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Add an internal link to the navigation menu

Last updated: January 27, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • How to add a link to another T4 website in your navigation menu

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


An internal link section doesn’t contain any content of its own. Instead, it points users to another webpage built with T4 content management system.

The advantage of an internal link section is that it automatically updates, which means that the link will not break if a section is renamed or moved from one location to another.

How to add an internal link section to your navigation menu

  1. Go to your site structure.
  1. In your site structure, navigate to the section that will serve as the parent page of your external link section.
  2. Note: If you accidentally click on the name of the section, you will need to click on the site structure button to start over.
  1. Click on the Actions menu, and select Create section.
  1. Under the General section details, give your section a name. The name you give your section is important. Choose a name that’s clear and descriptive and not too long.
  1. Check the Mark as link section box. The screen will refresh, an a "Details" tab will appear next to the General tab.
  1. Click on the Details tab.
  1. By default, the link type is set to "External URL". Choose the Section Link Type.
  1. Click on Select section. A new window will open that allow you to choose an existing section to link to on the website.
  1. Leave the "Access Control" set to "Specific".
  1. Choose whether the link will Open in a new tab or window (_blank) or Open in the current frame (_self) when users click on it. Most of the time, it’s a better practice to have it open in the current tab.
  1. Click Save changes.
  1. Preview your site to make sure the link is working correctly.


 TIP: You can only create a link section when setting up a brand new section

Existing sections do not display the Mark as Link Section option. That's because sections that can contain content cannot be converted into Link Sections, and vice versa.