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Get permission to edit webpages

To obtain permission to edit a website managed through UFV's content management system (TerminalFour), you must take the following steps: 


Complete the web editor training

To gain access to edit a website, you must first complete UFV's web editor training.


Determine which website(s) you will need access to

Let your supervisor, dean or department head know when you have successfully completed the training. Together, determine which website(s) you will need access to.

Note: Access to the UFV website may be limited to specific sections depending on the department you work in and/or projects in your portfolio.


Submit web editor permission request

To gain access to edit a website, you must submit a request for web editor permissions and your supervisor must approve the request.

Note: You may submit the request in advance; however, permissions will not be granted until training has been completed.

Request web editor permissions


At this time, auxiliary staff and student employees cannot be granted editing rights to a blog or website.