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Mathematics and Statistics

FV Math & Stats seminar

Fraser Valley Math & Stats seminar

The department of Math & Stats at the University of the Fraser Valley welcomes you.

Our seminar is an opportunity for students, researchers, faculty, industry specialists and math enthusiasts to come together, discuss and learn about specific topics in Mathematics & Statistics. It involves presentations by faculty, students, and experts who share research findings and explore advanced concepts not usually covered in standard courses. The goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the subjects through discussion and collaboration. Anyone is more than welcome to attend.

Seminar details

During Winter 2025, we meet on Mondays at C-1425 on Abbotsford campus at 16-17:00 PT.

Upcoming seminars

Schedule hosted at
MonMar 1716:00Serhii MyroshnychenkoKneser-Poulsen conjecture: planar case
MonMar 3116:00Chris DudgaleTBA
MonApr 0716:00Chris DudgaleTBA