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Animal Care and Use Program

Scientific merit review

Using animals for scientific research at UFV

Before you can engage in research that involves live animals, you need to complete a two-step application process.


Scientific merit review

First, submit the PI Scientific Merit Form to the ACC Coordinator. 

Note – please do not reference information from your ACC application. Applications are not given to reviewers.

For assistance with this step or to submit your summary, please email the ACC coordinator.


Who reviews your summary?

The Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies (AVP) is responsible for the mechanism for independent peer-review for scientific merit of using animals for research. The Animal Care Committee  Coordinator will assist in the process, when required.  If the category of invasiveness is high, the expert reviewers will be from outside of UFV. The AVP does not ask the researcher for suggestions of names of reviewers.

For reference only: Scientific Merit Review Form - Reviewers



Submit your application to use animals for research

If your scientific merit review is approved, you will use UFV's ROMEO portal to submit your application to use animals for research. The Animal Care Committee will review your application at a scheduled committee meeting, so be sure to begin your application process well in advance.

Sign into ROMEO

For more information about using ROMEO and for detailed instructions about submitting the application to use animals for research, visit the ROMEO info page.