Academic Calendar Fall 2016

General Studies

Bachelor of General Studies degree

Note: After undergoing extensive review, the decision has been made to revise the requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies. These changes will take effect September 2017. Please see the Notice of changes for Fall 2017 section below for details.

The Bachelor of General Studies is a flexible, interdisciplinary degree that can be customized to suit different educational and career goals. Students can focus studies on one or two areas, or complete courses from many areas. While there are some courses that provide the framework for the degree, the program provides an opportunity for students to design their own education.

The BGS program accepts credits from certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees from accredited community colleges and universities. The program allows students to build on their previous credentials or to use these credentials to accumulate credits toward the degree.

All Bachelor of General Studies students are expected to gain a broad general educational background and are required to complete course work selected from a variety of disciplines (breadth requirements). In addition to satisfying the breadth requirements, students select elective courses that lead to a General Option, a Thematic Option, or one or more minors.

Entrance requirements for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017

Applicants must have successfully completed 30 post-secondary credits of which nine must be university level and must include three credits of English composition or writing. A 2.0 GPA is required for entry into the degree program.

Post-secondary refers to credits that are transcripted by UFV as 100-level or higher. University level refers to credits that are transferable to one of the public universities in Canada.

Applicants must meet the Degree/diploma level English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see the English language proficiency requirement section of the calendar.

Entrance requirements for students entering in Fall 2017

Option 1: High school (for students with high school graduation only)

  1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.
  2. A minimum of a C+ in English 12 or equivalent (including English 12 First Peoples, English Literature 12, AP English, or IB English A – standard level or higher) and a minimum of a B average in two additional Approved Grade 12 courses.

Out-of-province applicants

Students will be considered on the basis of courses equivalent to Approved Grade 12 courses. See the Admissions section of the calendar for more information on equivalents to B.C. secondary school graduation.

Out-of-country applicants

Students who have B.C. secondary school graduation equivalency, meet the prerequisite for ENGL 105 or CMNS 155, and have completed an equivalent average of B (equated to the UFV grading system) in two academic Grade 12 subjects will be admissible.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider Qualifying Studies.

Option 2: University and college students (for students with some post-secondary education)

One of the following is required:

  • A minimum of 30 post-secondary credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. These 30 credits must include a minimum of nine university-level credits, and a minimum of three credits of English composition or other writing courses, equivalent to ENGL 105, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155.
  • Successful completion of a UFV diploma (e.g. General Studies Diploma, Liberal Arts, Diploma, etc.) or BC Associate Degree in Arts or Science.
  • Completion of a post-secondary career or technical diploma (minimum of two years postsecondary credit) from a recognized Canadian or International post-secondary institution.

Any student who is applying to enter the program with 60 or more credits will also need to submit a Customized Learning Plan (CLP) as part of their application. CLPs will not be used as a basis for admission.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider Qualifying Studies.

Option 3: Non-traditional student entrance

A limited number of seats will be available for students who are starting or returning to university after five or more years in the work force. Applicants must have B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent; must meet the requirements for ENGL 105; and must submit a written statement of interest with their application. Students granted entrance under this application category are required to meet with the BGS Academic Advisor prior to application.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider Qualifying Studies.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

  1. Apply online at

    Additional documents required for a complete application:

    • Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions attended. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer credit section for details.
  2. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information.
  3. In cases where course work is in progress, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when the UFV application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Declaration of general, minors, or thematic option

Students may formally declare minors or intention to complete a thematic option after they have been accepted. Unless otherwise stated, to be eligible to declare minors, students must have earned a minimum grade of C on each of the required courses for the subject discipline. (Some areas have specific requirements; these are listed in the calendar under the relevant discipline.) Students are encouraged to declare minors or their intention to complete a thematic option as soon as they can.

Please note that the number of students wanting to enter any minor program may exceed capacity. Departments reserve the right to select competitively if necessary. UFV cannot guarantee available seats in required program courses on demand.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course.

Courses at other institutions

UFV students who wish to take academic work at other institutions for credit toward the degree must obtain permission in advance from an Academic Advisor. A letter of permission request is available at or can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Students must be in good standing (CGPA > 2.0) to receive a letter of permission. When approval has been granted, the Registrar’s office will issue a Letter of Permission to the student.

