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UFV 2021-2026 Integrated Strategic Plan

Thought Leadership Group

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Sian Hurley

Sian Hurley

Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts

Applied & Technical Studies

Trades & Technology Centre, T1062b

Phone: 604-847-5459

email Sian

Sian Hurley is an Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts whose creative and ambitious approach always produces something bigger than the sum of the parts. She takes her craft far beyond the core technical aspects. She is constantly seeking new ways to create the food experience and can place her output within almost any larger context: cultural, Indigenous, art, food science, local ingredients, etc. She worked with colleague Joel Feenstra and others to use laser-cutting technology to produce a gingerbread model of a First Nations longhouse — a creative and relevant variation on the traditional gingerbread house.

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