UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Media Arts

Animation Arts certificate

This certificate is designed for students who want to develop their skills in animation. The skills are useful for a variety of occupations, and could be used, for example, by students involved in web design, game production, graphic design, e-marketing and digital art.

Entrance requirements

This certificate is open to any student enrolled in a post-secondary program at UFV. New students who are not pursuing other programs at UFV should apply to the CIS or Arts Studies program path. Students will also be required to meet course prerequisites.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Other than the $25 graduation fee, there are no additional fees for the certificate.

Program requirements

Students must complete the following courses, for a total of 22 credits:

Course Title Credits
CIS 162 Introduction to Animation 3
CIS 165 3D Animation 4
CIS 185 Introduction to Programming Using Media 3
CIS 262 Web-Based Computer Game Development 3
GD 157 Primary Digital Graphics 3
VA 117 Introductions to Animation Drawing 3
VA 180 Digital Photography I 3


At least six credits for the program must be taken at UFV.

Graduation requirements

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all courses applicable to the certificate is required for graduation.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.