Except as noted below, total transfer and course challenge credits, including prior learning credit, may not exceed 90, and not more than 30 transfer credits may count toward upper-level requirements. A minimum of 15 upper level credits must be completed at UFV. Within these limits, transfer credit may be applied to the BGS with courses passed with a grade of P or higher. A P grade may not be sufficient for prerequisite purposes. Transfer credit is not used in the calculation of the institutional cumulative grade point average but will be used to calculate grade point average for program graduation purposes.

Residency for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017

Students can complete academic course work at another post-secondary institution and transfer this credit to UFV to satisfy BGS degree requirements, under the following restrictions:

  • Of the BGS overall total of 120 credits, 30 credits must be completed at UFV.
  • Of the BGS upper-level total of 45 credits, 15 upper-level credits must be completed at UFV (see Note).
  • For a minor program, at least 50 percent of the required upper-level credits in the specific discipline must be completed at UFV.

Provided those requirements are met, up to 50% of credits required for the degree may be met through recognition of non-formal credit through the PLAR process (including course challenges). Total transfer credit and prior learning credit must not exceed 90 credits.

Note: Students entering in Fall 2017 must complete 24 upper-level credits at UFV.


It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all program requirements are met. This should be done by regular consultation with the BGS Academic Advisor. Degree candidates who qualify to receive a UFV degree must be approved by the BGS Academic Advisor and Senate.

Students must apply for graduation by completing the Graduation Request form available at, or from the Office of the Registrar. We recommend this be done in the first month of the final semester. The final deadline for students who wish to attend the June Convocation ceremony is April 1st of each year, with all program requirements completed by April 30th of each year.

Course duplication

Duplication refers to taking a course more than once.

Under university policy, students may not register for a course more than twice without permission of the appropriate dean or designate. Where a course has been repeated, for the purpose of the grade point average (GPA) UFV includes only the higher grade, but all attempts appear on the transcript. Some programs limit the number of courses which can be repeated. Transferred courses are considered in the number of attempts. See UFV's Course Repeat policy (86).

A “W” or an “AU” in a course is not counted as duplication. Multiple repeats of the same course count as a single duplication.

Note: Repeats of lower-level Theatre practicum courses are exempt from the duplication rule when a grade of P or higher is achieved.

Standing required for continuance

All students accepted into the BGS program at UFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA on all courses.

Undergraduate continuance

Academic standing will be governed by UFV’s Undergraduate Continuance policy (92). Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or above) must maintain an undergraduate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at UFV. Students in Good Academic Standing will have no registration limits placed on them. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from undergraduate studies at UFV. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering in 10 credits.

The academic standing of all students covered under this policy for courses where letter grades are assigned will be determined at intervals of 9 credits at the start of a student’s academic career and then at the end of every term after 27 credits have been completed. Students will be assessed after every term enrolled, but Academic Standing will only change at the intervals noted above. Students’ academic standing will be permanently reflected on their student record and will appear on official and unofficial transcripts.

After each semester, students put on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Required to Withdraw status or who are continued on Warning or Probation will be notified by the Registrar.

Required to withdraw

Students who have been required to withdraw from the degree program may have the opportunity to continue to take courses as a Qualifying Studies student; however, they may not register for any upper-level courses.


A student who is required to withdraw from the BGS program must submit an appeal for re-admission to the BGS Academic Advisor if he/she wishes to resume studies in the degree program.

Students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to complete a further nine credits of academic work or to repeat a similar amount of academic work taken previously in order to demonstrate their academic abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of the semester for which a student has applied. Re-admission is not automatic. If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic Warning again, subject to the conditions for Academic Warning as described above.

Standing on re-admission

If readmitted, students will be placed onacademicwarning again, subject to the conditions foracademicwarning as described above.

Subsequent degree

Students who have already completed a degree at the bachelor’s level may be granted an additional bachelor’s degree provided that the two degrees are significantly different and that the student has met the program requirements. No more than 75% of the credits required for the additional degree may be applied from any previous degree. At least 30 upper-level (300-400) credits for the subsequent degree must be taken at UFV. Refer to the subsequent degree policy for further details.

Bachelor of General Studies requirements

There are three sets of requirements for the BGS.

  1. Program requirements
  2. Breadth requirements
  3. Electives for the General option, minor(s), or Thematic option

Note: After undergoing extensive review, the decision has been made to revise the requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies. These changes will take effect September 2017. Please see the Notice of changes for Fall 2017 section below for details.

