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Edward Akuffo

Dr. Edward Akuffo

Department Head
Associate Professor

Political Science

Abbotsford campus, D3085

Phone: 604.504.7441, local 4444

email Edward


PhD International Relations and Comparative Politics in Developing Countries—University of Alberta
MA International Relations—Brock University
BA Hons. Political Science with Linguistics—University of Ghana

Dr. Akuffo was a Human Security Fellow of the Canadian Consortium on Human Security

Courses taught

POSC 230 – Introduction to Comparative Politics 
POSC 260 – International Relations and Global Politics 
POSC 360 – The United Nations and International Organizations
POSC 365 – Global Security
POSC 368 – Canadian Foreign Policy
POSC 460 – Seminar in International Relations

Research Interests

Interregional Security Cooperation in Africa
Canada-Africa Relations
Human Security and International Humanitarian Law
Africa Security and Development
International Development
International Organization
Globalization and Global Governance
International Relations Theory


Other Refereed Contributions: Papers/Conference Presentations  

April 2015: On Terrorism, Mali Conflict, and International Response: A Paradigm shift or perpetuating Hegemony? The Regional Dynamics of Peace and Security in West Africa Symposium, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC) , Accra, Ghana 28-30 April 2015

May 2014: Africa’s Geopolitical Space: The case of Continuities and Changes in Canada’s Security Policy from Chrétien to Harper. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference  Brock University, St. Catherines Ontario 

May 2014: AU-ICC Relations: In search of Justice and Security or Contest for Regional Legitimacy? Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference  Brock University, St. Catherines Ontario 

June 2013: Interregional Cooperation between the AU and NATO: the case of promoting Peace and Security in Libya. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference University of Victoria, British Columbia

May 2012: Beyond Apartheid: Moral Identity, FIPA’s and NEPAD in Canada-South Africa Relations. Canada-South Africa Relations Colloquium. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

April 2012:  With Tom Keating, (Re) envisioning International Order: The Role of Emerging Powers. International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, USA

May 2011: With Tom Keating, The Demise of Peacekeeping in Canadian Foreign Policy: Assessing the External Environment. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo 

March 2011: Securing Africa: Emerging Trends in AU Peace and Security Council and UN Security Council Relationship in Darfur. International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada

March 2011: A Fading Middle Power? Canada’s Moral Identity in Africa and Its Implications for Policy in the Twenty-First Century. International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada 

March 2011: Panel Chair, Regional Politics and Arrangements: Opportunities, Challenges, and Constraints in Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, International Studies Association Convention, Montreal                          

June 2010: With Tom Keating, Towards a Society of Regions? The case of cooperation among the UN, EU, NATO and the AU for peace and security in Africa. Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Concordia University, Montreal

June 2010: Cooperating for Peace and Security or Competing for Legitimacy? Explaining the Emerging Relationship between the AU Peace and Security Council and the UN Security Council on Darfur Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Concordia University, Montreal

May 2010: A ‘Fading’ Middle Power in Africa? Transforming Canada’s Strategic Moral Advantage in Africa into Overarching Policy. Canadian Association of African Studies Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa 

February 2010: Human Security and the Emerging Interregional Security Cooperation between NATO and the African Union International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA

February 2010. Human Security by Proxy: Comparing the Liberals and the Conservatives Response to Darfur. International Studies Association, New Orleans, USA

November 2009: Non-Imperial Internationalism: Analysing the roots of Canada’s Disengagement in Africa. Canadian Foreign Policy New Scholars Conference, Norman Patterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa

October 2009: Panel Member/Resource Person (Security and Governance Workshop), The New Africa: Redrawing the Blueprint for the Canada-Africa Partnership. Canadian Council on Africa, Ottawa, Ontario 

May 2009: Human Security by Proxy: An investigation of Canada’s support to the African Union Mission in Darfur, Sudan (AMIS). Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

May 2009:The Enduring Legacy of Human Security: NATO and the African Union’s Peace and Security Capacity Building  39th Canadian Association of African Studies Conference, Queens University, Kingston Ontario

