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School of Culture, Media, and Society

Anthropology — Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor's degree

Four years

major, minor, extended minor

How to apply

Start date:
January, September 

Abbotsford campus



  • Co-op semester(s) provide paid work experience in your field of study
  • Study abroad to gain a global education
  • Program eligible for financial aid


Anthropology and Sociology major

Develop an appreciation for other ways of life and examine your own with a UFV Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology. Pairing  these two disciplines provides an ideal framework to explore how society and culture influence your perspective, biases, and worldview.

In your first and second year, you explore foundational sociology and anthropology concepts. You reflect on what it means to be human: A look at life in a hunting band or a Himalayan village brings life in your city into new focus. Investigating the challenges facing indigenous and Third World peoples helps you become a better world citizen.

In your third and fourth year, you tackle in-depth courses. You examine the ideas of famous theorists, discuss contemporary issues such as globalization and social change, and learn the skills to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analysis. Throughout your degree, you build an appreciation for Canadian diversity and First Nations cultures.

By the end of your degree, you have gained a broad understanding of your society, sharpened your cross-cultural skills, and developed sought-after research, analysis, and writing skills.

View program outline in the UFV Academic Calendar.

Additional opportunities:

Your degree offers a 6-credit course to gain relevant workplace experience in both Sociology and Anthropology. Work with the Canadian government, a non-governmental organization, or other related business, apply what you learned in the classroom, and gain valuable work experience.

Get involved in the Sociology Anthropology Undergraduate Society.  SAUS is a student run organization which works to promote the professional and educational pursuits of its members through informational seminars, public discussion panels, weekly gathering and ongoing student events.

Anthropology minor/extended minor

Investigate the lore and logic of other cultures and gain a framework for looking critically at your own through an Anthropology minor or extended minor. 

In your first and second year, you build your knowledge of social research, the anthropology of world religions, and the traditional culture of the First Nations people of British Columbia. You investigate the challenges facing indigenous and third world populations and become an informed global citizen. In your third and fourth year, you focus on your interests by choosing 16 credits from a selection of upper-level courses. Take your pick from courses that explore identity, power in global societies, culture and more. 

Combine your Anthropology minor or extended minor with a complementary discipline such as sociology, political science, or history to complete your degree. By the end of your studies, you are enabled with a toolkit of skills to think critically regarding topics of culture and society, both locally and globally.

Additional opportunities

Build your professional network, attend student events, and be a student leader by joining the Sociology Anthropology Undergraduate Society.


Traditionally, positions for anthropologists have existed mostly in academia — in teaching and research.

However, WorkBC forecasts an increase in openings for professional social scientists in a new setting: large organizations, such as research institutes, global marketing and analytics companies, non-profit associations, government agencies, and private corporations. These large entities are calling for employees skilled in analysis and research to manage and interpret large quantities of human behaviour data. Work may involve providing expertise on different cultures, conducting market research, evaluating social policies, or developing educational or research programs.

Anthropology grads have also used their communication, critical thinking, and cross-cultural skills to become researchers, teachers, evaluators, or project managers in other fields such as international aid, education, marketing, public relations, conservation, human resources, and business.

Anthropology also gives you a strong foundation to pursue graduate studies in international law, public administration, public health, international relations, global development, or other social sciences and humanities disciplines.


View Anthropology entrance requirements on the UFV Academic Calendar. 


This program is open to international students


Students who do not meet the entrance requirements can upgrade in order to meet prerequisites for university classes.

Make an appointment with a Upgrading and University Preparation advisor to discuss your upgrading needs.


  1. be able to think critically regarding topics related to culture and society, both locally and globally;
  2. be able to discuss the significance of cultural and social processes  and cause and effect relationships as related to particular groups and with respect to the human experience in general;
  3. be able to demonstrate an understanding of key ideas and theoretical concepts which inform discourses within anthropology, such as culture, culture change, small-group societies, rural societies, urban societies, transnational societies, subcultures, mass cultures, group organization and dynamics, economic and political systems, social movements, social difference, power, social conflict, development and underdevelopment, globalization, symbolic systems, identity, representation, colonialism and postcoloniality;
  4. be able to analyze a wide-range of social and cultural topics, concrete examples, and case studies using the key ideas and theoretical concepts which inform anthropology;
  5. exhibit knowledge of and  competency in diverse methodological approaches required for undertaking research within varied contexts;
  6. be able to organize and write research/scholarly papers and make presentations, on a range of topics related to culture and society, that demonstrate critical and analytical thought, well-structured arguments, and proper citation;
  7. be able to understand, analyze, and explain the social construction of identity and difference (e.g. gender, ethnicity, race, religion, class, etc.), and their categorizations;
  8. be conversant with indigenous epistemologies in keeping with UFV's indigenization initiatives;
  9. be familiar with the knowledges and worldviews of a diverse range of cultural groups from the local region and around the world;
  10. understand and practice anthropological ethics.