Program requirements for students entering in Fall 2016, Winter 2017, or Summer 2017

To receive a Bachelor of General Studies degree studenst must complete a minimum:

  • 120 credits with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 or higher
  • 33 general breadth requirements
  • 45 upper-level credits
  • CGPA of 2.0 in the BGS program
  • CGPA in courses for minor(s) (unless otherwise stated)
  • GPA of 2.0 in all upper-level credits
  • The 120 credits must incorporate the breadth requirements as well as include appropriate electives.

Breadth requirements

Graduates are expected to have:

  • Effective written and oral communication skills
  • Effective team and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to think critically, problem solve, and apply mathematical and scientific reasoning
  • An understanding of the scientific and natural world and the ability to use technology
  • A sense of social responsibility and citizenship and an understanding of the global context in which we live and work
  • An appreciation of the aesthetic and cultural world

These breadth requirements can be satisfied by successfully completing at least 33 credits in six or more subject areas from the categories listed below.

Effective communication skills (3 credits)

  • ENGL 105, CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 251, ENGL 210

Effective team and interpersonal skills (6 credits)

  • Adult Education, Business, Child and Youth Care, Criminology, Health Science, Kinesiology, Social Services, Human Services, Social Work

Critical thinking, problem solving, mathematical and scientific reasoning (6 credits)

  • Mathematics and Statistics, Philosophy, Psychology

Scientific and natural world, ability to use technology (6 credits)

  • Agriculture, Applied Business Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Computing, Geography, Library Technology, Physics

Social responsibility and citizenship (6 credits)

  • Anthropology, Economics, History, Latin American Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Political Science, Sociology

Appreciation for the aesthetic and cultural world (6 credits)

  • Art History, English Literature, Film Studies, Literature in Translation, Modern Languages, Theatre, Visual Arts, Art History, Film Studies

Electives for General option, minor(s), or Thematic option

All of the options must include courses to obtain at least 120 credits of which at least 45 must be upper level credits completed with at minimum 2.0 grade point average.

General option

Students select courses to complete a minimum of 120 credits, of which at least 45 must be 300 or 400 level. Students are eligible to select any course for which they meet the prerequisites. Choice should include courses that enhance the intended career path, or meet prerequisites for professional programs, or for expanding academic knowledge. The program is built according to the intended learning goals of the individual.


Students select electives to complete one or more minors. Refer to the appropriate calendar details for minor requirements. Of the 120 credit minimum, at least 45 must be 300 or 400 level, which allows for completion of up to three minors. Typically, minors require at least 15 upper-level credits taken within a single discipline (unless otherwise specified in the academic calendar).

Students can choose from any existing minors in Arts, Science, or Professional Studies.

Thematic option – Individualized

The purpose of the Thematic option is to enable students to create a meaningful education plan that encourages the crossing of disciplinary boundaries to combine learning in an area where major or minors are not offered. The programs are individualized and allow students to pursue specific learning goals.

The Thematic option allows students to create an individualized program of study from a variety of disciplines that form a common theme, such as indigenous studies, explorations of aging, gender studies, international development, language and culture, advertising and social communication, or Middle Eastern studies.

Students selecting this option must submit a Thematic Option proposal. The plan must include courses that satisfy the general degree requirements and show how the courses support the theme. The requirements and details are located on the BGS website.

Thematic option – Departmentally developed

Professional Pilot Training (Fixed Wing)

The BGS offers a departmentally approved Thematic option for students who are completing the Aviation program. This program includes courses for obtaining private and commercial licenses and one of the specialized advanced options: heavy jet or professional flight instructor. Upon successful completion of the BGS requirements and Aviation courses students obtain a Thematic option: Professional Pilot Training – Fixed Wing. Students can select courses to complete one or more minors or select courses for interest.

For this specialized option, students must be apply and be admitted to the Aviation program. Please refer to the Aviation section of the UFV calendar and to the Coastal Pacific Aviation website for further details about admission requirements and application processes.

Co-operative Education option

The Co-operative Education option provides students with the opportunity to acquire paid, career-related work experience in conjunction with their studies in the Bachelor of General Studies degree program. See the Co-operative Education section for more details.

Notice of changes for Fall 2017

After undergoing extensive review, the decision has been made to revise the requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies. Changes include a shift in the core requirements for the degree and the addition of an ePortfolio. Course lists for these changes are in development and, therefore, TBD. These changes will take effect September 2017. Please note:

  • Students applying for Fall 2017 will be applying to enter the revised BGS.
  • Entrance requirements will change to allow for direct entry into the program (for students who have completed 0-30 university-level credits).
  • Students enrolled in the BGS prior to Fall 2017 are not affected by the changes.

