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Current Students

Find accommodations

Whether you're moving across the world, or out of your childhood home, find the option that's right for you. 

UFV on-campus housing

Just steps away from your Abbotsford campus classes and living with students from across Canada and the world, calling UFV's on-campus housing "home away from home" is the most convenient and best way to engage in the UFV community. 

Check out the UFV on-campus housing website for more information.

Mailing address:

University of the Fraser Valley -- Lá:lem te Baker
33844 King Road,
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
V2S 7M8

Off-campus housing options

Important: UFV assumes no responsibility for agreements about off-campus housing made between the students and the landlord. We do NOT screen, inspect, warrant or approve any landlord, student, or accommodation provided through the above-noted services.

Know your renter rights

All students should familiarize themselves with the BC Tenancy Act before committing to renting an apartment/suite/room. 

Preventing fraud

Unfortunately, rental scams exist. Learn how to identify potential rental scams by reading the following article "Preventing Fraud" published by the Vancouver Police Department.

Common rental property websites

Short-term temporary accommodation

Abbotsford hotels 

The Sandman Hotel Group offers preferred rates to all staff, faculty, alumni and visitors of UFV. Sandman Hotel and Suites Abbotsford is conveniently located near shopping, parks, and major bus routes. In addition, there are two convenient locations in Langley. 

Other hotels in Abbotsford