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School of Social Work and Human Services


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Darrell Fox

Dr. Darrell Fox

Associate Professor

School of Social Work and Human Services

Abbotsford campus, B165b

Phone: 604-504-7441 extension 4537

email Darrell


Darrell Fox joined the School of Social Work and Human Services in April 2013.

His research interests include international social work practices, independent advocacy approaches for children and young people involved in the welfare and justice system, along with developing participative and mindful leadership approaches within the practice of social work.



September 2019-Present
UFV Student Accessibility Committee member

January 2018- Present                
Ministry of Children and Family Development. Human Research Ethics Board member. Content expert designate

September 2018-Present            
Dept Review Committee. Peer review of tenure applications.

September 2016- Present           
Restorative Justice Council. U.K Consultant

November 2016- Present           
Specialist Reviewer: Article reviewer for the Child and Family Social Work Journal.

September 2013-Present            
UFV Race Anti Race Network (RAN) committee member

December 2013-May 2016          
UFV Human Research Ethics Board member

January 2014-Present                 
UFV Faculty Networking Group member

January 2014-Present                 
Specialist Reviewer: Book proposals submitted to the Oxford University Press, Canada.

February 2014-Present               
Member; Canadian Association of Social Work Education.

August 2011-Present                  
Specialist Reviewer: Book reviewer for Taylor Francis publishing House.

August 2010-Present                  
Specialist Reviewer. To review book proposals submitted to the Open University Press.

October 2010-Present                
Specialist Reviewer. To review articles submitted to the British Journal of Social Work published by Oxford Journals.

January 2008-Present                 
Specialist Reviewer. To review articles submitted to the Journal of Criminology and Social Integration, published by the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

February 2007-Present               
Specialist Reviewer. To review articles submitted to the International Journal of Social Work that relate to contemporary International Social Work issues, published by Durham University, England. 


May 2019
Child in the City Foundation, Antwerp, Belgium. Safer cities for children seminar.

June 2018
Inter University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Social Work and Social Policy.

May 2017                                   
Zagreb University. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences 2017 Conference: Social pedagogy: developing resilient social work practice with youth.

June 2016                                   
Canadian Association of Social Work Education conference think tank: Mentorship and leadership from a Social Work perspective.

October 2015                             
New Mexico University Mentorship and Leadership conference paper and presentation: Student Leadership: Ideas and Actions.

May 2015                                  
Canadian Association of Social Work Education conference presentation: Innovative ways of Integrating Community Development Theory in Field Education.

April 2015                                  
University of the Fraser Valley International Social Work Conference presentation: Family Group Conferencing Still trying to square the Circle!

November 2014                         
American Society of Criminology 35th Annual conference in San Francisco: Restorative Justice and Young Offenders.

May 2014                                   
Canadian Association of Social Work Education conference presentation: Family Group Conference and Independent Advocacy: An International Perspective.

November 2013                         
Canadian Criminal Justice Association annual conference in Vancouver. Topic: Deterrence and denunciation: the unforeseen consequences when discretion becomes obligation.

November 2013                        
UFV Micro-Lecture presenter: Power relations and specific advocacy approaches in family group conferencing with children and young people.

February 2013                            
Faculty of Social Work Potsdam Germany. Comparisons between the British and German Social Work systems.

November 2012                         
American Society of Criminology 34th Annual conference in Chicago. Topic: Youth Justice: balancing risk, negotiating delinquency.


Fox, D. and Kang, L. (2019) Social Work and Servant Leadership: Reflections on a Student Led Conference, Social Work Education, 38:4, 516-529.

Fox, D. (2018) Family Group Conferencing with Children and Young People: Advocacy Approaches, Variations and Impacts. London. Palgrave Macmillan.

Arnull, E. and Fox, D. (Eds) (2016) Cultural Perspectives on Youth Justice. London. Palgrave Macmillan.

Fox, D. and Arnull, E. (2015) Law and Order Conservatism and Youth Justice: Outcomes and Effects in Canada and England and Wales. British Journal of Community Justice, Special Issue: Taking Stock of Youth Justice, 13(2), 79-98.

Fox, D and Arnull, E. (2013) Social Work in the Youth Justice System: A multidisciplinary perspective. Buckinghamshire. Open University Press.

Dhami, M.K Mantle, G and Fox, D. (2010) Restorative Justice in Prisons. Contemporary Justice Review, 12(4), 433-448.

Fox, D. (2009) Social Welfare and Restorative Justice, Criminology & Social Integration Journal, 17(1), available from

Fox, D (2008) Family Group Conferencing and Evidence-Based Practice: What Works? Research, Policy and Planning, 26(3), 157-167.

Fox, D Mantle, G. and Dhami, M.K. (2006). Restorative Final Warnings: The implication of policy on practice. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(2), 129-140.

Fox, D. (2005) An Examination of the Implementation of Restorative Justice in Canada, and Family Group Conferencing Approaches in the U.K. Monograph Series, London: BASW/ Venture Press.

Mantle, G. Fox, D and Dhami, M.K. (2005) Restorative Justice and Three Individual Theories of Crime. Theories of Crime, Internet Journal of Criminology, 1-36, available from

Fox, D. (2005) Restorative Justice: The current use of Family Group Conferencing in the British Youth Justice System, IUC Journal of Social Work: Theory and Practice, 10, available from

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