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Create a section (webpage)

Last updated: January 27, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • How to create a new section (webpage) and preview it

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


In T4, a webpage is referred to as a Section. A section looks like a folder in the Site Structure and will appear automatically on your site's right-hand side navigation menu unless you choose to hide it.

Adding a new section

  1. Go to your site structure.
  1. Navigate to the section that will serve as the parent of your new page.
  1. Click on the blue Actions menu of the section you have chosen as the parent page, and choose Create section.
  2. Note: If you accidentally click on the name of the section, you will need to click on the site structure button to start over.
  1. Under the General section details, give your section a name.

 TIP: best practices for naming your section

  • The name you give your section is important. Choose a name that’s clear and descriptive and not too long. T4 will automatically create a page URL using the section name, replacing spaces with hyphens (-).
  • When naming a section, do not use special characters (e.g., @, &,?,!,_, etc.).
  1. Set the status of your new web page (approved or pending). If you choose "Approved" your section will publish at the next noon publish. If you choose "Pending", the section will stay in draft mode until you switch it to approved.
  1. Decide whether or not you would like the page to show in the navigation of your website. By default, all new sections are set to "show in navigation". This means that when when you look at the website navigation menu, the section will show. If you don’t want it to show, uncheck the box.
  1. Click on Save changes. T4 will send you back to your site structure, and a green box saying "Added. Section added" will briefly appear at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Find your newly created page in your site structure, click on the blue Actions menu, and select Preview Section to preview your work.


I cannot preview my section

If you cannot preview a section, you may need to configure your web browser to allow pop-up windows from the domain.