Although we do our best to plan our course offerings there are instances where a course may be changed or canceled.
1) Directed Studies courses (e.g. BIO496/498/408/409/499) will be offered every semester.
2) Field school courses (e.g. BIO421E – Tofino Coastal Field School) will be offered most summer terms.
3) Some cross listed courses (e.g. GEOG/BIO 219/319/357/419) are not listed here but may be scheduled into the timetable.
Special topics courses designated for credit under the Ecology/Organisms concentration: BIO 420C, BIO 420D, BIO 420F, BIO 420G, BIO 420H, BIO 420J, BIO 420L, BIO 420M, BIO 420N, BIO 420O, BIO 420Q, BIO 420S, BIO 420T, BIO 420U, BIO 420X, BIO 420Y, BIO 420Z, BIO 420CC, BIO 420DD, BIO 420GG, BIO 420HH, BIO 421C, BIO 421D, BIO 421E, BIO 421F, BIO 421H, BIO 421K, BIO 421N, BIO 421O, BIO 421P, BIO 421Q, BIO 421S, BIO 421U, BIO 421W, BIO 421X, BIO 421Y, BIO 421Z, BIO 421CC, BIO 421DD, BIO 421EE, BIO 421FF, BIO 421HH, BIO 421JJ, BIO 421KK, BIO 421LL, BIO 421OO, BIO 421PP, BIO 421QQ, BIO 421RR, BIO 421SS, BIO 421TT, BIO 421UU, BIO 421VV
Special topics courses designated for credit under the Pre-Medicine/Pre-Veterinary concentration: BIO 420C, BIO 420G, BIO 420K, BIO 420N, BIO 420R, BIO 420V, BIO 420EE, BIO 420FF, BIO 420HH, BIO 420II, BIO 421R, BIO 421V, BIO 421GG, BIO 421II, BIO 421LL
Special topics courses designated for credit under the Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics concentration: BIO 420G, BIO 420J, BIO 420N, BIO 420R, BIO 420V, BIO 420W, BIO 420CC, BIO 420EE, BIO 420FF, BIO 421I, BIO 421L, BIO 421MA/BIO 421MB, BIO 421R, BIO 421S, BIO 421LL, BIO 421MM, BIO 421NN, BIO 421OO