UFV Academic Calendar 2011/12

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Social, Cultural, and Media Studies

Extended Studies in Arts certificates

The following extended studies certificates will allow graduates with a bachelor's degree from a recognized university to complete further work to meet the requirements of majors, extended minors, and minors offered by the Social, Cultural, and Media Studies department.

  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Sociology major
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Sociology minor
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Sociology/Anthropology major
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Anthropology minor
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Latin American Studies extended minor
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Latin American Studies minor
  • Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts:  Media and Communications Studies minor

Entrance requirements

1.  Completion of a bachelor's degree from a recognized university
2.  A cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

Admission will be granted on the basis of the Social, Cultural, and Media Studies department's ability to meet the students' needs. The number of applicants accepted to the program may be restricted. Applications to the extended studies in Arts will be accepted on a twice-yearly basis starting on or after August 1 for the following January, and on or after October 1 for the following September.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts showing completion of the admission requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. To retain your original application date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date on which your application is mailed or submitted.
• A letter of intent stating the option for which you are seeking admission (major, extended minor, or minor, and in which area of study), your professional and personal reasons for applying to the program, whether attendance will be on a full-time or part-time basis, and, if known, the specific courses you anticipate taking. If necessary, the department will call applicants for an interview to assess their particular needs.
Program requirements

1. Students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all courses/credits attempted, a minimum GPA of 2.0 in courses/credits offered by the SCMS department, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all upper-level courses/credits.

2. Students must complete the lower-level and upper-level requirements for the analogous credential, as outlined in the calendar. They are not required to complete the additional requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree.

3. Credits for some of these courses may be obtained through transfer from previous post-secondary institutions or prior learning assessment. However, at least 25% of the total number of credits and 50% of the upper-level credits required for the minor, extended minor, and major requirements, must be taken at UFV.

4. The certificate will require at least an additional five credits of course work.

5.  The following sections of the UFV calendar that apply to the Bachelor of Arts degree will also apply to these certificates: standing required for continuance, academic warning, required to withdraw, appeals for readmission, and standing on readmission.

A program plan will be created for all students, outlining the required courses to complete the program approved at the time of admission. Once admitted to the SCMS department, the student will be advised and approved for graduation by the Arts Advice centre. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the program plan is followed and all program requirements are met. This should be done by regular consultation with the UFV Bachelor of Arts advisor. Any changes to the program must be approved by the Arts Advice Centre and the SCMS department.

How to apply

Submit the application fee, along with your UFV application form, to the Admissions and Records (A&R) or Student Services office. You can also print an application form or apply online at www.ufv.ca/ar/admissions/apply.

Registration order

Students admitted to an extended studies in Arts certificate will be scheduled along with degree students, according to UFV's registration order policy.

Reserved seats

Students admitted to an extended studies in Arts certificate have the same seat priority as students enrolled in equivalent degree programs (seats are not reserved for minors).

Graduation requirement

The certificate will be recognized at convocation and recorded on the student's transcript with the appropriate option. Graduation requests must be approved by Senate. Students must submit a request for graduation form to the Admissions and Records office on or before April 1, with program requirements met by April 30.

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