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Student Wellness

Moving your body

Accessible Movement  

Evidence shows that accessible and achievable movement is an important part of physical, mental, and emotional health. As students, sometimes it can be difficult to include physical movement into our schedules. Creating small moments and space within your schedule to increase movement can go a long way.  

UFV recognizes that students need inclusive spaces to honor their health through fitness and recreational forms of movement. Check out these spaces on and off campus that support your health!


150 minutes per week.
It is recommended adults, with or without disabilities, get at least 2.5 hours of aerobic physical activity per week. 

Some is better than none.
Look for small ways that you like to move and take breaks.

Cut back on screen time.
Try to keep recreational scrolling and watching to 3 hours per day or less.


 Cultural reflections

Different cultures and subcultures have their own unique ways of valuing rhythm and movement. These physical expressions can be seen through various activities such as sports, dance, drumming, kendo, martial arts, water play, and more across different continents. Students have different cultural and religious considerations that can impact their ability to engage in physical activity. Student Wellness is interested in hearing from you about how we can improve accessibility on campus.



Campus Rec is here to get you moving

Access UFV's fitness centre, drop-in sports, and fitness classes at an affordable price.

Campus Rec is here to get you moving

Access UFV's fitness centre, drop-in sports, and fitness classes at an affordable price.

Campus Rec is here to get you moving

Access UFV's fitness centre, drop-in sports, and fitness classes at an affordable price.


Trails & walking spaces close to UFV

Exercise does not need to be complicated. Head outside and start exploring.

Do you know of a great trail that's accessible to people of all abilities? Please let us know at, and we'll share it in the lists below.

Hope Rotary Trail Park


Local fitness activities

Please note that this website does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical advice, diagnosis, or opinion. This website is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, reliable, or error-free. This website is not intended as a tool for self-diagnosis, is not a recommendation of a specific treatment plan or healthcare provider, and is not a substitute for proper medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek a consultation with a qualified medical or health professional.