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Content options (publish, expire, archive, review, delete)

Last updated: March 15, 2023
Minimum user level: Moderator

This article covers

  • Using the publish date feature
  • How to expire or archive an outdated content block
  • Using the review date feature
  • Deleting a content block

Video tutorial

Watch a short video tutorial or read the step-by-step.


Where to find the content options

To access the publish date, expire, review date, and content owner options, open the content block of interest and select the options tab at the top of the screen.

Using the publish date feature

You can use this feature when publishing a new content block. It can't be used to schedule the update of an existing content block.

The publish date feature allows you to schedule the publish date for a content block. For example, you may draft a content block that shouldn't go live on your site until a week from now. With the publish date option, you can delay the publish date and know that it will automatically go live on that day.

  1. Open the content block and add your content.
  1. Click the save changes button, and be sure the content block status is set to pending (not approved).
  1. Navigate to start="3" the options tab.
  1. Click in the publish date field and choose the date you want your content to be published. Click on the clock icon to specify a publish time. Keep in mind the publish date & time you set here will not initiate a publish; they will approve the content for the next automatic publish. For example: if you want your content to go live on a Monday, be sure to set the publish date & time for Monday before 8 am.
  1. Click in the dropdown to the right of the save changes button and select save and approve.
  1. To verify that your content will not publish yet, preview your section. Even though the content block is approved, it should not be visible on your webpage because its publish date has been delayed.

Using the expiry date feature

  1. Open the content block you want to expire.
  2. Navigate to the options tab.
  3. Click in the expiry date field and choose the date you want your content to expire. Click on the clock icon to specify an expiry time.
  4. Click on Save and approve. At the expiry date and time, your content block status will change to Approve/Expired.

Note: Keep in mind that the content will not disappear from the live site until the next automatic publish. For example: if you want your content to expire at the beginning of the day on Monday, be sure to set the expiry date & time for Monday before 8 am.

Archiving an expired content block

If you want to move your expired content block to an archive section, you can do so from the options tab when you set up your expiry date.

  1. After setting up your expiry date, click on Select section next to the Archive section label.
  2. Select your archive folder. At the expiry date and time, T4 will move your content block to your chosen archive folder.
  3. Click on Save and approve. At the expiry date and time, your content block will be moved to the archive folder.

Using the review date feature

If your content is going to be out of date on a specific day and time, you can choose a review date to receive a notification to review the content.

  1. Open the content block you want to expire.
  2. Navigate to the options tab.
  3. Click in the Review date field and choose the date and time you want to receive a reminder to update your content.
  4. Click on Select content owner and use the filter to look for your own name. Then click on your username.
  5. Click on Save and approve. At the review date and time, the system will send an email to your inbox reminding you to update this piece of content.

Deleting a piece of content

  1. Find the piece of content you would like to delete.
  2. Click on the blue Actions menu and select Delete.
  3. Click on the red Delete button in the confirmation window. The status of the piece of content will change to Inactive and the content will no longer publish.

Note: Deleted content will stay in your section until the next time we purge the recycling bin, which happens every three months.

 IMPORTANT: T4 publishes automatically three times a day

  • Every day at 7:50 am, 12 pm, and 3:30 pm, T4 publishes all approved content sections on the website.
  • The publish cycle takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • Any changes you make (adding new content, expiring content, deleting content) will go live at the next publish.
  • You may request an emergency manual publish by submitting a publish request ticket.