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A connected university experience

During your online courses, we are committed to providing you with the same level of attention and personal connections that you would be getting in on campus.

What's open now?

Find out quickly and easily how the campus facility or service you need is either available remotely, in-person with modified hours, has limited access or is closed.

Check the status of a UFV facility or service


Coming to campus?

You may be studying online, but you are still welcome on campus — whether you are enrolled in a blended course, are attending a lab session, need access to a safe and quiet study space, or want to visit the library.

If you are coming to campus, we ask you to carefully read our safety guidelines.


Stay connected with the UFV community

While studying remains your primary focus, there is more to UFV than just classes. We are here to help you find new ways to experience your online semester to the fullest and navigate all aspects of student life.

Check out below some of the ways you can stay engaged with the UFV community while studying remotely.


Socialize with other students and find new hobbies


Join one of UFV's 65+ student clubs or associations, or attend an event with myCampusLife. This is a great way to meet new people with similar interests and participate in virtual activities such as trivia nights, art workshops, or book clubs. Can’t find a club in the listing? Create your own.

Find events and associations

Music bingo event

Global Engagement

Check out the Global Engagement programs at UFV. Join events like virtual game night, language exchange, or just hang out and engage with other students. Most activities are open to all students (international and domestic), but some are specifically designed for international students.

View upcoming activities


Other ways to stay engaged


Help other students or find yourself a mentor

Apply for a paid Student Peer Tutor position

Make an impact by helping other students. As a peer tutor, you will provide guidance, answer questions about UFV, and help other students with their academic work.

Apply for a mentorship program

Connect with others while developing your leadership skills with supportive and flexible peer-mentorship. Get paired with a current UFV student-mentor who will be there to answer your questions and help you get through your semester or apply to become a mentor.


Get a job

Find a co-operative (Co-op) education position

(Co-op) combines academic studies with paid work experience in your field of study. Academic semesters alternate with work terms of 4, 8 or 12 months, giving you up to two years of relevant work experience. Applications are reviewed in September, January, and May.

Land a part-time job at UFV and build up your references

The Work-Study program allows you to gain 120 hours of professional employment experience over the course of one semester in conjunction with your studies.


Feeling overwhelmed by all the choices? Not sure where to start?

Get in touch with a student support coordinator at the Student Support Centre. They'll answer your questions about UFV, connect you to what you need, and help assist you in reaching your academic and personal goals.

Visit the student support centre


You might be interested in

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch with a student support coordinators at the Student Support Centre. They'll answer your questions about UFV, connect you to what you need, and help assist you in reaching your academic and personal goals. 

Visit the Student Support Centre

Alec's headshot

I love UFV's size. It's small enough that my learning feels personal and my teachers know me and care about my success. It's large enough to choose from a great selection of resources, events, and amenities.

Student Life has always been my biggest source of support. Whether my problems are academic or personal, there is always someone at UFV that can lend a hand. Don't be afraid to ask for help!

  • – Alec Zinman
  •    BA, Philosophy Major, Crim Minor