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Upgrading and University Preparation

Student success stories


Jaclyn was working two part-time jobs when she realized she wanted a career change. Her goals were to learn new skills, and to find an enjoyable, full-time job with benefits. To help her meet these goals, she enrolled in UFV’s Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge (TASK) program.

During the program, she completed three work-experience placements; all of which, helped Jaclyn to discover her passion for working with her hands in a kitchen setting. After the work-experience placements, Jaclyn realized she wanted to continue a career in the restaurant industry.

Since completing the TASK program, Jaclyn has been following her dream by working in a restaurant kitchen. One of the biggest things the TASK program helped her to realize, was that having an open discussion with her employer about her disability was not a bad thing. Trusting her employer with that information, and trusting that it would not negatively affect her employment was a huge deal for Jaclyn. “One shift, I was working and we were down a few employees. My manager was stoked that I was on shift to help and knew we could handle the rush together. That made me feel really good.” Jaclyn’s employer recently awarded her the “Crew of the Month” award for her outstanding work ethic and communication skills.

Through the lessons of the Workplace TASK program, Jaclyn discovered things about herself that surprised her. She gained confidence in herself and the belief that if she worked hard, she could do whatever she set her mind to. She learned that she could overcome adversity in life by learning to love herself and to be her own person. Jaclyn says of her experience in the Workplace TASK program: “I found inspiration to go after what I want. The only person that can make a change is me and I realized I am worth something.”

Jaclyn’s advice for students thinking about taking the TASK program is: “Keep an open mind and don’t be hard on yourself. Be open to learning something new, and trying different jobs.”


Buffy always knew she wanted to work with children. As time went on, she decided she wanted to earn the Early Childhood Education certificate from UFV. To help her meet this goal, she enrolled in the Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge (TASK) program.

In TASK, she was able to explore different employment opportunities and make valuable community connections through work-experience placements. “The best thing about TASK was being able to do the work experiences.” Her favourite work-experience was playing and interacting with kids at a local daycare facility.

When she finished the TASK program, Buffy was so thankful for the opportunity to walk across the stage at the convocation ceremony—especially since she didn’t get that opportunity back in high school. When Buffy graduated from TASK, she left the program with renewed self-confidence, valuable life skills, and the opportunity to continue her education. Buffy learned how to do things on her own and not rely on other people to do things for her. “I learned I can get up and do things myself even though I was told all my life that I couldn’t”.

Since graduating, Buffy has secured a job at the Chilliwack Recreation Centre, and she is completing more post-secondary courses such as such as Computers, Math, and English. Her advice for new TASK students is to: “Try to do your best and if you need help, ask. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.”

I just wanted to say that the training, support and gentle nudge you provided my daughter with this year has helped to grow her independence tremendously. She has become more confident in her abilities as a student, an employee and a member of our family!

One of our hopes for her through this TASK program was not only employment but also independence in the community.

The experiences provided for her through the TASK program have built the foundation for her to move forward with confidence in whatever avenue she takes.

Last week, she had a job interview so our fingers are crossed that she will be a good candidate for that service. She definitely wants to work and having support while she learns a job will make all the difference in her success with the job!

With much gratitude.

  • – Mom of a TASK graduate

Every shift a customer requests to speak to the supervisor on shift because they want to tell us how amazing Mallory is! She makes a huge impact in our customer's lives. On her days off, customers always ask where she is. She loves to keep things clean and to connect. She's always asking what we can sample next! Thanks Mallory!

  • – Community Employer


By Tara Kowalski, Workplace TASK graduate

We came into the Program not knowing what to expect
But ready to try our best and take the next step
With a helping hand our instructor’s guide
Our independence is ours to find

Who we are and our newfound callings
Is what we have unearthed
Setting us on a path of open doors
To friendship, opportunity and more

It’s up to us whether it be fleeting or lifelong
As we prepare for the next step in the course
Employment doors will open
We can walk through them calm



Jaclyn was working two part-time jobs when she realized she wanted a career change. Her goals were to learn new skills, and to find an enjoyable, full-time job with benefits. To help her meet these goals, she enrolled in UFV’s Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge (TASK) program.

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Canada V2S 7M8


The University of the Fraser Valley is situated in the traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. The Stó:lō have an intrinsic relationship with what they refer to as S'olh Temexw (Our Sacred Land); therefore, we express our gratitude and respect for the honour of living and working in this territory.