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Human Resources

Professional development fund

Engage in professional development activities related to current or future employment opportunities at UFV.

The in-service professional development fund covers events, tuition support, annual professional memberships and resource materials and is based on the fiscal year April 1–March 31. 

Permanent, full-time faculty and staff are able to access up to $2,000 per fiscal year (plus an additional $200 for professional memberships). 

Employees less than 100% FTE are prorated with a minimum allocation of $750 per fiscal year. 

The in-service professional development fund covers:


For events outside the Lower Mainland it is acceptable to take one day of travel to get to the activity and one day to return home. 

Advances between $500 and your maximum eligibility are available by submitting anAdvance Request Form.

Applications for workshop or training events which are reasonably similar in content and available in multiple locations must be scheduled at the location closest to UFV.

Special approval to use two years of your PD allocation may be approved upon request. 

Study tours 

Applicants must demonstrate a clear connection between study tour participation and their current professional role at UFV. Applicants must demonstrate how the study tour participation is an approvable professional growth activity outlined in the criteria for all approvable in-service professional development activities. Self-guided tours need to have a detailed list of activities and timeline attached to the application form.

Staff only substitute funding

Up to 30 hours per fiscal year may be available to fund the costs of a direct replacement for a staff employee to attend events only. 

Applications are reviewed to determine the relevant value to UFV.

Special approval to use two years of your PD allocation may be approved upon request.

Memberships must relate to your ongoing employment at UFV. The start date of the membership must occur in the current fiscal year to be eligible for funding. 

Common resource materials include books, journals, and software. For faculty, your resource materials must be applicable to your educational background and to your relevant professional area. For staff, the resource material must directly relate to your current or professional growth at UFV.

Non-taxable benefit goods purchased with in-service professional development funds remain the property of the university until such time that fair market value equals $0, at which time ownership is transferred to the employee.


Application process


Submit application to supervisor

We have revised our application forms for Professional Development. We now have one form that is for Events & Tuition (which requires your supervisor’s or dean’s signature) and another form for Memberships & Resource Materials (no supervisor or dean’s signature required). 


Receive approval for application

Once you have completed the Events & Tuition application, your supervisor or dean must ensure that the request meets the in-service professional development criteria and guidelines, and sign the form.


Send completed application for review

Once complete, please submit your application in person to the Human Resources department or email it to Please note that your application must be submitted and approved before using the fund. Applications are reviewed by Human Resources/Joint Professional Development Committee (JPDC), and you are notified if the application is approved or not.


Make the purchase and/or attend the activity

Once you have received a confirmation email from HR approving your request, you may make the purchase and/or attend the activity.


Submit post-PD report within 10 days

Submit a post-PD report (for conferences, workshops, courses, and trainings) to your supervisor for review and signature. Ensure the completed form is back to PD within 10 days.


Submit your expense claim + Post PD Report

Review the In-Service PD: Allowable Expenses then complete and submit your claim through the Chrome River Expense Management System for reimbursement. 

You can find instructions on how to use Chrome River here.

If applicable, submit your Post PD Report to 

Frequently asked questions

To view past PD expenditures:

  1. Log into 
  2. Click Employee Info tab
  3. Select Professional Development Expenditures
  4. Select the relevant fiscal year
  5. Click Display

If you are not a permanent employee, please contact PD Assistant email:, who will be able to provide you with your PD allotment.

To see the list of activities that employees have been reimbursed for, please refer to this document: Listing of Professional Development Activities

For questions regarding the in-service professional development fund, contact the Professional Development assistant at local 5133 or email

Upcoming HR events