Academic Calendar Fall 2016

Notice of Increased Requirements

Whenever prerequisites for a course or entrance requirements for a program are made more restrictive, notice is given in the previous academic calendar. Below is a list of courses and programs with increasing requirements.




BIO - Biology

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
BIO 201 One of the following: (BIO 111, BIO 112, CHEM 113, and CHEM 114) or (any three AGRI courses numbered 100 or higher). One of the following: (BIO 111, BIO 112, CHEM 113, and CHEM 114) or (any three AGRI courses numbered 100 or higher), all with a C+ or better. January 2017
BIO 202 BIO 112 and CHEM 114. BIO 111, BIO 112, CHEM 113 and CHEM 114 all with a C+ or better. January 2017
BIO 220 One of the following: (BIO 111 and BIO 112) or (BIO 111 and three AGRI courses). One of the following: (BIO 111 and BIO 112) or (BIO 111 and three AGRI courses), all with a C+ or better. January 2017
BIO 401

One of the following: BIO 304, BIO 312, BIO 320 or BIO 325.

BIO 201, BIO 202, and BIO 220.

January 2017
BIO 408

B+ average in BIO 202, 210, and 220, and instructor's permission.

B+ or better in BIO 202, 210, and 220, and instructor's permission January 2017
BIO 409 B+ average in BIO 202, 210, and 220, and instructor's permission. B+ or better in BIO 202, 210, and 220, and instructor's permission. January 2017
BIO 419/ GEOG 419 One of the following: GEOG 302, GEOG 303, GEOG 304, GEOG 307, GEOG 308, GEOG 315, GEOG 317/BIO 317, GEOG 319, GEOG 335, BIO 301, BIO 305, BIO 306, BIO 307, BIO 308, BIO 310, BIO 330, BIO 335, BIO 340, BIO 360, or BIO 370. One of the following: GEOG 302, GEOG 303, GEOG 304, GEOG 307, GEOG 308, GEOG 315, GEOG 319, GEOG 335, BIO 301, BIO 305, BIO 306, BIO 307, BIO 308, BIO 310, BIO 330, BIO 335, BIO 340, BIO 360, or BIO 370. January 2017

BUS - Business

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect

BUS 407

BUS 304.

BUS 304 and 60 university-level credits.

January 2017

BUS 440

One of the following: BUS 160 or CIS 110. 60 university-level credits recommended.

BUS 100, one of the following: (BUS 160, CIS 110, or COMP 125), and 45 university-level credits.

January 2017

CHEM - Chemistry

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect

CHEM 422

CHEM 213, MATH 111, MATH 112, and one of the following: (PHYS 105 or PHYS 111).

Note: CHEM 224 and MATH 211 are recommended.

CHEM 113, CHEM 114, MATH 111, PHYS 111, one of (MATH 112 or MATH 118), one of (PHYS 105 or PHYS 112), and one of the following: ([CHEM 213 and CHEM 224] or [instructor's permission for upper-level science students]).

Note: CHEM 224 and MATH 211 are recommended.

January 2017

CIS - Computer Information Systems

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
CIS 192 CIS 190 or nine university-level credits. CIS 190 or eight credits of university-level CIS or COMP. January 2017

CMNS - Communications

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect

CMNS 312

One of the following: CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 175, ENGL 105, CMNS 212/MACS 212, CMNS 280, CMNS 300, CMNS 316, CMNS 360, or nine credits of MACS courses.

One of the following: CMNS 212/MACS 212, CMNS 280, CMNS 300, CMNS 316, CMNS 360, or nine credits of CMNS and/or MACS courses.

January 2017

CMNS 335

One of the following: (CMNS 235 or CMNS 345) or (EDUC 410, 445, and 490).

(45 university-level credits including either CMNS 235 or CMNS 345) or (EDUC 410, 445, and 490).

Note: Students with at least 60 credits and some background in public speaking can contact the instructor for permission.

