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Job classification

The Job Classification Audit Committee (JCAC) — a committee represented by employees from both the Faculty & Staff Association (FSA) and the employer — classifies permanent staff positions (type A).

Classification is done using an approved 13 sub-factor job evaluation plan that places positions on the staff pay scale based on factors such as education, experience, judgment, and complexity of work.

The process for amending a job description is as follows:


Acknowledgment of changes in duties

The employee and/or the supervisor believe that there have been changes to the duties of the position.


Review of current job description

The employee and the supervisor review the current job description on file and discuss the changes. Provisions of article 17.11 of the collective agreement apply.


Consultation with HR advisor

The supervisor contacts the appropriate HR advisor to determine if there have been substantive changes to the duties to warrant a job classification review. Please contact your HR advisor as early as possible in the process.

The supervisor provides the HR Advisor with:

  1. A summary of the substantive changes
  2. A description of the core duties and responsibilities

Job description update

The HR advisor revises the job description and sends it back to the supervisor for review (and discussion with the employee). If the changes are substantive, it proceeds to the Job Classification Audit Committee (JCAC) for review. If the changes identified were not determined to be substantive, the job description will be updated and the process ends here.


Job classification review

If the job description is eligible for a job classification review, the employee and the supervisor complete and send the following documents to the HR advisor:

  1. Staff job description review form (tracks approvals to amend the job description)
  2. Position description questionnaire (PDQ)‌ (completed by the employee and supervisor)

Committee evaluation

The approved and signed documents proceed to the JCAC, where the committee evaluates and rates the job duties of the position according to the job evaluation plan. Once the review is complete, the final job description and rating are communicated to the senior administrator. Following this, the employee is formally notified of the outcome.

Frequently asked questions

Not necessarily. There is a points range for each pay group. It is not unusual for duties to change within a position, or duties to be added that require the same type of function and thus are awarded the same rating.

Also, the position may have a new, higher rating assigned to it, however, it could still remain within the same pay group.

No. The classification system does not take into consideration the volume of work. Its purpose is to examine the functions and responsibilities of the position. Assigning additional weight to an area of responsibility causes superficial inflation in the assigned points and inequity across other positions within the system. As a result, doing more of the same work does not result in a changed classification rating or pay group.

Yes, this can happen. The current incumbent will not be penalized for this. Please refer to the collective agreement article 21.6 Rate of Pay on Reclassification.

No. The performance evaluation process is a separate and distinct function from classification.

Many positions at UFV share similar titles but have different levels of responsibility and duties. It is the job content as measured by the classification system that determines similarities and differences between jobs, not the job title.

Jobs are evaluated based on the requirements of the job and information provided at the time of rating. In some cases, jobs are given weight based on context or details in a job description or additional documentation beyond the job posting or job description. Although two positions may appear similar, they may, in fact, carry weight in different areas that affect the ratings.

As an employee, your first resource is your supervisor since this is the person responsible for your work assignment. If you need additional information, your next contacts are Divleen, employer co-chair of the Job Classification Audit Committee (JCAC) and Martina Southern, Faculty & Staff Association (FSA) co-chair of the JCAC.

Not all changes in duties and responsibilities may be significant enough to warrant a classification review or necessitate a revised job description. Some research and analysis is required as the ranges within a classification rating allow for a degree of flexibility in terms of the depth and scope of a position's responsibilities. The first step is to consult with your HR advisor to understand how the job evaluation plan and the 13 sub-factors are applied within the plan. In addition, the following questions may help to identify if significant changes have been made and if a job review is warranted.

  • Have any of the major areas of responsibility been removed or added?
  • Are there new/additional formal supervisory responsibilities for permanent staff where you are required to support performance management?
  • Are there new/increased signing authority, budget management, monitoring, or administrative responsibilities?

If substantive changes were not identified, it means that the previous classification was determined to reflect a range of duties and responsibilities and the changes were deemed to be within that range. The job classification system allows for a number of criteria to impact the classification, however, an impact on the pay group requires a position to have changed substantially, or, in a way that brings the duties and responsibilities outside the most recent classification rating's range. In some instances, if a position's rating was at the lower end of the range, it might mean that there was a wider range for the position to grow into that still kept it within the same pay group.

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