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Formatting your content

Last updated: February 10, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • How to paste content into your content blocks
  • How to add heading styles to your content
  • How to use custom UFV styles (alert-success, alert-warning, and well)

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


T4's content editor has built-in tools to help you format your content. Using these tools helps to maintain a consistent look and feel across the website, optimizes your webpages for search engine rankings, and makes your content accessible to people with diverse abilities.

How to paste content into your T4 content blocks

  1. Open the content block you want to edit. You can type your content directly into the content box, or you can choose to paste content in from a document.
  1. To paste content into T4, copy the content.
  1. Go to Edit, and click on Paste as text. This will remove the original styling and formatting from the content in the clipboard. This step is important as it allows us to maintain consistent fonts colours, and styles across the website.
  1. Then use the ctrl-v keyboard shortcut to paste. If you try to use the paste button that's visible under the edit menu of the content editor, you will see an error message. This is a browser security feature and it's normal. Just use the crtl-v shorcut instead.

How to add headings to your content

  1. Use your cursor to select the text.
  1. To access T4's built-in heading styles, click on the format menu, then blocks, and then choose the appropriate heading style. You can also access the same styles by clicking the drop-down next to the paragraph style shortcut in the toolbar.
  1. Apply the appropriate heading style to your selected text. Use Header 2 for your main headings, Header 3 for sub-headings, and Header 4 for sub-sub-headings. Note that the Header 1 style is not available because it is reserved for the page title. 

How to add custom UFV styles to your content

The following styles are available in the content editor. To apply them, select the text, go to the format menu > format > custom formats and choose the appropriate style.

This is the alert-success style. Use it to highlight a special occasion, make a neutral or positive announcement, or post a congratulatory message. 

This is the alert-warning style. Use a warning box to display a warning/caution message, display a message that is crucial for visitors to see, highlight a message that is crucial for visitors to see.

This is the well style. Use wells to display a tip, provide guidelines, or call action to key instructions on a page.

 TIP: Using custom styles

  • Apply the style to a single paragraph of content. Applying it to more than one content block will create multiple boxes.
  • Don't overuse custom styles. This can create visual clutter and confusion.