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Rename or delete a section

Last updated: January 27, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • How to change the title of a section (webpage)
  • How to delete a section (webpage) that is no longer needed

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


How to rename a section

  1. Go to your site structure.
  1. Click on the name of the section that you would like to edit. This will open up the "General section details" screen.
  1. Go to the Name field and type in your new name.
  1. Click Save changes.


How to delete a section

  1. Go to your site structure.
  1. Choose one of two ways to delete your section: 
    1. Click on the blue Actions menu, and select Delete section, OR
    2. Click on the name of the section that you would like to edit. This will open up the "General section details" screen where you can change the status of the section from Approved to Inactive.
  1. Click Save changes. 
  2. Note: The deleted section will turn red and it will stop publishing, but it will stay in your site structure until the next recycling bin purge. After the recycle bin gets emptied, the section will be permanently deleted.


If you change your mind and decide you don't want to delete this section anymore, you can click on the name of the section and change the status back to Approved or Pending.


 TIP: best practices when renaming or deleting a section

When you change the name of a section, it also changes the URL address of that section which causes broken link errors for users. Similarly, deleting a section will create broken link errors since the page is no longer available for users to navigate to.

Before renaming or deleting a section, take some time to consider the impact on your users, and submit a web support ticket so the web team can provide recommendations and set up redirects if necessary.