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Sexualized Violence Prevention


Campus Climate Survey

UFV is surveying all current students about their perceptions and experiences of sexualized violence. The information collected through this research will be used to improve our policies, procedures, and programming.

This research project has been approved by UFV’s Human Research and Ethics Board.

All current UFV students, regardless of academic status. All participants will be required to accept the Letter of Informed Consent before completing the survey.

The survey will be open from 3pm November 12- 11:50pm December 3, 2019.

Participants will not be asked to provide any identifying information, such as their name, student number, or email address. The link to participants’ IP addresses will be severed so there will be no way to trace responses back to an individual.

You may skip any question that you are not comfortable answering, and you may exit the survey at any time.

Participants will be able to opt in to win one of ten $50 UFV Bookstore gift cards. This information will be collected in a separate form at the end of the survey, which is completely separate from participants’ responses.

Please contact Belinda Karsen, Coordinator, Student Transition and Engagement, at or 604-557-4064.

Survey is now closed

Thank you for your interest in taking this survey. We will be posting our findings on this same web page in the future.

Join the conversation on sexualized violence prevention

Share your thoughts on UFV's sexualized violence prevention strategy, education, and response. Your feedback is key to help us review and improve our current policy.

I want to participate