UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy

Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor

This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 15 credits

• One of: PHIL 110, 210, 230; POSC 120, 270
• One of: POSC 110, 190, 230
• One of: PHIL 120, 220, 250, 251A, 251B, 252
• One of: ANTH 211; BUS 261; CRIM 211; ECON 215; MACS 240; POSC 110, 190, 230, 290; SOC 270/ANTH 270/MACS 270; SOWK 210; or an upper-level course with significant empirical political content (at the discretion of the program head)
• One additional lower-division course in philosophy or political science

Note: A single course cannot be used to satisfy more than one criterion.

Upper-level requirements: 15 credits

• Two political science courses, including at least one of POSC 311 or 312
• Two of PHIL 305, 310, 315
• One additional philosophy or political science course

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts: Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy

The Extended Studies certificate is designed for students who have baccalaureate degrees, who wish to complete the equivalent of a minor in applied ethical and political philosophy. For details about entrance requirements and program requirements, please contact the department.

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