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Add heading tags to T4 content types

Last updated: December 22, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • The role of heading tags for content structure, search engine optimization, and accessibility
  • How to choose and apply best heading tags to specific content type displayed titles

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


Heading tags (h1 to h6) provide a hierarchical structure to web content and are essential for search engines to understand content hierarchy, and for screen readers to offer a meaningful reading experience. H1 is reserved for the page title, h2 for main headings, h3 for subheadings, and so on.

Choosing the right heading tag will contribute to a more accessible and structured web experience for all.

Applying heading styles to standard content type

In standard content type (e.g., Page Content), applying a heading style is straightforward:

  1. Select the text you want to format as a heading.
  2. Use the Blocks dropdown menu to choose the appropriate heading tag (e.g., h2).

Applying heading styles to content type with a Heading Tag field

A growing number of content types now have the option to choose heading tags for their displayed titles. Here is how you can use that new functionality:

  1. Identify the heading tag you need based on the content structure of your page.
  2. Open your content type and locate the Heading Tag field.
  3. Enter the appropriate heading tag (e.g., h3) and save your changes.

Using the heading tag field will not change how the title looks, but it will apply the correct heading tag, allowing web browsers and screen readers to better understand the content structure on the page.

Content types with the Heading Tag field

We are adding the Heading Tag field to a growing list of content types.

Currently available

  • Text block with lefthand icon
  • Photo rollover box
  • Content box inner page
  • New Step by Step

Coming soon

  • Action boxes
  • Icon with heading, teaser, and CTA button
  • Accordion panels
  • Embed responsive video
  • Vertical RSS Feeds + images
  • FAQ - Student FAQ by category (new)
  • FAQ - Student Expandable [a]