January 2017

COMP - Computing Science

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
COMP 251 COMP 155 and MATH 125. COMP 125, COMP 155, and MATH 125. January 2017

CYC - Child and Youth Care

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
CYC 210 One of the following: departmentally-approved certificate or diploma, 30 university-level credits, or department head's permission. C+ or better in CYC 101 and 220 and one of the following: departmentally-approved certificate or diploma, 30 university-level credits, or department head's permission. January 2017
CYC 220 One of the following: departmentally-approved certificate or diploma, 30 university-level credits, or department head's permission. C+ or better in CYC 101 and one of the following: departmentally-approved certificate or diploma, 30 university-level credits, or department head's permission. January 2017

GEOG - Geography

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
GEOG 312 (One of GEOG 240, GEOG 241, or GEOG 242) or 45 university-level credits. 45 university-level credits. January 2017
GEOG 419/ BIO 419 One of the following: GEOG 302, GEOG 303, GEOG 304, GEOG 307, GEOG 308, GEOG 315, GEOG 317/BIO 317, GEOG 319, GEOG 335, BIO 301, BIO 305, BIO 306, BIO 307, BIO 308, BIO 310, BIO 330, BIO 335, BIO 340, BIO 360, or BIO 370. One of the following: GEOG 302, GEOG 303, GEOG 304, GEOG 307, GEOG 308, GEOG 315, GEOG 319, GEOG 335, BIO 301, BIO 305, BIO 306, BIO 307, BIO 308, BIO 310, BIO 330, BIO 335, BIO 340, BIO 360, or BIO 370. January 2017

POSC - Political Science

Course Current Prerequisite(s) Future Prerequisite(s) Date change takes effect
POSC 330 One of the following: POSC 100, POSC 120, POSC 190, POSC 195, POSC 230, POSC 260, POSC 270, PHIL 110, PHIL 210, PHIL 230, or 45 university-level credits. One of POSC 100, POSC 230, POSC 260, or 45 university-level credits. January 2017


Bachelor of Arts

Current program requirements

See Program requirements for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017 section.

Current general requirements

See General requirements for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017 section.

Future requirements

See Notice of changes for Fall 2017 section.

Date changes take effect

September 2017

Bachelor of General Studies

Current entrance requirements

Applicants must have successfully completed 30 post-secondary credits of which nine must be university level and must include three credits of English composition or writing. A 2.0 GPA is required for entry into the degree program.

Post-secondary refers to credits that are transcripted by UFV as 100-level or higher. University level refers to credits that are transferable to one of the public universities in Canada.

Future entrance requirements

Option 1: High school

  1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.
  2. A minimum of a C+ in English 12 or equivalent (including English 12 First Peoples, English Literature 12, AP English, or IB English A – standard level or higher) and a minimum of a B average in two additional Approved Grade 12 courses.

Out-of-province applicants

Students will be considered on the basis of courses equivalent to Approved Grade 12 courses. See the Admissions section of the calendar for more information on equivalents to B.C. secondary school graduation.

Out-of-country applicants

Students who have B.C. secondary school graduation equivalency, meet the prerequisite for ENGL 105 or CMNS 155, and have completed an equivalent average of B (equated to the UFV grading system) in two academic Grade 12 subjects will be admissible.


Option 2: University and college students

One of the following is required:

  • A minimum of 30 post-secondary credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. These 30 credits must include a minimum of nine university-level credits, and a minimum of three credits of English composition or other writing courses, equivalent to ENGL 105, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155.

  • Successful completion of a UFV diploma (e.g. General Studies Diploma, Liberal Arts, Diploma, etc.) or BC Associate Degree in Arts or Science.

  • Completion of a post-secondary career or technical diploma (minimum of two years postsecondary credit) from a recognized Canadian or International post-secondary institution.

Any student who is applying to enter the program with 60 or more credits will also need to submit a Customized Learning Plan (CLP) as part of their application. CLPs will not be used as a basis for admission.


Option 3: Non-traditional student entrance

A limited number of seats will be available for students who are starting or returning to university after five or more years in the work force. Applicants must have B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent; must meet the requirements for ENGL 105; and must submit a written statement of interest with their application. Students granted entrance under this application category are required to meet with the BGS Advisor prior to application.