February 2009: Panel Member with Prof. Thomas Keating, Genocide in Darfur: on Canada’s Watch University of Alberta International Week. Edmonton, Alberta

October 2007: Canada’s Policy towards the African Union’s Peace and Security Architecture: towards a Constructivist Analysis.RoyalMilitaryCollege, KingstonOntario

March 2007:  Building Ghana’s Local Governance System: An Analysis of Canadian Development Assistance. Ghana’s 50th Independence Anniversary Celebration, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

February 2007: “Unconventional Weapons of Mass Destruction” and Canadian HumanSecurity Policies in Africa in the Age of Terror. University of Alberta International Week. Edmonton, Alberta

January 2007: The AU Security Regime and Canada’s Human Security Policy in Africa: Assessing the (re-) emergence of African Consciousness and Implications for Consolidation. Middle East and African Studies Graduate Conference. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

February 2004: New Strategy for Africa’s Development: Assessing the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and Canada’s Involvement. Africa Heritage Month Celebration. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario

November 2004:  Foreign Interventionism in African Conflicts. Brock University Department of Political Science Speaker Series. St. Catharines, Ontario.

Non-refereed Contributions: Public Speaking/Reports/ op-ed articles

May 2014: The Problems and Promise of Nigeria. Canadian International Council

November 2014: Africa's New Reality. Canadian International Council

May 2013: Panel Member, Roundtable—Canadian Foreign Policy and Radicalization in the Sahel: Interests, Responsibilities, Responses? Canadian Association of African Studies Annual Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa. 

November 2012:  Business as Usual?  Canadian International Council

March 2011: Moderator/Presenter Oil, Politics, and Development in Ghana, Public Forum to Celebrate Ghana’s 54th Independence Anniversary, University of Alberta, Edmonton

February 2009: Panel Member with Prof. Thomas Keating, Genocide in Darfur: on Canada’s Watch .University of Alberta International Week. Edmonton, Alberta

Akuffo, E. A. (March 20, 2009). Arrest Warrant for Sudanese President may Jeopardise Peace in Darfur. Edmonton Journal 



Akuffo, E. A. (2012). Canadian Foreign Policy in Africa: Regional Approaches to Peace, Security, and Development.  Aldedrshot, England; Burlington VT: Ashgate Publishers

Book chapters

Akuffo, E. A. (2016). Africa’s Geopolitical Space and Canada’s Multilateral Security Strategy from Chrétien to Harper, in Robert W. Murray (ed.) Seeking Order in Anarchy: Multilateralism as State Strategy. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press (Published)

Akuffo, E. A. (2015). Canada’s Moral Identity in Africa and Its Implications for Policy in the Twenty-First Century. In Rosalind Warner (ed.), Unsettled Balance: Ethics, Security and Canada’s International Relations. Vancouver: UBC Press

Akuffo, E. A. (2013). Canada’s Engagement with African Regional Peace and Security Architecture: Constructivist Analysis and Implications for Policy, in Rohinton Medhora and Yiagadeesen Samy (eds), Canada Among Nations: Canada and Africa: From Aid to Engagement—Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Waterloo: CIGI/NPSIA

Journal articles

Akuffo, E. A. (2014). “The Politics of Interregional Cooperation: The Impact of NATO’s Intervention in Libya on its relations with the African Union” African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review  4(2) 108-128

Akuffo, E. A. (2013). Beyond Apartheid: Moral Identity, FIPAs, and NEPAD in Canada-South Africa Relations. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 51(2) 173-188

Akuffo, E. A. (2011). Human Security and Interregional Cooperation between North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the African Union. Global Change, Peace & Security 23(2) 223-237

Akuffo, E. A. (2010). Cooperating for Peace and Security or Competing for Legitimacy in Africa?: the case of the African Union in Darfur. Africa Security Review  19(4)  74-89

Burton, C., Powell, K., Tieku, T.K., with Akuffo, E. A.  (Fall 2004). The African Union’s Standby Force: Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy Options. Canadian Foreign Policy Vol. 11 No. 1

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