Academic Calendar Fall 2016

Applied and Technical Studies

Hospitality and Event Management Post-degree certificate

This 30 credit certificate program is designed specifically for students who already have an undergraduate degree and are looking to gain a leadership role in the hospitality and event management industry. Students will develop knowledge and skills relating to the national tourism industry, and the events market. The theoretical knowledge and hands on skills will help to prepare the student for an opportunities based industry that relies heavily on a diverse work force. Integrated into the program are lectures and interactive experiences delivered by industry leaders from all five sectors of the industry, along with a 3 month internship program and may include two overnight field trips. Field trips are designed to have the students experience the diversity of tourism and hospitality options throughout the province of British Columbia. Classroom activities are supplemented by guest lectures and volunteer work. The certificate will also prepare the student to be entrepreneurial, thoughtful and engaged citizens of an increasingly demanding industry.

Entrance requirements

Students must have completed an undergraduate degree in any discipline from a recognized institution. Students in their final year of an undergraduate degree completing a senior thesis requirement will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants must meet the Degree/diploma level English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see the English language proficiency requirement section of the calendar.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall semester. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process in the Admissions section of the calendar.

How to apply

1. Apply online at

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required prior to registration (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Hospitality and Event Planning Post-degree certificate students should budget approximately $1200 for required textbooks. In addition, students should budget approximately $1100 for the Fall field trip and $850 for the Spring field trip. Students need access to a vehicle to attend day field trips and internship sites.

Note: A deposit (currently $200) must be paid at the time of registration, which typically takes place one or two months before the start of each semester. The balance of fees must be paid by the second week of the semester.


Building V - Canada Education Park
45190 Caen Avenue, Chilliwack, B.C.,
V2R 0N3

Internship and field trip experiences occur at a variety of locations throughout Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.

Program outline

The program consists of 30 credit units completed over 3 semesters.

Course Title Credits
HOEV 200 Principles of Tourism: A Canadian Perspective 3
HOEV 201 Hospitality Accounting & Financial Management 3
HOEV 300 Hospitality Operations 3
HOEV 301 E-Business and Technology Systems 3
HOEV 302 Marketing Management for Hospitality and Tourism 3
HOEV 303 Organizational Behavior and Leadership 3
HOEV 400 Customer Relations Management 3
HOEV 401 Canadian Hospitality Employment Law 3
HOEV 402 Events Management 3
HOEV 450 Hospitality and Events Internship 3

Program requirements


The hospitality event management courses for each semester are prerequisites for the coursework in the next semester. Due to the integrated nature of event management, progression from one semester to the next requires concurrent completion of all hospitality event management courses. All students must receive a passing grade of 70% (GPA 3.0) or better in each of the hospitality event management courses in order to proceed with the program.

Course repetition

Courses in the Hospitality and Event Management program in each semester are closely related to each other and are considered corequisites. Failure of one course may require withdrawal from the program until the next course offering in order to continue through completion of the program.


Students requesting re-admission to the Post Graduate Certificate in Hospitality Event Management must document their request in writing to the department head. The letter of request must include a description of the circumstances related to their withdrawal of the program, an explanation of previous areas of difficulty, and plans for the promotion of their future success. Requests for re-admission must be received at the Trades and Technology Centre four months prior to the semester for which they are reapplying.

The student selection committee will review all re-admission requests and based on faculty recommendations (from the last semester in which the student was enrolled) will decide upon the appropriate placement in the program. Factors influencing the final decision for re-admission include availability of seats, length of absence from the program, previous academic achievements, and potential for success. An interview with the department head is required of all students requesting re-admission. All applicants for re-admission will be informed in writing regarding the decision and conditions for re-entry into the program. The department head may stipulate conditions attached to re-admission. Re-admission into the program may necessitate the successful completion of hospitality event management courses previously passed if in the judgment of faculty, the length of absence from the program and/or the reasons for withdrawal would render the applicant inadequately prepared for the subsequent semester.


Students must complete at least 15 credits at UFV. The internship course must be completed at UFV. PLAR may be considered on a case-by-case basis, but courses transferred from elsewhere or waived through PLAR do not count toward the residency requirement.


Students must apply for graduation by completing a Graduation Request form available at We recommend this be done at the beginning of the final semester.

Maximum length of time to complete program

Students must complete the program within three years.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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