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Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Resumes: Several Tips

"The portfolio resumé is a chronology of your most significant learning experiences. Your audience should be able to read your resumé and easily understand your employment, education, and volunteer history."

(source: Instructor's manual, Vermont State College)

What to include:

Contact Information

  • Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Home/Mobile Telephone
  • Business Telephone (if applicable)
  • Fax Number (if applicable)
  • E-mail Address

Educational History

  • Colleges/Universities/Trade Schools attended and years of attendance
  • Name of High School attended with years attended and type of diploma earned


Always present information in chronological order beginning with the most recent.

Include any honours received while in school.


Employment History

  • Names of employers including years of employment
  • Job title
  • Description of roles and responsibilities


Always present information in chronological order beginning with the most recent.

Include any awards or commendations received.

If you were promoted during your employment with a company include this information.


Community Service or Volunteer History

  • List organizations and/or volunteer positions held including years of service
  • List roles and responsibilities as well as achievements


Always present information in chronological order beginning with the most recent.

Include any awards or commendations received.


Personal Interests

  • List hobbies and activities relevant to your career or academic goals
  • List hobbies and activities not relevant to your career or academic goals (optional)

Professional Development

  • Include conferences and/or workshops attended


Always present information in chronological order beginning with the most recent.

Indicate if you presented anything at the event, or if you assisted in its planning.


Professional Affiliations

  • List organizations to which you belong


If a past membership is relevant to your resume's purpose include it in the list with beginning and end dates.



  • This section applies only if your work has been published
  • Include title of work, publisher and date