Academic Calendar Fall 2016

School of Business

Business Administration diploma

The two-year diploma program is designed to give graduates a solid educational background on which to build a business career. The Business Administration diploma program develops practical skills in writing, mathematics, and computing, along with an understanding of fundamental principles in the areas of marketing, accounting, economics, and management. By carefully selecting their courses, diploma students can meet the admission requirements of the BBA as well as the prerequisites for upper-level business courses.

Entrance requirements

  • B.C. secondary school graduation, or equivalent.
  • Prerequisites for MATH 140.
  • Prerequisites for ENGL 105.

All students entering this program are expected to be computer literate. This means knowing how to run programs from a Windows environment, and having basic Internet, word processing, and spreadsheet skills.

Students who have completed certificate or one-year programs such as the Administration certificate will receive credit for completed courses that are in the diploma, conditional on meeting residency and grade requirements.

Qualifying Studies allows students who do not currently meet diploma entry requirements to upgrade their qualifications for future admission.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the fall semester only. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Apply online at

Additional documents required for a complete application:

Official transcripts of all post-secondary institutions attended showing grade/course achievement as per program entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details.

The following must be included:

  • a. Official transcript from high school
  • b. B.C. English 12 or equivalent with a minimum C+ (i.e. evidence of having completed the prerequisites for ENGL 105; see Note)
  • Evidence of successful completion of the prerequisites for MATH 140
    d. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent

Note: English 12 equivalent courses include English 12 First Peoples, English Literature 12, AP English, and IB English A (standard level or higher level).

2.Upon admission, you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required prior to registration (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.

3. Proof of completion of entrance requirements must be submitted by the date stated on your acceptance letter.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Length and location

Students can complete the diploma program in two years if they take five courses each fall and winter semester.

A reduced course load is permitted but will result in a longer period of time needed for program completion. The department requires the diploma to be completed within seven years.

The full diploma program is offered at both the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. Most of the first year of the diploma program is offered at the Mission campus. All students should expect to travel between campuses during their program.

Residency requirements

At least 25% of the course work must be completed at UFV.

Transfer credits

Recognition of previously completed business courses

Former UFV business students who finished their studies more than 10 years ago and students who completed courses in other programs and/or at other post-secondary institutions prior to starting a UFV business program should contact the School of Business to determine whether any courses/credits can be recognized for or transferred to the desired UFV business program. Applicability of courses and/or transfer credits is determined on an individual student basis.

The following criteria are used:

Relevance and suitability of the course to the program as determined by the School of Business
Generally, courses taken more than 10 years ago will not be considered applicable; courses taken more recently may not be considered applicable if there has been significant change in the course subject matter since the course was taken.
Courses taken at other institutions may not be used to meet the program residency requirements.

Transferring courses to other institutions and associations

Students intending to pursue commerce or business administration studies at another institution are advised to study those institutions’ calendars carefully before enrolling in any UFV courses which have a BUS designation. Students should consult an academic advisor at the institution to which they intend to transfer, or refer to the Provincial Transfer Guide at for transfer details.

A number of the School of Business's courses have transferability with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada), allowing a student graduating with a BBA Accounting option to meet the prerequisite requirements (PREP) of the CPA program. A number of courses are also recognized by a variety of other professional accrediting associations such as CHRP (Certified Human Resource Professional). (See information on transferability in the Business course descriptions section.)

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section.

Textbooks and supplies cost approximately $1,000–1,500 per year. Textbooks should be considered an investment and become part of your business library. You may be required to purchase one or more computer software packages. You should also consider purchasing or arranging access to an industry-compatible computer.

Standing required for continuance

Students in the Business Administration diploma program must maintain a program GPA and semester average of 2.0. Students are also expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA on all courses.

Note: For entry to the third year of the BBA see the BBA degree program entrance requirements.

Undergraduate continuance

Academic standing will be governed by UFV’s Undergraduate Continuance policy (92). Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or above) must maintain an undergraduate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at UFV. Students in Good Academic Standing will have no registration limits placed on them. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from undergraduate studies at UFV. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering in 10 credits.

The academic standing of all students covered under this policy for courses where letter grades are assigned will be determined at intervals of 9 credits at the start of a student’s academic career and then at the end of every term after 27 credits have been completed. Students will be assessed after every term enrolled, but Academic Standing will only change at the intervals noted above. Students’ academic standing will be permanently reflected on their student record and will appear on official and unofficial transcripts.

After each semester, students put on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Required to Withdraw status or who are continued on Warning or Probation will be notified by the Registrar. For further details, see the Academic standing and undergraduate continuance section of the academic calendar.

For assistance, see an Advisor or contact

Required to withdraw

Students who have been Required to Withdraw from UFV under the Undergraduate Continuance policy (92) are subject to re-admission and continuance requirements as listed in the UFV academic calendar. Students are normally only readmitted once to the same program.

Appeals for re-admission

Students who are required to withdraw from the program must submit an appeal for re-admission if they wish to resume studies in the program.

In general, students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to complete a further nine credits of academic work, or to repeat a similar amount of academic work taken previously, in order to demonstrate their academic abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of the semester applied for. Re-admission is not automatic.

Co-operative Education option

The Co-operative Education option offers students in the School of Business the opportunity to obtain paid, career-related work experience in their field of study during their education at UFV. After completing their first year of study, Co-op students alternate between semesters of full-time study and full-time paid employment. See the Co-operative Education section of the calendar for further details.

Program outline

First year

Semester I

Course Title Credits
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 160/CIS 110 Computerized Business Applications and MIS 3
ENGL 105 Academic Writing 3
ECON 100 Principles of Microeconomics 3
MATH 140 Algebra and Functions for Business (see Note 1) 3

Semester II

Course Title Credits
BUS 120 Essentials of Marketing 3
BUS 143 Accounting I 3
STAT 106 Statistics I 4
CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communication 3
ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics 3

Second year

Semester III

Course Title Credits
BUS 144 Accounting II 3
BUS 203 Organizational Behaviour 3
BUS 249 Essentials of Finance (formerly BUS 149, 162) 3
Elective Marketing: BUS 221, BUS 223, or BUS 328 (formerly BUS 224) (see Note 2) 3
Elective Any non-Business course (see Note 3) 3

Semester IV

Course Title Credits
BUS 201 Human Resource Management 3
BUS 227 New Business Development 3
BUS 247 Introductory Management Accounting 3
BUS 261 Business Law 3
Elective Any Business course (see Note 4) 3

Note 1: Students with MATH 140 or equivalent may take a business or general elective in lieu of MATH 140. Students planning to transfer their credits to the BBA should take MATH 141.

Note 2: Students planning to transfer their credits to the BBA should take BUS 221.

Note 3: Students planning to transfer their credits to the BBA should take CMNS 251.

Note 4: Students planning to transfer their credits to the BBA should take BUS 226/ECON 226(formerly BUS 301).

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Current Students
