Practicum in Planning 4
GEOG 433 Geography of Selected Regions 4
GEOG 452 Field Methods and Techniques  
 or GEOG 470 Field Studies in Geography 4-5
One of: GEOG 344, 440, 444; SOC 325/ANTH 325 4
One of: GEOG 303, 307, 308, 317, 417 4
Elective(s) Geography 300/400-level course(s) 4-8

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Additional fees for course field trips and miscellaneous lab materials will apply to all students enrolled in Geography programs.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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