Current residency requirements

Of the 120 credits used in the degree, 30 must be completed at UFV. Of the 45 upper-level credits required in the degree, 15 upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.

Future residency requirements

Of the 120 credits used in the degree, 30 must be completed at UFV. Of the 45 upper level credits required in the degree, 24 upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.

Current program requirements

See Program requirements for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017 section.

Future program requirements

See Notice of changes for Fall 2017 section.

Date changes take effect

September 2017

Bachelor of Social Work

Current entrance requirements

  1. Applicants must have 60 general university-level qualifying Arts and Science credits by May 1 of the year of application.
    • Pending available space, applicants who do not have 60 credits by May 1 may be considered as ‘conditional admits’ to the program if the credits are completed by August 31.
    • Students who are conditionally admitted and who have not completed the 60 credits by the end of the late summer semester will have to re-apply for the next intake.
  2. Students must have an overall GPA of 2.67 for courses applicable to the BSW.
  3. These 60 credits must consist of the following:
    • six credits of SOWK 110 and SOWK 210; and
    • 54 credits of university-level credits (at least 42 credits of qualifying Arts and Science electives).
  4. The 54 university-level credits must include at least 42 credits of qualifying Arts and Science electives, which must include the following:
    • three credits in English composition (i.e. CMNS 155 or ENGL 105);
    • three credits of English literature (i.e. ENGL 108-170);
    • three credits of Human Development (i.e. SOWK 225 or PSYC 250); and
    • three credits of Introductory Statistics (i.e. STAT 104 or PSYC 110).
    • three credits of Sociology of Families (i.e. SOC 331 or SOWK 283).
    • one of SOC 331 or SOWK 283 is a prerequisite for SOWK 483. SOWK 483 is a requirement of the BSW Child Welfare Specialization and is an elective in the BSW Generalist option.
    Students who have completed a UFV Community Support Worker certificate or UFV Social Services diploma program may be eligible to receive a six credit block for the completed certificate and a 12 credit block for the completed diploma. Students who have completed practica within these programs may receive extra points on their application. These 12 credits otherwise can come from any university-level UFV course or UFV assigned transfer credit (100-level or higher).
  5. Applicants must have 400 hours of recent (see Note), supervised work in human services, either paid or voluntary, which may include hours in practica.
  6. Readiness for and interest in social work/personal suitability.
  7. All applicants must be aware of, willing, and able to uphold the Social Work Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

See Bachelor of Social Work entrance requirements for more details.

Future entrance requirements

Academic entrance requirements

  1. Applicants must have 60 general university-level credits by May 1 of the year of application.
  2. Students must have an overall GPA of 2.67 for the 60 credits applied towards their BSW application. Students with a GPA lower than 2.67 will not be considered for admission.
  3. These 60 credits must consist of the following:
    • SOWK 110 and SOWK 210.
    • 54 general university-level credits including: three credits in English composition (i.e. CMNS 155 or ENGL 105).
    • three credits of English literature (i.e. ENGL 108-170).
    • three credits of introductory statistics (i.e. STAT 104 or PSYC 110).
    • 39 additional Arts and Science credits
    Students who have completed the Community Support Worker certificate or Social Services diploma at UFV can apply specific course credits toward the 60 credits required for the BSW application.

Other entrance requirements

  1. Applicants must complete a minimum of 400 hours of paid or volunteer experience in the human services field supervised by a paraprofessional or professional. This can include hours in practica.
  2. Program and personal suitability as determined through a personal interview.
  3. All applicants must be aware of, willing, and able to uphold the Social Work Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

See Bachelor of Social Work entrance requirements for more details.

Date changes take effect

September 2017

English Language Proficiency requirements

Current requirements

See Fall 2016 admission language proficiency standards section.

Interim future requirements

See Winter 2017 and Summer 2017 admission language proficiency standards section (separate standards for Entry-level and Degree/diploma level).

Future requirements

See Fall 2017 admission and beyond language proficiency standards section (separate standards for Entry-level and Degree/diploma level).

Date change takes effect

January 2017, then September 2017

Current Students
