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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Creating a Title Page: Several Tips

"Never judge a book by its cover."

This is a great metaphor for almost anyone in almost any situation -- except authors. This will be the first impression that you will make on your audience. It's worthwhile to put some thought into it. Here are some tips to get you started:

1) Most people who create a portfolio save the cover page for last.

"Even if you make your cover page first, you'll just end up re-doing it at the end," according to Heidi Brown, advanced scrapbooker, "you just won't know how to capture everything in one shot until you have finished the journey of compiling everything."

2) Authors and publishers put a lot of time into deciding the title of any publication. Why? Because not only is it the first line that is read, it is often how the book is remembered. Since you want your portfolio to make a great impression, you want it to be remembered. Be creative!

For example, what makes more of an impact:

  • "Big Scary Fish" or "Jaws?"
  • "Kicked out of the Garden" or "Paradise Lost?"
  • "Pirates, Parrots, and Treasure" or "Pirates of the Caribbean?"
  • "How to use Coconuts to Make Just About Anything" or "Gilligan's Island?" 

3) A picture says a thousand words (Just make sure they are the right words). Though it may not be neccessary, a picture that symbolizes an aspect of your portfolio can be a nice touch. Even if the reader isn't consciously aware, the picture on the cover page sets the stage for what is to come within the portfolio.