ufv.ca/englishThis section specifies the honours discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for information on additional requirements.
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 105 | Academic Writing | 3 |
Plus: | An additional 100-level ENGL course | 3 |
Plus: | Two 200-level ENGL courses, which can include ENGL 253 (see Notes) | 6 |
Two of: | 6 | |
ENGL 208 | Creative Writing: Screenwriting | |
ENGL 211 | Creative Writing: Playwriting | |
ENGL 212 | Creative Writing: Short Fiction | |
ENGL 213 | Creative Writing: Poetry | |
ENGL 215 | Creative Writing: Creative Non-Fiction | |
ENGL 253/ THEA 250 | Introduction to Storytelling in Indigenous, Theatrical, and Global Communities (see Note 2) |
Note 1: At least one of ENGL 201, 202, 223, or 253 is recommended.
Note 2: ENGL 253/THEA 250 can only be used to fulfill one requirement.
Course | Title | Credits |
Two of: | 8 | |
ENGL 301 | Homer, Classicism, and English Literary History | |
ENGL 304 | Topics in Medieval Literature | |
ENGL 306 | Chaucer | |
ENGL 312 | Shakespeare | |
ENGL 316 | Milton | |
ENGL 318 | Literature and the Enlightenment, 1660-1750 | |
ENGL 319 | The Eighteenth-Century Novel | |
Four of: | 16 | |
ENGL 302 | Creative Writing: Advanced Short Fiction | |
ENGL 303 | Creative Writing: Historical Fiction | |
ENGL 311 | Creative Writing: Novel | |
ENGL 313 | Creative Writing: Advanced Poetry | |
ENGL 315 | Creative Writing: Children's Literature | |
ENGL 373/ JRNL 373 | Creative Writing: Advanced Creative Non-Fiction | |
ENGL 378 | Creative Writing: Advanced Screenwriting | |
ENGL 381 | Creative Writing: Advanced Playwriting | |
ENGL 390 | Creative Writing: Special Topics | |
ENGL 405 | Seminar in Creative Writing | |
ENGL 490 | Directed Studies in English (see Note 1) | |
One of: | 4 | |
ENGL 356 | Modern Canadian Prose | |
ENGL 360 | Topics in Canadian Literature | |
ENGL 361 | Canadian Drama | |
One of: | 4 | |
ENGL 370 | History of the English Language | |
ENGL 376 | Rhetoric: A Historical Survey | |
ENGL 386 | Figurative Language | |
Plus: | ||
Plus: | Eight credits of upper-level ENGL, excluding courses designated as creative writing (see Note 2) | 8 |
ENGL 491 | Honours Directed Reading (see Note 1) | 4 |
ENGL 492 | Honours Directed Essay (see Note 1) | 4 |
Note 1: ENGL 490, 491, and 492 must be focused on a creative writing project.
Note 2: The following upper-level courses are designated as creative writing courses: ENGL 302, 303, 311, 313, 315, 373, 378, 381, 390, and 405.
The Canadian Literature requirement and the Global Literature requirement are completed as part of the 66 credits required for the Creative Writing Honours.
Course | Title | Credits |
One of: | 3–4 | |
ENGL 240 | An Introduction to Canadian Literature | |
ENGL 253/ THEA 250 | Introduction to Storytelling in Indigenous, Theatrical, and Global Communities (see Note) | |
ENGL 354 | Canadian Poetry and Prose, Beginnings to 1920 | |
ENGL 356 | Modern Canadian Prose | |
ENGL 358 | Modern Canadian Poetry | |
ENGL 360 | Topics in Canadian Literature | |
ENGL 362 | Literature of British Columbia | |
One of: | 3–4 | |
ENGL 228 | Topics in Indigenous Literatures | |
ENGL 245 | Introduction to South Asian Literature | |
ENGL 367/ ANTH 367 | Culture and Theory of Diaspora | |
ENGL 369 | Studies in World Literature | |
ENGL 380 | Topics in South Asian Literature | |
ENGL 384 | Topics in South Asian Diaspora Literature |
Note: ENGL 253/THEA 250 can only be used to fulfill one requirement.
A minimum GPA of 3.50, calculated on all English courses required for the honours program, must be maintained until completion of the program.
Students must demonstrate proficiency in another language. This may be accomplished by completing six credits of work with a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the department of Modern Languages (MOLA) at UFV or by submitting evidence of comparable achievement at a recognized post-secondary institution. The English Honours Committee may, in some cases, determine proficiency by administering a language proficiency assessment with the assistance of a qualified specialist in the language the candidate chooses for evaluation.
For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.