Academic Calendar Fall 2016

Graduate Studies

Graduate certificate in Program Evaluation

Good governance and public management require ongoing program evaluation and public accountability. Program evaluation seeks to assess the relevance, sustainability, impact, effectiveness, and efficiency of government programs, projects, policies, and regulations by focusing on program results and value for tax-payers’ money. It involves the systematic gathering of information about the performance of public projects, policies, programs, and regulations in order to determine their relevance, success, and cost-effectiveness. Program evaluations are complex and delicate exercises which must be conducted professionally and competently in order to be both credible and useful. Ultimately, the quality and integrity of evaluations depend on the quality and competence of the professionals who carry out this function.

Evaluators must be able to apply appropriate research and statistical methods rigorously. They also must be able to make sound critical judgments and communicate well with their clients in order to support them in bringing about change. The core competencies of evaluators have been empirically identified by major professional associations, including the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), and the Treasury Board of Canada.

Inquiry-based learning is a central feature of the training approach. Students will link scholarship to practice through case studies and problem-solving exercises. The goal is to enable students to apply sound evaluation methodologies in an ethical and professional manner.

This program delivers a transformative learning experience to mid-career professionals from various public management and service fields, as well as managers, consultants, and researchers who expect to be involved in various capacities in program evaluation. Students will acquire the core competencies required to professionally conduct a program evaluation.

This graduate certificate will be recognized by the Canadian Evaluation Society and members of the Consortium of University Evaluation Education.

Entrance requirements

All applicants must:

1. Have completed a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a professional or social science discipline (e.g., public administration, criminal justice, social work, education, business administration, sociology, or economics).

2. Have acquired professional experience in the public or civil society sectors.

3. Have successfully completed an undergraduate course in research methodology, or agree to complete such a course prior to enrolling in the program.

4. Be able to provide three letters of reference (at least one of which must be from an academic, and at least one of which must be from someone who can speak to your work experience).

5. Submit a resume.

6. Attend an interview or orientation session, if required.

7. Meet the Degree/diploma level English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see the English language proficiency requirement section of the calendar.

When to apply

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis throughout the year. Qualified applicants are considered for the next intake in which there is space. See Continuous application process for more information.

How to apply

1. Apply online at You will be required to pay a $75 application fee.

Additional documents required for a complete Graduate application:
• A resume.
• Official sealed transcripts (or interim transcripts) from every post-secondary institution you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details.
• Three letters of reference. Please use the forms provided in the application package. Have the letters completed, sealed, and signed, and returned with your application package.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision and provided with registration information. A deposit is required prior to registration (see Fees and additional costs section below). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.

3. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements is due by the end August.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. There will be additional costs for textbooks.

Dates and location

Courses will be offered using combined delivery methods with a short term of in-class sessions and the remaining classes through online and self-directed study over three successive semesters. Any in-class sessions will be held at the Abbotsford campus.

Methods of delivery

This program will employ various delivery methods including in class, online, and self-directed study.


A prerequisite is a requirement which must be met before a student enters a course or program. A P grade does not, unless stated otherwise, meet a prerequisite requirement. Students who do not have the stated prerequisite courses may not register in a course having these requirements without the permission of the School of Graduate Studies.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

You may be able to obtain credit for prior learning through evaluation of previous studies or learning through experience. Contact Dr. Ding Lu, program committee chair, for further information.

Course withdrawal deadlines

Course withdrawal deadlines follow UFV's Course Withdrawal policy (81). Please see the General Regulations for Graduate Studies.


Candidates who qualify to receive a UFV graduate certificate must be approved by the UFV School of Graduate Studies and the University College Council. Students must submit a Request for Graduation form to the UFV Office of the Registrar by April 1.

Program requirements and continuance in program

To maintain status as a program student and to continue in the program, students must maintain a minimum program grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Re-taking courses

Students can re-take a course if they wish to improve the grade earned in the course. Permission of the Graduate program committee is required (Please see General Regulations for Graduate Studies.)

Auditing courses

Students wishing to audit a course must request permission from the instructor no later than the end of the fourth week of classes. No changes from regular to audit status will be permitted after this date.

Academic regulations

Governed by the General Regulations for Graduate Studies.

Program outline

The graduate certificate in Program Evaluation consists of six courses, for a total of 15 graduate-level credits. All courses are competency-based, primarily designed to provide public sector and civil society professionals and managers with the practical knowledge, skills, and credibility for conducting, managing, or participating in the program evaluation process.

Required courses

Course Title Credits
PREV 700 Public Program Management, Policy Development, and Performance Measurement 3
PREV 710 Program Evaluation Principles and Processes 3
PREV 720 Evaluation Design and Issues in Program Evaluation 3
PREV 740 Applied Evaluation Techniques: Lab Exercises 2
PREV 730 Cost-Benefit Analysis 3
PREV 750 Professional Practice in Program Evaluation 1

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Current Students
