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BSN Buds

The BSN Buds program aims to assist lower-level BSN students (semesters 1-4) by pairing them with an upper-level student who is experienced in the program (semesters 5-8). Mentors are meant to offer an encouraging, positive, and supportive presence to their peers. Beginning level BSN students, who may have questions or concerns with course work, extra-curricular activities, work experience, or student life in general, can turn to their peer mentors for a listening ear, information, or referrals to outside support. Each mentor will be supervised by a faculty representative from the BSN program Faculty and Student Support Committee who can offer advising as needed.

This program also aims to provide mentors with practice in utilizing supportive communication, developing leadership skills and fostering a deeper connection to their nursing school experience.

Students who are interested in becoming involved as a mentor should contact Manjot Gill and Paula Stubbings at the end of semester 4.