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Animal Care and Use Program

Pedagogical merit review

Using animals for teaching at UFV

Before you can engage in teaching activities that involve live animals, you need to complete a two-step application process.


Pedagogical merit review

When is a pedagogical merit review required?

Merit reviews are required:

  • if a course is new
  • after major changes to a course (this may require a new ACC application as well)
  • after three renewals

How to submit your merit review

Complete the Pedagogical Merit review form‌ and then send it to the ACC coordinator.

Be sure to include details about your course learning outcomes, assessment, skills developed, and clear alternatives to animal use.


Pedagogical Merit Review Form - Course Instructor 

Pedagogical Merit Review Form - Reviewers  - For reference only DO NOT USE


Review process

The ACC coordinator submits your Instructor's Course Information Form to two reviewers who are knowledgeable in pedagogy and/or replacement alternatives to animal-based teaching or training.

Possible review outcomes:

  • If your reviewers find that curricular alignment is weak, you'll be asked to re-evaluate and re-submit.
  • If your reviewers find that learning outcomes are not essential, you'll be asked to re-evaluate and re-submit.
  • If your reviewers determine that a replacement alternative exists, you'll be asked to use a live animal replacement instead.
  • If your reviewers determine live animals are the best model, your merit review will be approved.



Submit your application to use animals for teaching

If your pedagogical merit review is approved, you will use UFV's ROMEO portal to submit your application to use animals for teaching. The Animal Care Committee will review your application at a scheduled committee meeting, so be sure to begin your application process well in advance.

Sign into ROMEO

For more information about using ROMEO and for detailed instructions about submitting the application to use animals for research, visit the ROMEO info page.