UFV offers a two-year, 60 credit program leading to a diploma in theatre. Graduates are qualified to seek entry into professional training schools, or to transfer to university degree programs. Exceptional students may be ready to seek professional work upon graduation. The program also gives students an enriched appreciation of theatre and enhanced skills for involvement in theatre.
Students who do not meet these requirements might consider Qualifying Studies.
Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall and Winter semesters For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.
1. Apply online at
Proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.
Transcripts (or interim transcripts) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
2. Students who have attended a post-secondary institution must submit an official transcript (sealed envelope) for each institution attended, whether or not they have completed courses there. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. To retain your original application date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date your application is mailed or submitted.
3. Upon admission to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required prior to registration (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.
If you meet all of the entrance requirements, but the program is full, you will be given an opportunity to register in Qualifying Studies. Should a space become available at a later date, you will be contacted.
4. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements are due the beginning of August.
Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.
Students who attend UFV part-time, or who are enrolled in other programs, may take any available theatre course for which they have the prerequisites. Part-time students wanting to complete the Theatre diploma should consult the calendar or meet with an Advisor to ensure they are completing the appropriate courses in the correct sequence.
See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100-200 per course. Additional costs may include theatre tours, workshop fees, art supplies, makeup, exercise mats, and suitable acting-class clothing.
The Theatre department’s facilities are located at the CEP and Yale Road campus locations in Chilliwack. Most classes are held at CEP and most activities related to the department’s production season are carried out in the performance theatre on Yale Road. The department also offers courses in Abbotsford.
All students accepted into this program at UFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA on all courses.
Academic standing will be governed by UFV’s Undergraduate Continuance policy (92). Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or above) must maintain an undergraduate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at UFV. Students in Good Academic Standing will have no registration limits placed on them. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from undergraduate studies at UFV. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering in 10 credits.
The academic standing of all students covered under this policy for courses where letter grades are assigned will be determined at intervals of 9 credits at the start of a student’s academic career and then at the end of every term after 27 credits have been completed. Students will be assessed after every term enrolled, but Academic Standing will only change at the intervals noted above. Students’ academic standing will be permanently reflected on their student record and will appear on official and unofficial transcripts.
After each semester, students put on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Required to Withdraw status or who are continued on Warning or Probation will be notified by the Registrar.
For assistance, see an Advisor or contact
Students who have been Required to Withdraw from UFV under the Undergraduate Continuance policy (92) are subject to re-admission and continuance requirements as listed in the UFV academic calendar. Students are normally only readmitted once to the same program.
A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required in order to receive a diploma.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure all program requirements are met. This should be done through regular consultation with an Academic Advisor.
Diploma candidates who qualify to receive a UFV Theatre diploma must be approved by the UFV Arts division and the Senate.
Students must apply for graduation by completing a Request to Graduate form available at the Office of the Registrar. We recommend this be done in the first month of the graduating semester. The final deadline for submissions is April 1, with all program requirements completed by April 30 for students wishing to attend the June convocation ceremony.
Course | Title | Credits |
One of: | ||
THEA 111 |
Introduction to Acting |
3 |
or THEA 112 |
Essentials of Acting (see Note) |
Required: | ||
THEA 121 |
Technical Theatre I |
3 |
THEA 123 |
Technical Theatre II |
3 |
THEA 199 | Technical Theatre Practicum |
3 |
THEA 299 | Theatre Production Practicum |
3 |
Note: The prerequisite for THEA 112 is THEA 111 with a B, or audition. Students with previous training or experience in acting may audition for direct admission to THEA 112. Please refer to the Theatre website for information on audition dates and guidelines. THEA 111, if taken as well, may be used as an elective.
Course | Title | Credits |
THEA 101 | Introduction to Theatre | 3 |
THEA 203/ENGL 233 | History of Theatre and Drama: Antiquity to 1642 | 3 |
THEA 204/ENGL 234 | History of Theatre and Drama: 1642 to 1914 | 3 |
ENGL 130 | Introduction to Drama |
3 |
Course | Title | Credits |
One of: | ||
ENGL 105 (see Note 1) | Academic Writing | 3 |
or CMNS 155 | Introduction to Workplace and Academic Communication |
Note 1: Students who enter the Theatre diploma program with a grade of A in English 12 (or an equivalent course), or a grade of A in ENGL 099, or a grade of A in English 091, may replace the ENGL 105 requirement with any ENGL course numbered 108 or higher.
Note 2: In assessing a high school grade, the BA program uses the blended final grade. English 12 equivalent courses include English Literature 12, English 12 First Peoples, International Baccalaureate English A (standard level or higher level), Advanced Placement English.
12 credits chosen from:
12 credits chosen from:
6 credits chosen from:
All elective credits must be university level.
Students planning to use the diploma to transfer into a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or other program should consult the calendar or meet with an Advisor to ensure they select electives that meet the requirements of the BA, BFA, or other program.
Elective credits must be chosen from courses other than ENGL 105, 130, 233, and 234.
Theatre practica are assigned to each production in the department’s annual season of theatre. Two practica are required for the diploma: THEA 199 (Technical Theatre Practicum) and THEA 299 (Theatre Production Practicum). Students are strongly advised to complete one of the required theatre practica in each year of the two-year diploma. The department also offers two credit/non-credit practica designed for students who wish to develop additional experience in theatre practice: THEA 290 (Theatre Practice – Small Ensemble) and THEA 295 (Theatre
Practice – Large Ensemble).
Theatre practicum courses require from 45 to 130 total hours spread over approximately 10 weeks. Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and on weekends (usually Sunday afternoon or evening).
Since each production represents a unique project, students may repeat THEA 199 or 299 once for further elective credit towards a Theatre diploma. Students may also acquire as many THEA 290 or THEA 295 credits as they wish. A maximum of twelve lower-level practicum credits (six required from THEA 199 and 299, and six elective credits from THEA 199, 299, 290, or 295) can be counted towards the diploma. In all cases, additional credit will only be granted when the work undertaken in each practicum represents a different production role.
Acting roles in the practicum sections are obtained through audition.
The Theatre department participates in UFV's Work Study program. Contact the Career Centre for more information.
For complete details on courses see course descriptions section.