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Academic Advising Centre

How to prepare for your academic advising appointment

Advisors support your educational planning by providing the tools & information needed to make informed decisions. We work with you to:

  • Clarify your educational goals
  • Help develop your academic success skills
  • Facilitate access to available resources and services

Here are some tips to ensure a successful meeting with your advisor:


Schedule your meeting as early as possible

Booking your meeting ahead of time will ensure that you have plenty of time to consider your options before you need to make a decision.


Take time to reflect on yourself

Reflect on your personal journey, your academic and career goals and expectations, and be ready to share them with your advisor.


Review program information

Review the resources that are relevant to the program(s) you are interested in or have applied to:

  1. Program information on the Academic Calendar
  2. Course descriptions
  3. Program planning guides

Write down your questions

Write down your questions as you work through these resources and bring them to your advising appointment. If you don't understand something, ask for clarifications.



Ready to meet with an advisor? 

We are looking forward to connecting with you and assisting you throughout your university journey.

Book your advising appointment today