Should you have any questions, please contact a UFV Academic Advisor.

Program requirements

Requirements Current BGS Requirements Fall 2017 BGS





Upper-level credits


Upper-level credits


Overall breadth

Two classes apiece in each of six subject clusters (e.g. Humanities) associated with broad learning goals.

Overall breadth

BGS students must complete courses from at least six different disciplines.

Specific subject area requirements replaced by Core Competency requirements (see below).

Program options

No specialization required, but students can complete one of the following options: a Thematic Option that is developed individually, a Thematic Option in Professional Pilot-Fixed Wing, a minor, or an extended minor in programs where minors are not available.

Program options

No change to program options. More pre-developed Thematic Options will be available to choose from, although the option to self-design a Thematic Option will still be available.

Program planning

No requirement to submit program plan unless completing a Thematic Option.

Program planning

BGS students will be required to submit a Customized Learning Plan (CLP) outlining program completion plans by the time they have completed 60 credits or upon entry to program, whichever occurs later.


Of the 120 credits used in the degree, 30 must be completed at UFV. Of the 45 upper-level credits required in the degree, 15 upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.


Of the 120 credits used in the degree, 30 must be completed at UFV. Of the 45 upper level credits required in the degree, 24 upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.

Core Competency requirements

Current BGS Fall 2017 BGS

Effective Communication Skills (3 credits)

ENGL 105, CMNS 125, CMNS 155, CMNS 251, or ENGL 210.

Core Competency #1:
Effective Communications (6 credits)

  • Written communications requirement: ENGL 105 or CMNS 155.
  • Additional communications (written, visual, or oral) requirement: One additional course from list (TBD).

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Mathematical and Scientific Reasoning (6 credits)

Six credits from Mathematics, Statistics, Philosophy, Psychology.

Core Competency #2:
Use and Interpretation of Numerical Data (6-8 credits)

  • One of STAT 104, STAT 106, or PSYC 110.
  • Additional course from list (TBD).

Scientific and Natural World, Ability to Use Technology (6-8 credits)

Six credits from Agriculture, Applied Business Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Computing, Geography, Library Technology, Physics.

Core Competency #3:
Scientific Literacy (3-4 credits)

  • One course in Laboratory Science selected from list (TBD).

Appreciation for Aesthetic and Cultural World (6 credits)

Six credits in English Literature, Literature in Translation, Modern Language, Theatre, Visual Arts.

No longer required; see Core Competency #5.


Social Responsibility and Citizenship
(6 credits)

Six credits in Anthropology, Economics, History, Latin American Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Political Science, Sociology.

No longer required; see Core Competency #5.


Effective Team and Interpersonal Skills (6 credits)

Six credits in Adult Education, Business, Child and Youth Care, Criminology, Health Science, Kinesiology, Social Services, Human Services, Social Work.


No longer required; see Core Competency #6.

New to BGS.

Core Comptency #4:
Digital Competency (3-4 credits)

  • Demonstration of competency, through e-Portfolio generated for portfolio course, with MS Office, Adobe Suite, or other software package (may be specific to industry, e.g. Library Technology or Graphic and Digital Design). Requirement may be met through completion of software-intensive courses (e.g. LIBT, CIS, COMP, ABT, etc.).

New to BGS.

Core Competency #5:
Intercultural Engagement (0-3 credits)

  • One course from list, or demonstration of having met learning outcomes through completion of relevant, intercultural academic experience (e.g. study abroad), or work or volunteer experience, as demonstrated in e-Portfolio.

New to BGS.

Core Competency #6:
Applied, Experiential, and Professional Skills Learning Component (0-9 credits)

  • Successful completion of one of the following: One or more terms of Cooperative Education; Credited Internship or Practicum, any discipline; Credited Study Tour (4 or more credits); 40 hours of Co-Curricular Record experience; Completion of a post-secondary Professional Program (e.g. TESL, Dental Hygiene, Veterinary Technologist) related to learning goals set out in the Customized Learning Plan (CLP) and leading to professional designation or accreditation; Demonstration, through e-Portfolio, of sufficient prior work or volunteer experience relevant to learning goals set out in CLP.

New to BGS.

Portfolio (8 credits)

  • 8 credits of portfolio course.

Total credits: Current BGS

33 credits

Total credits: Fall 2017 BGS

26-42 credits

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process allows students the opportunity to have non-traditional learning and work experience assessed for credit. For further details please see Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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Current Students
