I Can't Log Into myClass
Confirm your username and password.
Your username is your 9 digit student number. Your password is the one you use to log into myUFV with.
I am new to UFV and have never logged into myUFV.
If you have never logged into myUFV, please do so now. You will need to change your password upon first login. This should synchronize your password into Blackboard. After updating your password in myUFV, wait a few minutes and try logging into myUFV with your new password and then if successful, into Blackboard.
I can log into myUFV but not into myClass
Please log into myUFV and change your password. Wait a few minutes and try to log into myClass again.
If none of the above work, get in touch with ITS:
Submit a myClass (Blackboard) support ticket
Phone: 604-864-4610
toll-free 1-888-504-7441 local 4610