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Add quick-links

Last updated: February 9, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • How to add quick-links above your right-hand side navigation menu

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


Quick-links are the green link buttons on the top right of your UFV webpages. Quick-links are a good way to highlight key tasks for your users — things that are important and they will need to do often.


To create a quick link: 

  1. Add a new section under your homepage. Call it Quick-links and make sure it's hidden in your navigation.
  1. Edit the section and click +Add content.
  1. Choose the Quick-Links content type and give it a descriptive name — this only shows up in T4.
  1. Add your text — this is the text that will show on the green button. Adding an action verb is best practice. For example: 'Ask a question".
  1. Decide where the quick-link will point — to a section or content block on the UFV site, or to an external link.
  1. Decide if you want the link to open in a new window, and then save changes.
  1. Preview to see if your quick-link is working.
  1. Repeat the process to add another quick-Link.


 TIP: How many quick-links can I have on a webpage?

We recommend sticking to 1 or 2 quick-links to avoid visual clutter for your user.