Associate Professor
Upgrading and University Preparation
Chilliwack campus at CEP, A1407
Phone: 604-792-0025 ext. 2410
email BeverlyEnglish 081, 091, 099; Math 052-076; RSS 098
Using dialectical journals and Socratic seminars to promote student engagement with texts and with writing.
Using social-emotional learning (character strengths, emotions vocabulary) to enhance student engagement with literary analysis.
“What Do We Do About Them? Struggling with They as a Gender Neutral Singular Pronoun in English Class.” Presented at the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC) conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 2017.
“Selecting Literary Texts for their Social and Transformative Aspects.” Presented at BC Teachers of English Language Arts (BCTELA) conference, Victoria, October 2016.
“Character Strengths in English Class.” Presented at Canadian Positive Psychology Association conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, June 2016.
“Helping Students Find Their Own ‘Beautiful Problems’ – Socratic Seminars in ABE English.” Presented at the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC) conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 2016.
“Best Texts for ABE English.” Presented at the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC) conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 2015.
“’I lost it!’ Tips for Helping Students Master File Management in ABE Computer Classes.” Presented at the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC) conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 2015.
“Addressing the Literary, Social, and Transformative Aspects of Literature in a Text-Selection Framework” (New Inquiry Investigation Pitches round table). Presented at BCCAT’s Symposium on Scholarly Inquiry into Teaching & Learning Practice, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2014.
“Using Dialectical Journals and Socratic Seminars in ABE English.” Presented at the Adult Basic Education Association of BC (ABEABC) conference, Harrison Hot Springs, 2014.
“Tam Lin: Reclaiming Mothering as a Feminist Option in Young Adult Fiction.” Presented at the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, 2010.
“Adapting Tam Lin: Rewriting Relationship Dynamics in Janet McNaughton’s An Earthly Knight. “ Presented at the Mythopoeic Society Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, 2009.
“Using character strengths to increase student engagement with literary analysis.” Groundwork, vol. 37, no.2, Spring 2017, Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia (ABEABC),
Upgrading through UFV was absolutely the right decision for me. I could get my foot in the door at a wonderful university, and despite having not yet completed high school, I feel like a real university student! The upgrading courses are fun and have a relaxed environment — allowing you to thrive and flourish academically.